If you suffer from insomnia or sleep problems, you know how debilitating it can be. Bad sleep over and over again can make you feel like you're going to collapse mentally and physically. You might get there wondering how you're going to get through the day. We truly understand how difficult it is to live with sleep problems. Even if you don't list insomnia or sleep disorders as one of your chronic problems, learning how to use sleep to be as healing as possible is an important part of taking care of your health now and in the future. Fortunately, there are answers for you. You can heal and sleep peacefully again.

If you approach conventional medicine with questions about your insomnia or other sleep problems, you may be told a number of possible reasons why you can't sleep. There may be truth in some of them. Your doctor or health professional may say that the cause of your sleep problems is grief, anger, anxiety, depression, worry, restless legs, or chronic pain, or tell you that you have sleep apnea. All of these things can be part of the challenges you have. But there is also much more to understand. For example, what is the real cause of your restless legs, depression, anxiety and aches.

In this article, we will explain the truth about chronic and mysterious sleep conditions. There is an entire section in the book Thyroid Healing dedicated to this important topic, because it is so important that you and your loved ones get the answers and support you need so you can get the deep, healing sleep you deserve.

Mysterious sleep states

When your anxiety and depression are unrelated to everyday circumstances, it can be frustrating not to know or understand what's causing them. Also, when you're having trouble sleeping and can't pin it down, it can be even more daunting. Lying awake and having no answers can create even more anxiety and make falling asleep even more impossible. Sometimes a person who has trouble sleeping gets an answer from an expert that temporarily relieves him of the confusion. Maybe this person will even be able to sleep for a week or more because the sleep challenges are not that complicated. However, many times the answers we get from the conventional medicine and alternative health communities are not the right answers and therefore do not offer a true healing solution. In many cases, the misinformation we may receive from well-meaning health professionals can actually lead us further off the right path or lead to even more struggle and confusion. Insomnia is still one of the greatest mysteries of modern medicine.

For example, many people with sleep problems are told that they have thyroid problems and this is preventing them from sleeping. The truth is, a thyroid problem won't keep you from sleeping. But you can lose sleep over worrying that you have a thyroid problem. Many people lose sleep when they are first diagnosed with Hashimoto's thyroiditis, hypothyroidism, or hyperthyroidism because they are told that their body is attacking its own thyroid gland. But this is a big mistake of the medical community. Your body never attacks itself. It loves you unconditionally and always works for you. Someone may also stay awake worrying about having thyroid surgery. But the thyroid gland itself will never give you insomnia. It is impossible. Unfortunately, it is very common for people to be told that their sleep disorder is due to the thyroid gland.

Different types of sleep disorders

It is extremely important to understand sleep disorders and exactly what is happening in the body so that we can begin to take steps towards healing. We must discover the goal before we can pursue it. It is almost impossible to effectively and completely cure a symptom or condition without understanding it. Even if you've cured a symptom or condition before without knowing its true cause, it's possible for it to return later in life, or for the unknown root cause to create another symptom that you don't know is actually related to it. This is why the answers to our health problems that we get from science and research are so inadequate - in most cases they don't know the real causes of chronic mystery diseases like insomnia and other sleep disorders, so how could they know the right treatment?

Everyone experiences sleep problems in very different ways. Read the following descriptions and note if one or more of them apply to you.

