It is best to avoid soy while trying to heal for the simple reason that soy is very high in fat. Although the fats naturally contained in it are evenly distributed in its unprocessed form and are different from pure soybean oil, their large amount can lead to thickening of the blood and prevent the body from cleansing itself.
The other risk that soy products of any kind pose is the GMO factor. GMO foods are toxic to the body and lower our immune system. The nutrients in GMO foods are not the same nutrients your immune system is fed to build strength. Our liver cannot convert or transform GMO nutrients to make them usable because they are foreign to our planet and our body. When clearing out toxins and poisons, your immune system needs to be sharp, strong and productive in every way – especially because our immune system is already fighting viruses and non-productive bacteria that we all have, especially when we are suffering from symptoms or illnesses. Eating GMO foods like soy when your immune system needs the most powerful healing phytochemicals, trace elements, antioxidants, antiviral and antibacterial substances and natural sugars to help it flush toxins from the body during cleansing can be contraindicated.
When you consume soy from organic farming, there is no guarantee that it is not genetically modified. Contamination of organic produce has been a fact for many years. Don't risk soy while you're cleansing and your immune system needs to function optimally. Genetically modified food is foreign to the human body. Even if you don't experience a reaction, it's possible for histamine levels to rise when you consume a food like soy and trigger overall inflammation in the body.