Кистозно акне

Acne is a sign that there is a chronic, low-grade streptococcal infection in the liver . Streptococci live in the liver when it contains abundant food for them. Antibiotics are one of the streptococci's preferred energy sources and one of the liver's worst enemies. At the same time, they are often prescribed to acne sufferers along with other medications that strain the liver. This can become a never-ending vicious cycle in which the antibiotics feed the strep itself that causes the acne, and the acne prompts the dermatologist to write a prescription for more antibiotics.

So, which came first – the chicken or the egg – the acne or the antibiotics? The answer is clear: antibiotics. The liver often begins storing these and other medications in its waste compartments as early as childhood, even in infancy. Like many other causes of liver problems, they can be inherited from the mother's or father's side, so you can actually start your life with antibiotics built up in your liver. Then, your early years often bring with them prescriptions for more antibiotics. For example, ear infections are caused by streptococcus , although they are usually diagnosed as a simple bacterial infection requiring antibiotics.

(When ear infections become severe, doctors often prescribe liquid steroid drops and sometimes insert ear tubes to prevent the canals from closing, preventing these steroid drops from being applied during inflammation. This can be helpful in an acute infection. however, a baby's first ear infection is usually not that severe yet.At this early stage, infections can usually be managed easily with natural antibacterial and antiviral agents such as elderberry syrup , lomatium root, zinc , hydrastis , vitamin C and oil for ears with mullet and garlic. These can prevent the need for antibiotics because they address the problem at its root.)

In reality, standard antibiotics do not kill streptococci as they should because these bacteria are extremely adaptable in nature and develop resistance to many types of antibiotics. So as we go through the various infections that can occur in life, from the first ear infections to respiratory infections and sinus infections, and are prescribed antibiotics to treat them, the streptococci in our body develop resistance to them and become even more virulent over time. -durable. Urinary tract infections (UTIs) and bacterial vaginosis (BV), which are caused by streptococci, are often misdiagnosed as fungal infections, ie. candidiasis because that's what doctors see. Antifungal medications are often recommended. (Candidiasis itself is never the problem - it is only a messenger. For more information on the truth about candidiasis, read the book "The Healing Medium" ). When PPI and BV are correctly diagnosed, antibiotics are prescribed. This is a major mistake in modern medicine that enhances strep bacteria and causes continuous chronic urinary tract infections and yeast infections in so many people, mostly women, as well as bacterial vaginosis. The more prescribed antibiotics and even antifungals accumulate in the liver and subcutaneous fat, the more resistant the strep becomes, and the more a person is doomed to suffer in the long run.


What does all this have to do with acne? There is, and a lot of it. Acne is the result of early wars that remain undocumented in people's lives. Anyone who suffers from acne has taken multiple antibiotics prior to the ones they took for acne. It's like the chicken and the egg - the antibiotics always come first. For the few who struggle with acne and yet never took antibiotics, even as children, the antibiotics were passed on through the blood line or entered the body through animal products.

Streptococci not only become resistant to antibiotics, but also learn to use them as fuel. (When someone with cystic acne doesn't take antibiotics for it, strep finds other food sources.) Refined petroleum, which is basically a type of motor oil, is in all antibiotics—not because it's needed, but because for its use, deals were made and contracts signed in them, probably long before you were born. Antibiotics also contain plastics, and of course GMO (genetically modified organism) corn grown for medical purposes. This type of corn is very different from GMO corn grown for food. Streptococci learn to consume these antibiotic ingredients by feeding on the very treatment designed to kill the bacteria.

Antibiotics don't just disappear from the body when you stop taking them. They remain and become part of the stored garbage taking up space in the liver. What happens in life when your home is full of clutter? You step or trip over something that shouldn't be there and get hurt. The remains of antibiotics and many other toxins and poisons that are found in the liver create a very favorable environment for streptococci . At the same time, they leave no room for useful substances.