  1. At first you can't sleep, then you eventually fall asleep after a few hours. When you wake up in the morning, you don't feel well rested because you couldn't fall asleep right away.
  2. You fall asleep immediately, but wake up very early in the morning, unable to fall back asleep before it's time to get up. You get an overactive mind when the sun starts to rise and anxiety because you can't sleep.
  3. At first you fall asleep easily, but then you wake up in the middle of the night, unable to get back to sleep until the early morning when you fall asleep again.
  4. You fall asleep and wake up all night from light sleep because you never manage to get into a deep sleep state. You continue to have a frequent urge to urinate, which makes you get out of bed again and again.
  5. You can't sleep through the night, and when morning comes, you feel completely exhausted and crash at different times during the day. You may or may not try to take a quick nap here and there. Then, when it's time to go to bed, it all starts over.
  6. Throughout the day you are exhausted and struggling with all the tasks, and all you think about is the next opportunity to lie down and close your eyes. All you want is to go to bed. When night falls, you suddenly wake up and find it difficult to calm down enough to fall asleep in time.
  7. You manage to fall asleep and stay asleep all night, only to wake up feeling like you need another eight hours. Maybe your loved ones report that you snore or have very shallow breathing throughout the night; say you are awakened by snoring, which makes you realize that your sleep has been disturbed throughout the night.
  8. It is when you are falling into a deep sleep that a twitch occurs. Either your arm or your neck or your head or your leg jerks and it wakes you up again. Sometimes you can bypass it and fall asleep. Or you wake up in the middle of the night to urinate, then go back to bed and can't get back to sleep because the twitching comes back.
  9. You're tired and ready to sleep, but there's a strange sound or other symptom that keeps you awake. It could be tinnitus or restless legs syndrome or itchy skin problems or aches and pains.

Potential causes of sleep disorders

While many experts today attribute most of these sleep disorders to thyroid problems, this is a modern trap that you should be aware of so you don't fall victim to it and start dealing with a problem that isn't even there. the reason. Sleep problems have nothing to do with the thyroid gland. Below we will explain the real causes of insomnia and other sleep problems that medical science and research do not know. No two causes of sleep problems are the same, just as no two sleep disorders are the same. While people's sleep problems may be very similar, they will never be identical. Keep this in mind as you learn about your own insomnia or other sleep problems.

Liver problems

One of the possible causes is an overheating, stagnation or slowing down of the liver caused by toxins and a diet high in fat or processed foods. The best way to get a complete understanding of the liver and how to take care of it is to read the book Help for the Liver . The liver may also be inflamed because it is trying to fight off one or more pathogens (viruses and bacteria) that have lodged in the liver for many years, even decades, by releasing neurotoxins and dermatotoxins. Research and science have yet to discover that the pathogens releasing these toxins are the cause of many symptoms and diseases.

When you go to sleep at night, the liver shuts down and goes on autopilot. Around three or four in the morning (everyone is different) your liver starts to wake up again and starts processing poisons, viruses, and debris (like dead cells, including dead red blood cells) again. If you have a sluggish liver, then as it is trying to do its job at that time, it goes into a subtle spasm. Most of the time it's not something you can feel, but for some people it's enough to wake them up. This explains those nights where you fall asleep normally, then suddenly wake up again in the early hours of the morning and after a period of time are able to go back to sleep. This can also explain those torturous nights where you drift off and wake up all the time.

Sleep problems caused by something going on in the liver are usually present in people who have thyroid problems, not because the thyroid is causing the problem, but because thyroid problems are also caused by the Epstein-Barr virus .

Virus problems

Viral problems are one of the main causes of sleep problems. Epstein-Barr virus , herpes zoster, cytomegalovirus, HHV-6 and even some bacteria can poison our bodies and keep us up at night. This is because viruses like Epstein-Barr release neurotoxins that can lead to problems with not being able to sleep for hours or waking up in the middle of the night and not being able to get back to sleep. Insomnia caused by viruses is often confused with thyroid problems because, as I said, insomnia and thyroid problems often occur in parallel. This is not because an underactive or overactive thyroid causes sleep problems, despite what you may hear from other sources.

Monosodium glutamate (MSG) and toxic heavy metals in the brain

If someone has deposits of monosodium glutamate (MSG) or toxic heavy metals in their brain, which is extremely common, these alone can prevent a person from getting quality sleep. Mercury deposits are the cause of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) , Tourette's, anxiety, depression, and many others, which when combined with a pathogen like the Epstein-Barr virus can only make things worse because the virus feeds on mercury and releases more poisons such as neurotoxins. The medical community is unaware of how widespread this virus is and how many hundreds of symptoms and conditions it causes. Anthony William shares the reasons why research and science have missed how much EBV is responsible in the book Thyroid Healing . They are also unaware that viruses feed on toxins such as mercury, allowing them to strengthen and thrive and cause further problems.

