Lemon water is the perfect way to hydrate, cleanse and revitalize your body every morning. Water coming straight from the tap or from the bottle has lost its vitality and its inherent living structure. By adding freshly squeezed lemon juice, you "wake up" the water and bring it back to life. This allows it to penetrate deeper into your tissues and cells and carry the essential nutrients and compounds you need to thrive.

Lemon water is a good source of vitamins C and B and minerals such as calcium and magnesium. Lemon water is an excellent weight loss, immune system booster, alkalinizer, high blood pressure control, antiaging, detoxification, blood purifier, and body temperature regulator. Lemon water is especially good for the digestive tract and can help relieve constipation, nausea and even parasites.

Lemon water is also good for the cardiovascular and muscular systems, making it an ideal pre- and post-workout drink. Consider a morning ritual where you squeeze half a lemon into 500ml (or more) of the highest quality purified water upon waking. This deep form of hydration will awaken your mind and energize your body for the day.

Lemon or lime water has the added benefit of helping to break up sludge and stones in the gallbladder, which allows the liver to increase bile production, increase the level of hydrochloric acid in the gut, and reduce the bad acids that cause acid reflux.

How to prepare lemon water?


  • 1/2 lemon;
  • 2 cups of water (500 ml).

Method of preparation:

Squeeze half a lemon in 500 ml of water and drink in the morning. You may also drink more throughout the day to flush and hydrate the body.

Frequently asked questions about lemon water

Can I use lime instead of lemon?

Yes, you can use lime instead of lemon.

Should I drink lemon water before or after celery juice?

You can drink it before or after celery juice. If you drink lemon water first, wait 15-30 minutes before drinking celery juice. If you drink celery juice first, wait 15-30 minutes before drinking lemon water.

What is the best time of day to drink lemon water?

Drinking it at any time is good, but first thing in the morning is especially effective for cleansing the liver, which works while you sleep to collect and clear toxins from your body. When you wake up, it's perfect to hydrate and flush out those toxins with this activated living lemon water.

Can I drink it later in the day?

Yes, she is great at any time of the day. Try adding lemon water to your daily routine. You can do this once a day, twice a day, three times a day or more.

What is the optimal amount of lemon water to drink in a day?

It depends on what else you drink or eat. Many people today are chronically dehydrated. You may wish to drink two liters of lemon water each day. In addition to other hydrating drinks such as celery juice and cucumber juice, along with plenty of fresh fruit, green leafy vegetables and vegetables. Everyone's needs are different when it comes to hydration. Avid exercisers or people with chronic illnesses or symptoms may want to incorporate more lemon water into their daily routine and eat more fresh fruit throughout the day. The Liver Help Morning Protocols from the Liver Help book are a great way to set yourself up for proper hydration.

Can I use lemon essential oil instead of fresh lemon?

Only living water with freshly squeezed lemon contains the life-giving nutrients that will cleanse and restore your body and keep you hydrated.

Can I prepare lemon water in advance?

It is best to drink lemon water immediately after making it, but if you need to prepare it in advance, you can close it in a jar with a lid and store it in the refrigerator. If you do, be sure to drink it within 24 hours.

Should lemon water be consumed on an empty stomach?

No, it's not necessary. It is especially useful first thing in the morning on an empty stomach (if possible followed by celery stalk juice 15 to 30 minutes later), but is great to drink at any time of the day with or without food.

Should the water be cold, hot or room temperature?

It is best not to heat the water. Room or cold temperature are good options.

Can I use more than half a lemon in my water?

To be able. You can use as much lemon or lime as you like.

Can I add raw honey, ginger or other ingredients to the lemon water?

Yes, for an extra boost, you can add a teaspoon each of raw honey and freshly grated ginger to the lemon water. Your liver will absorb the raw honey to replenish its glucose stores while simultaneously clearing deep toxins. Just be sure to buy raw, not heated, honey to get all the healing properties of this healing food.

Can I drink more than 500ml of lemon water after getting up?

Yes, a very effective means of detoxifying the body is to drink two glasses of 500 ml water with lemon or lime on an empty stomach first thing in the morning.

How long should I wait to eat after drinking lemon water?

Give your liver 15 to 30 minutes to cleanse after drinking the lemon water before eating or drinking anything else.

Is lemon water bad for my teeth?

Contrary to popular belief, lemons and lemon water are excellent for oral health, including teeth. They are highly mineralizing and full of calcium. Fresh lemon kills the bad bacteria in your mouth that cause tooth decay. It may taste sour, but it strongly alkalizes the mouth and body.

Can lemon water be used for acid reflux?

Yes, lemon water is good for acid reflux because it kills the non-productive bacteria that cause acid reflux.

Can I just add lemon water to my celery stalk juice instead of drinking two separate drinks?

Celery juice works best on its own as pure celery juice, with nothing else. Adding any other ingredients to the juice will dilute its healing properties.

Can I drink apple cider vinegar in water instead of lemon water?

No, apple cider vinegar is extremely acidic and eats away at the liver. Liver cells struggle to maintain balance and efficiency as they struggle for oxygen because vinegar steals oxygen from the bloodstream and liver. Apple cider vinegar (like any vinegar) is extremely acidic in the stomach. The liver must immediately stop it and use all its reserves to try to alkalinize it or at least neutralize it. Apple cider vinegar fights back and its acidic nature is so strong that the stomach loses the battle many times over. Instead of alkalizing your gut, it does the opposite. It weakens the hydrochloric acid and breaks down the gastric juices and heads down the road still acidic. It is essentially an attack on the stomach and intestinal tract. For more information on the effects of apple cider vinegar on the liver, read the book Help for the Liver .

Can I use frozen lemon juice?

It is best to use freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Can I use store bought lemon juice?

It is best to squeeze the lemon juice yourself. It oxidizes very quickly after you juice it and will no longer have the vital live nutrients once bottled. Also, most bottled lemon juices you buy at the store have added preservatives.

Learn more about the hidden healing powers of fruits, vegetables, wild foods, herbs, and spices in The Healthiest Foods , a #1 New York Times bestseller. You can also learn more about how to incorporate lemon water into your healing regimen from the Cleanse for Health book .

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