Streptococcal throat infection is one of the forms that streptococci in the body cause. It's not only common in children and teenagers - there are also cases of adults dying from strep throat infections caused by brand new strains of highly antibiotic-resistant strep that they accidentally swallowed in a restaurant or caught in the toilet. Tonsillitis occurs when people are infected with the Ebstein-Barr virus (which in one of its early stages is expressed in mononucleosis) and the cofactor of the virus - streptococci. Chronic allergies occur due to increased deposits of streptococci in the body. Barley of the eye is for the most part caused by streptococci. Sinus infections are caused by strep. In children, streptococcal infections can lead to the so-called autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders. And yet, what does this have to do with acne? There is, and a lot of it. These are conditions that very often affect young people, which cause the prescription of antibiotics, which allows streptococci to gain a foothold in the body and sooner or later provoke the appearance of acne.

Your immune system is constantly monitoring and trying to control your body's environment, so the low-grade strep bacteria are looking for places to hide. The liver is the perfect hiding place. The liver's immune system captures and destroys most streptococci when they enter it. However, some of them manage to escape, sneaking past the guards, and find refuge in the garbage compartment in the liver. This is the garbage heap where tons of junk has been dumped in the hope that the person to whom this liver belongs will get the information to do the right thing and clean it up.

Your liver always wants you to do the right things, such as drinking water with lemon juice every day, eating more fruits, leafy greens and other vegetables, and drinking celery stalk juice when you can. However, we do not learn to do these things. Instead, experts who have no idea what causes chronic disease are telling us to increase fat. With such a lack of knowledge, you would not get a pilot's license, but for the treatment of chronic diseases it is possible. The standards are very different. So the garbage piles up more and more and the streptococcus easily finds a little corner to settle in - in part of the connective tissue of the liver or in the middle of the lobule, along with the toxic copper from the water pipes, the aluminum from the cans, the mercury from tuna and pharmaceuticals, poisons from the batteries in our devices, plastics, pesticides, herbicides, flame retardant chemicals from clothing, carpet chemicals, nanoparticles from nanotech sprays, or strep's favorite antibiotics.

If you think that neither you nor anyone else in your family has taken antibiotics, think again - haven't you or any of your ancestors ever tasted plain chicken? A hamburger from a fast food chain? Conventionally raised Thanksgiving turkey? They are all full of antibiotics. Even if you try to refute the facts of how these drugs get into your body, in the end you gain nothing, because when these waste antibiotics in the body meet the streptococci that we are constantly exposed to, they give them the opportunity to reproduce and multiply in the piles of garbage in the liver.


Hormones are often blamed for acne. This widespread and established belief is also one of the biggest mistakes of modern medicine. (Many doctors claim that cystic acne may be an autoimmune condition, but that's also not true.) Acne occurs in adolescence, so it's understandable that medicine makes the wrong connection between it and hormones. It's actually strep bacteria that take advantage of puberty. With its onset, immunity decreases. This allows the highly adaptable streptococci to leave the liver undetected and head for the lymphatic system to wage war on lymphocytes. Streptococci sense what is going on because they are able to sense the hormones in the teenager's body and know that hormonal changes in the body mean very weak lymphocytes. Although the lymphocytes destroy some of the streptococci, many of them escape and are directed to the subcutaneous tissue. Just like the gold rush that prompts people to face bears, wolves, feral cats, deadly snakes and fierce weather in search of the ultimate goal, the hormones of puberty prompt the streptococci to do what it takes to overcome dangerous white blood cells of the lymphatic system and reach their final destination - the skin.

Occurring acne during the menstrual cycle is another reason why doctors misdiagnose acne as hormonal. The truth is that a woman's immune system is lowered during the menstrual cycle, which is why acne breakouts can appear before, during or even after it. That doesn't mean it's over. Then ovulation occurs - the middle of the cycle - and after the immune system goes down again, the streptococcus makes its way in and acne appears again. If women do not take healing foods, herbs and supplements and avoid triggers, they become more susceptible. Many menopausal or postmenopausal women wake up one day and realize they no longer have acne. This is not because of hormones, but because their immune system no longer goes down on a steady schedule twice a month to allow the strep to escape to the lymphatic system and then to the skin.