Problems with the digestive tract

Some people have digestive tract sensitivity , which is actually related to the nervous system because nerves are connected to every part of the colon. As food moves through the intestines, it affects these sensitive nerves throughout the night. Sometimes this is so subtle that it's barely noticeable, but it can be enough to disrupt your sleep. Even if there is no pain or gas in the intestines, this sensitivity of the digestive tract may be related to your sleep disorder and you just don't realize it.

Sleep apnea

Sleep apnea can occur if you have a sinus problem or postnasal drip. It can also occur if you are overweight and in a lying position there is pressure on the chest and throat, which prevents proper breathing during sleep. The third type of sleep apnea is a mystery to modern medicine. In this case, it is neurological sleep apnea in which the brain sends incorrect messages to the vagus nerve using electrical impulses and neurotransmitters that are weakened or disrupted by toxic heavy metals or viral neurotoxins.

Adrenal gland problems

Another potential cause of sleep problems is a high-stress lifestyle that pumps adrenaline into the bloodstream throughout the day. Adrenaline keeps you up late, and when you wake up in the morning, you're already exhausted. If you have problems with the adrenal glands, on our blog you will find a short recipe that will help you in this struggle.

These are just some of the reasons why your sleep may be suffering. Other possible causes include anxiety that isn't as understandable as you think, emotional wounds, and other neurological issues.

Your own sleep account

There is a widespread belief that once you miss an hour of sleep, that sleep is gone and you can never get it back. You can never get it back. This is false. The truth is that we have a divine account of sleep that is due to us from the moment of our birth. Every time you miss a minute, hour, day or week of sleep, that time is automatically recorded in your sleep account to save for later. All is not lost. The three hours of sleep you lost the night before aren't gone forever. They are waiting for you in your own dream account controlled and maintained by the angels and someday you will get them back. It is a mistake to believe that you cannot catch up on sleep or get it back. Once you can target the sleep problem and begin healing by restoring your liver, detoxing MSG and heavy metals, fixing your digestive tract, healing your adrenals, or eliminating EBV, be ready. Because your sleep bill is waiting for you and you will enjoy a very restorative, healing sleep. It is your divine right and one of the unknown universal laws.

Sleep foods

There are so many things we can do to heal viruses, work on digestive and liver issues, and detox from heavy metals, MSG, and other toxins that could be contributing to your sleep problems. Anthony William goes in-depth about the causes of sleep problems, how you can heal from them, why bad dreams are beneficial, which foods and supplements are most helpful for treatment, and much more in Thyroid Healing .

The sacred window of sleep

Sleep is so important to healing, and yet it can be impossible to sleep when you have any of these problems. This can look like a “catch 22”. This is why it is so important to know about the Sacred Window of Sleep. Between 10pm and 2am, your body does most of its healing. If you can sleep during this period, your body heals at an accelerated rate. Even if you only manage to capture 10 minutes, those 10 minutes will be powerful. The recovery your body makes during this period of time will give you the strength to continue on your path to healing. If you are unable to sleep through this window, even lying with your eyes closed, this will allow your body to continue healing. This is because even though you are still conscious, part of your brain has gone to sleep. If you work night shifts or just find it very difficult to get to bed during this window, you can take a nap or lie down with your eyes closed between 10am and 2pm. This four hour daytime window is equivalent to the 10pm to 2am recovery window.

The angel of sleep

The angel of sleep is always by your side if you need him. Whenever you seek guidance or comfort, say his name out loud and ask him for help. It will help you on your way to better sleep, whether because of a health problem or an emotional trial. The angel of sleep will watch over you as you journey to the land of the subconscious.

How to move forward

We know how frustrating and debilitating sleep problems can be. We tend to beat ourselves up when we can't get a good night's sleep, and it's very easy to blame ourselves. Don't lose faith and know that the answers are already here for you. The information in the article and in Thyroid Healing is here to help you move forward and finally get the sleep you've been waiting for. In the book, you will find many foods and nutritional supplements that will help you in your fight for healthy sleep.

Solving a sleep problem can take time. It will take time for your body to detox, heal, and restore itself, so in the meantime, remember the laws of sleep: that your sleep bill is waiting for you no matter what, and that you deserve healing sleep.

Check out Anthony William's video where he talks about Melatonin and sleep problems: see video here!

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