One of the most amazing things about including more fruits and vegetables in our diet is the way our taste buds change and over time we begin to crave more and more of these fresh foods. When you're craving green leafy vegetables and their benefits, this easy-to-prepare, richly flavored soup is a great way to incorporate them into your daily menu in an easily digestible form. With all the minerals spinach provides, you'll also help curb your cravings for foods you know aren't good for your health right now.


  • 2 cups cherry tomatoes
  • 1 stalk of celery
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 1 orange
  • 4 cups baby spinach
  • a few leaves of basil or a few sprigs of coriander
  • 1/2 avocado (optional; if you want a fat-free recipe, leave it out)

Method of preparation:

Blend the tomatoes, celery and garlic with the juice of 1 orange until smooth. Add the spinach gradually until it is completely mixed. Add the basil and avocado (optional) and mash. Serve and enjoy immediately!

Frequently Asked Questions About Spinach Soup


Is this soup eaten warm or cold?

This is a raw soup that should be served at room temperature. It should not be heated.

Are there tomato substitutes?

Yes, you can use 1-2 pcs. mangoes instead.

Does the soup need to be refrigerated or can it be eaten at room temperature?

It is best consumed at room temperature soon after you prepare it to reap the greatest benefits.

What is your opinion on the oxalate content of spinach?

There is a myth that some green leafy vegetables are high in oxalates and therefore harmful. This is completely wrong and prevents many people from getting some of the powerful and necessary nutrients and healing properties provided by foods believed to be high in oxalates.

Oxalates are not the problem they are made out to be. Oxalates are found in every single fruit and vegetable on the planet. The vast array of nutrients in high-oxalate green leafy vegetables are some of the most nutritious we have. Medical studies and science have yet to discover that there are antioxalates in fruits, vegetables, and green leafy vegetables that prevent oxalates from causing us the damage they are currently believed to do. In reality, these foods do us no harm, but rather provide us with important healing nutrients such as phytochemicals, vitamins, and minerals.

I'm allergic to oranges, what can I substitute?

You can add lemon or lime juice.

Is spinach better raw or cooked?

Raw spinach is the most nutritious and healthy. All green leafy vegetables (lettuce, kale, spinach) are best eaten raw.

Can frozen spinach be used for this soup?

Ideally, the spinach should be fresh and raw in this soup.

Should tomatoes be avoided because they are from the Potato family?

If you've heard that potato plants make conditions like arthritis worse, you can dispel that misconception. Potatoes, tomatoes, peppers and eggplants, when ripe, have no negative effect on health. Exactly the opposite! These amazing foods boost health with their nutrients and healing properties. They are exactly what you need when you are facing an illness.

The current theory is that these foods are high in alkaloids that cause inflammation, but not the alkaloids that cause inflammation. The problem is not the fruit that grows on the potato plants. We need to look at the other ingredients that are served with these foods. In the case of ketchup and ketchup, there's often high-fructose corn syrup, and where there's tomato, you'll often find pasta or a slice of sandwich bread.

You can find much more information about other healthy foods and recipes on our blog , as well as in Anthony William's books .

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