Let's talk more about how strep causes acne in common places like the face, neck, forehead, chest, back, shoulders, armpits, and upper arms. Do you have a favorite route when you need to run errands on your way to a party? A main road that takes you to the doctor's office, the grocery store, the beauty salon and the post office, and finally the movie theater and great restaurant? For streptococci, this favorite route is the lymphatic system—a series of major routes by which they can enter the subcutaneous tissue and feast there.

Similar to what you see when you cut open a piece of raw chicken and find that yellow layer of fat under the skin, our skin has a layer of fat beneath the surface – it's part of the subcutaneous tissue. It's meant to be there, but it turns out to be a haven for poisons and excess fat cells - just as they accumulate in the liver, they accumulate here. Dairy products tend to find their way into our subcutaneous tissue, providing strep with a very tasty meal, as do the eggs from breakfast omelets, the fat from chicken dinners, the antibiotics in those foods that were fed to the animals to combat them. with the strep infections in the farms where they were raised and the antibiotics from the public water system. It's the promised treasure of the gold rush, the lure that makes strep scream, "There's gold in these hills!" as they push past your immune system's immune system to reach the skin. Streptococci choose the path of least resistance, therefore they take the lymphatic channels, which are under weakened control due to the reduced number of lymphocytes. The route they choose determines where the acne will eventually appear. That's why Jimmy gets acne on his chest and back, Sarah on her forehead and chin, and Jessica on her upper arms and armpits.

Before the acne appears, the strep stays in their happy place for a while, feeding on tasty treats, slowly making their way through the subcutaneous fat and fortifying themselves for the new battle ahead. Finally, they enter the lower layer of the dermis. The skin's personalized immune system begins to collect sebum, acting as quicksand, to prevent the strep from continuing upwards. Since strep is well nourished and extremely vibrant at this point, sebum is not enough to stop them. Now the skin's immune system kicks into high gear, prompting the production of sebum in even greater amounts as a last ditch effort to trap the bacteria and protect the skin. When the streptococci are very strong, they overcome even the extra amount of sebum and survive through the lymphocytes and killer cells just below the epidermis. Then the bacteria climb up to this outer layer of skin and cystic acne appears.

In many cases, these outbreaks are mild and temporary. In extreme cases, they are devastating. Many things determine the severity of symptoms - how many strains of strep you have, how many toxins (e.g. heavy metals) have accumulated in the liver and subcutaneous tissue feeding on the strep, how many antibiotics you have taken or otherwise ingested in your lifetime, what you inherited, what adrenaline rushes you experience on a daily basis, what pesticides you are exposed to and of course, how you eat.

Alternative healers believe that dairy products such as milk, cheese and butter, as well as grains such as wheat, are problematic because they are allergenic. (Though cheese is making a comeback. Popular high-fat diets are now promoting cheese as a health food for longevity.) According to their observations, the more wheat and dairy products the acne patients consumed, the worse their condition worsened. This connection is not due to an allergy. This happens because streptococcus loves wheat and dairy products. When we consume them, the streptococci form a rich feast, starting new attacks on the skin that eventually manifest as cystic acne. While dairy products are known for creating a sluggish lymphatic system, this does not make it difficult for strep to take their preferred route. In fact, it becomes even easier because when the lymphatic system is sluggish, your defense mechanisms – the lymphocytes – are trapped and minimized. Lymphatic highways with the fewest lymphocytes, due to a greater amount of strep-friendly foods such as milk, cheese, and butter, become the path of least resistance for strep.

