Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) is also known as lemon balm for its citrus scent or licorice for its bee-attracting blooms. This is where the family name "Melissa" comes from, which means bee in Greek. Lemon balm is an essential herb for calming the nerves – specifically those involved in digestion. Many people suffer from a range of gut sensitivity conditions and receive complex and confusing misdiagnoses. At the root of these problems are often nerve endings near the digestive organs that have become hypersensitive. Nerves are involved in many of the digestive disorders we struggle with today. For example, sometimes the cause lies in inflammation of the phrenic nerve (which controls the diaphragm and thus affects the stomach) or the vagus nerve (which passes through the diaphragm and affects the stomach and digestion), or the nerves connecting the spine and the digestive tract.

When the stomach or intestines are irritated for no apparent reason, it is usually due to sensitive nerves. It often happens that food (even very easily digestible) rubs against the mucous membrane of the intestinal tract, which causes discomfort in a person with sensitive nerves. Nervous sensitivity can also cause symptoms such as nausea, loss of appetite and a sudden urge to have a bowel movement when you are nervous. Lemon balm is a gift from God and Mother Nature to deal with our exhausting daily life. It is a great helper in such situations and calms us thanks to its bioactive phytochemicals such as undiscovered alkaloids that relieve the nerve receptors in the digestive tract - they become less sensitive and inflammation decreases. This is why lemon balm is a valuable herb for stress.

The beneficial properties of lemon balm do not stop there. It is extremely healing and has a beneficial effect on almost every part of the body. Lemon balm is a rich source of trace elements such as boron, manganese, copper, chromium, molybdenum, selenium and iron and of the macroelement silicon. It is also a B12-sparing herb – that is, it preserves the supply of this vitamin, preventing it from being completely depleted. It has anti-parasitic, antiviral and antibacterial effects and fights Epstein-Barr virus , herpes zoster and other herpes viruses , such as human herpes virus 6 (HHV-6). It is an amazing herb for treating tonsillitis, an inflammation of the tonsils that is caused by streptococcal bacteria. It cleanses the liver, spleen and kidneys and relieves bladder inflammation, making it an ideal remedy for interstitial cystitis and urinary tract infections (UTIs).

Lemon balm is also beneficial for chronic gastrointestinal disorders, including indigestion, irritable bowel syndrome, colitis, and acid reflux. It promotes the health and balance of the immune and endocrine systems, which is very beneficial for conditions such as chronic fatigue syndrome, adrenal fatigue, multiple sclerosis and vertigo. It is also useful in the treatment of nervous tension, insomnia and other sleep disorders, calming the body and improving sleep.

Lemon balm contains a compound called a terpene that has the ability to help relieve anxiety, stress, hypertension, depression, muscle spasms, palpitations, intense headaches, circulatory problems, and cognitive disorders such as attention deficit disorder and Alzheimer's disease.

The polyphenol tannins contained in lemon balm give it antiviral properties, which makes it particularly useful in the treatment of colds, flu, bronchitis and any viral infections. Topically, lemon balm can be applied as a cream or compress to aid healing and provide relief for cold sores and rashes caused by shingles, as well as cuts and sores. Overall, lemon balm is a "cure-all" herb and has rightly earned its reputation as the "elixir of life."


If you suffer from any of the following conditions, consume lemon balm :

Digestive problems, laryngitis, interstitial cystitis, fungal infections, urinary tract, bladder and kidney infections, tonsillitis, high blood pressure, Epstein-Barr virus / mononucleosis, herpes zoster, human herpes virus 6, transient ischemic attack (TIA), staph infections, Helicobacter pylori infections, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), ear infections and other ear problems, hiatal hernia, neuropathy, tapeworm, anxiety, depression, thyroid disease, adrenal fatigue, migraine, deficiency syndrome attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), strep throat, autism, osteophyte (bone spurs), glandular nodules, Lyme disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), herpes simplex 1 (HSV-1), herpes simplex 2 (HSV- 2), rosacea, osteopenia, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), Meniere's disease.


If you have any of the following symptoms, consume lemon balm :

Loss of appetite, trouble sleeping, anxiety, upset stomach, sensitive stomach, palpitations, hot flashes, night sweats, frozen shoulder syndrome, stomach pain, gastritis, abdominal pain, bloating, gas, nervousness, fatigue, diarrhea, emergency need to urinate, frequent urination, weight gain, limb weakness, indigestion, micronutrient deficiencies, toothache, fever, seizures, nosebleeds, inflammation, histamine reactions, brain inflammation.


Stress and uncertainty often make us fear the future. It happens that we lie at night and wonder what will happen to us and our loved ones. If you are worried about your future, lemon balm will dispel your anxiety and bring inner peace.


Lemon balm is practically universal and teaches us that we, like her, are complete. We did not come into this world each with a single purpose, but we have many purposes within one lifetime. We don't have to focus our efforts in just one direction - we have the opportunity to explore our different gifts and achieve multiple goals. Some of them we will discover along the way, and others we will experience without even realizing what change we have caused.


Anthony William recommends using Vimergy®'s high-quality non-alcoholic lemon balm extract , as well as taking a strong tea (with two tea bags or two tablespoons of the loose herb) of lemon balm. Here are other tips for taking lemon balm that he gives:

* Make sunshine tea with fresh lemon balm by steeping it in a jug of water for several hours in strong, direct sunlight. The sun extracts and enhances the herb's therapeutic properties, boosting its nutritional profile to help you heal.

* Use small amounts of lemon balm leaves for cooking. Grow it in a pot on your windowsill so it's always on hand to add to salads for flavor and health.

* Taking lemon balm before going to bed at night will calm your nerves and promote sound sleep.

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