• 5 min. read
This advanced smoothie uses higher amounts of the five key ingredients that are part of the Medical Medium's standard heavy metal detox smoothie recipe. Thus, toxic heavy metals are removed faster. In the introductory part of the article you can read the basic guidelines for how each of the heavy metal detox ingredients work, but in Anthony William's latest book "Brain Saver Protocols, Cleanses & Recipes" (not yet translated into Bulgarian) described in detail how these ingredients work.
The chemical compounds in the five main ingredients—wild blueberries, spirulina, cilantro, barley grass juice powder, and Atlantic dulce—work together to safely remove toxic heavy metals from the body. Each of these five foods has the ability to harness radical, destabilized, corroded, oxidized metal debris as well as new metals that would otherwise aggressively injure tissues on their journey.
Wild blueberries ignite a cleansing effect in the brain. They extract the metals while healing the damage the metals left behind so that new brain cell growth is stimulated.
After wild blueberries have flushed out the heavy metals and their residues in the bloodstream, other chemical compounds in spirulina, barley grass juice powder, and cilantro can help safely flush these residues out of the body.
Coriander, barley grass juice powder and spirulina work together in a special way, each playing a unique and critical role in the removal of toxic heavy metals.
Atlantic Dulce, a type of seaweed, acts as a safety net for the elimination of metals in the intestinal tract. The function of dulcet is to ensure and assist the removal from the body of metals that are trapped and attached to other key ingredients or of metals that are on their own.
- 2 bananas
- 2 cups frozen or fresh wild blueberries or 50 ml. pure wild blueberry juice, or 2 tbsp. Vimergy® Wild Blueberry Powder ;
- 2 cups fresh coriander;
- 2 tsp Vimergy® barley grass juice powder ;
- 2 tsp Vimergy® USA Grown Spirulina Powder
- 1 tbsp. Atlantic Dulce or 2 droppers of Atlantic Dulce, Non-Alcoholic Extract of Vimergy® ;
- Freshly squeezed juice from 2 oranges;
- 1/2 to 1 cup water, coconut water , or extra freshly squeezed orange juice (optional).
Method of preparation:
Combine the bananas, wild blueberries, cilantro, barley grass juice powder, spirulina, and Atlantic dulce with the juice of 2 oranges in a high-speed blender and blend until smooth.
Add up to 1 cup water, coconut water , or orange juice if you prefer a thinner consistency. Serve and enjoy!
- This smoothie contains more spirulina, barley grass juice powder, and cilantro than your average heavy metal detox smoothie. If you'd like to make this advanced version but still find the flavor of the green ingredients too strong, you can add another banana, the juice of another orange, or up to 2 tbsp. raw honey if needed.
- Look for wild blueberries (fresh, frozen, powdered, or pure juice). Wild blueberries should not be confused with industrially grown blueberries.
- If you're in a part of the world where you don't have access to fresh or frozen wild blueberries, wild blueberry juice, or wild blueberry powder, you can substitute blackberries. Blackberries don't scavenge and attach to toxic heavy metals like wild blueberries do, but the high antioxidant content of blackberries can at least slow the oxidation of heavy metals, which is beneficial.
- As an alternative to adding the juice of 2 oranges to the smoothie, you can peel the oranges, remove the seeds and blend them whole into the smoothie.
- If you use coconut water in this smoothie, make sure the coconut water is free of natural flavors and is not pink or red.
- If you are not a fan of banana, you can replace it with Maradol papaya or mango.
- On certain days when you don't have access to some of the smoothie ingredients, don't skip your Advanced Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie. Make it with these ingredients you have on hand. It is best to aim to make the smoothie with all five main ingredients.
Portion for 1 person.
Material from Anthony William - Medical Medium® was used to create this article
![Anthony William](
Anthony William, creator of the worldwide celery juice movement and #1 New York Times bestselling author -Medical Medium: Cleanse to Heal", "Medical Medium: Liver Rescue", "Medical Medium: Life Changing Foods","Medical Medium","Medical Medium: Thyroid Healing", "Celery Juice" and "Brain Saver", was born with the unique ability to converse with the Spirit of the compassion that provides him with highly accurate health information ahead of its time.
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