When acne is treated with antibiotics, the liver has to absorb them, which can weaken its immune system and allow even more strep bacteria to hide in the trash heaps among the old stockpiled antibiotics. In addition, streptococci can feed on these antibiotics. The process will continue to repeat. Fortunately, our bodies are resilient and have a fighting spirit.

Even medical research and science now know that there are more than group A and group B strep . Although the medically recognized groups stop at a part of the alphabet, the truth is that there are enough groups of strep to go beyond it. . These different groups contribute to the different varieties of acne that someone may experience. Very aggressive types of strep, for example, cause scarring and large clusters of rashes. Throughout life, it is very easy to get infected with many varieties of streptococcal bacteria through intimate contact, food in restaurants, toilets, etc. Along with that, you can get infected with a variety that has become very resistant to a strong antibiotic that someone has taken in their lifetime. And some women who have a new sexual partner later in life develop their first bladder infection or a more severe than average bladder infection because they contracted a hard-to-treat strain of strep , which requires strong antibiotics to control.


That's why building a strong immune system throughout the body is an important step in the treatment and prevention of acne and other strep- related diseases , such as small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) , which you'll read about in our special blog article. The most important place to start is the liver. Being proactive and making this internal organ a non-strep friendly environment will do much more to protect your skin than treating it with the best face cream, the best face wash, the best lotion , the best pill and the most sought-after stain potion combined. Strengthening the lymphatic immune system will also make a huge difference. The lymphocytes you rely on to stop strep in the lymphatic system feed on vitamins and minerals from fruits, vegetables, herbs and spices. This makes food an important part of acne treatment. In the last part of the article, we offer you the acne nutritional supplement protocol that will help kill the strep to finally find relief.


True cause: One or more strains of the more than 50 groups of streptococci that are found in both the liver and the lymphatic system. The presence of acne does not necessarily mean the presence of a streptococcal infection, such as strep throat. Acne develops when bacteria have long established themselves in the body after (sometimes long after) a streptococcal infection.

Materials from Anthony William's books "Liver Help" and "Cleansing for Health" were used for the article .

Material from Anthony William - Medical Medium® was used to create this article

Anthony William, Creator of the Worldwide Celery Juice Movement and #1 New York Times Bestselling Author - "Healer Medium: Cleanse for Health", "Healing Medium: Liver Help" , "The Healing Medium: The Most Helpful Foods" , "Healerth Medium", < em>“The Healing Medium: Thyroid Healing gland”, “Celery Juice” and “Brain Saver” (not yet translated into Bulgarian), was born with the unique ability to converse with the Spirit of Compassion, which provides him with extremely accurate health information ahead of its time.

This blog, its content and all related materials are presented for informational purposes only and are not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, treatment or prescription. Nothing contained in or accessible from this blog should be considered medical advice, diagnosis, treatment or prescription, nor a promise of benefits, claim of cure, legal guarantee or guarantee of results to be achieved . Never disregard medical advice or delay seeking it because of something you read on this blog or any of the related materials. Prirodnik EOOD and its team are not medical persons and do not claim to provide health services. Consult a licensed healthcare professional before changing or discontinuing any current medication, treatment or care, or starting any diet, exercise or supplement program, or if you have or suspect you may have a medical condition , which requires medical attention. The Food and Drug Agency of R. Bulgaria has not evaluated any statement, claim or representation made on or accessible from this blog or any related material. The content of this blog and any related material does not necessarily reflect the opinion of Prirodnik EOOD or the primary author and is not guaranteed to be correct, complete or up-to-date. This article may contain links to other resources on the Internet. These links are provided as citations and aids to help you identify and find other Internet resources that may be of interest and are not intended to state or imply that Prirodnik EOOD or the lead author recommends, endorses, supports, sponsor or are in any way related or associated with any person or organization related to the referenced material or are legally authorized to use a trade name, registered trade trademark, logo, legal or official seal, or copyrighted symbol that may appear in the referenced material.

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