Contains at least 7.5 ml. zinc sulfate for a recommended daily intake of 2 droppers (2 ml.)
Contains only zinc sulfate, organic glycerin, purified water and a little organic apple juice for flavor
Organic, alcohol-free, gluten-free, corn-free, non-GMO, kosher, vegan and paleo
Free of citric acid, fillers, additives, natural and artificial flavors
Gluten free
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Information on Vimergy® Organic Zinc (Zinc Sulphate).
Nutritional supplements / Liquids
Zinc is an essential mineral for human health
Contributes to a healthy metabolism and a healthy immune system
Zinc is an antioxidant
Helps vision
It contributes to the healthy synthesis of DNA and supports cell division
Contains at least 7.5 mg. zinc sulfate in one serving.
Contains only zinc sulfate, organic glycerin, purified water and a little organic apple juice for flavor
Organic, alcohol-free, gluten-free, corn-free, non-GMO, kosher, vegan and paleo
Free of citric acid, fillers, additives, natural and artificial flavors
Zinc is an essential trace element. Everyone needs zinc! It is not only essential for maintaining various metabolic functions and a normal immune system, but is also a powerful antioxidant.
Nowadays, many people are deficient in zinc. This is why daily intake of high-quality zinc is necessary. Our organic zinc sulfate contains only zinc sulfate, organic glycerin, purified water and a dose of organic apple juice for flavor. It does not contain alcohol, gluten, GMOs, citric acid and any other harmful ingredients.
According to the EU Health Claims Regulation, the following claims are permitted for this preparation:
Zinc contributes to normal cognitive function
Zinc contributes to normal protein synthesis
Zinc contributes to normal DNA synthesis
Zinc helps maintain healthy nails
Zinc contributes to the maintenance of healthy hair
Zinc contributes to the maintenance of healthy bones
Zinc contributes to normal carbohydrate metabolism
Zinc contributes to the maintenance of healthy skin
Zinc contributes to normal acid-base balance
Zinc has a role in cell division
Zinc contributes to the normal metabolism of vitamin A
Zinc contributes to the normal metabolism of macronutrients
Zinc helps protect cells from oxidative stress
Zinc contributes to the normal metabolism of fatty acids
Zinc helps maintain normal levels of testosterone in the blood
Zinc contributes to normal reproductive functions
Zinc contributes to the maintenance of normal vision
2 ml (2 droppers) contain: % RI *
Zinc (as zinc sulphate heptahydrate)
7.5 mg.
* RI = % of reference values for daily intake according to EU No. 1169/2011. (RI = daily intake)
Glycerin (vegetable), purified water, zinc sulfate heptahydrate, apple juice
Shake well before use. Take 2 droppers (2 ml), hold under the tongue for 60 seconds, then swallow.
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Качествен продукт с приятен вкус и лесен за приемане. Много сме доволни.
Зоя Цветова
От септември месец използвам цинк в ежедневието си и давам на децата 🔝 забелязох че децата по рядко карат настинки или разболяват се, което рече че добавките вършат чудесна работа. Аз лично чуствам се всеки ден енергична, без кафе вече от една година даже.
Сия Михайлова
Цинкът-моето оръжие срещу болестите
Цинкът , който купувам от Природник е с изключително приятен вкус и действа безотказно при моите хронични проблеми с гърлото ( ларингит, фарингит и чести тонзилити). Благодарение на него лесно пресичам всякакви наченки на разболяване и бързо лекувам развилите се такива, като държа да отбележа, че за разлика от други течни форми на цинк-сулфат,които съм ползвала и са ми предизвиквали гадене и позиви за повръщане, както и настръхване на кожата при този липсват нежеланите ефекти, изброени по-горе.
The Healer Medium's Zinc Shock Therapy is a useful technique as almost all of us suffer from a deficiency of this mineral. It has long since disappeared from the soil - including that of organic farms. It is important to start it as soon as you get the first signs of a cold or flu. Zinc is also important to include in smaller amounts as a daily supplement because zinc deficiency is a trigger for all kinds of chronic diseases and symptoms.
These days, the nutrients that should be given the most attention for supplementation are the right types of zinc and vitamin B12. These are the two nutrients most often lacking in humans, and which pose the greatest threat to our health when in short supply. Acute zinc deficiency can make you seriously ill. Zinc kills viruses, helps your liver function properly, is critical for your thyroid gland, and is your immune system's best ally.
There is concern that extra zinc intake leads to copper depletion in your body. Don't let this misconception hold you back. As Anthony William describes in his book The Healing Medium: Healing the Thyroid Gland, zinc deficiency is one of the most serious triggers for viral problems like Hashimoto's disease. Humanity is massively deficient in zinc these days, and this gives EBV the edge it needs to gain traction in the population. When you are zinc deficient, you are much more vulnerable to the symptoms and conditions we have covered in the thyroid disease articles.
Whether you're looking to ward off a cold or the flu, or speed up your recovery when you do come down with one, these nine herbs and supplements will be important components in your healing process. You can use them year-round to boost and strengthen your immune system against colds and flu, or use them (most of them) when you know you may be at increased risk for infections and/or when you feel cold symptoms or the flu. These herbs and nutritional supplements are also powerful healers for all types of chronic illnesses and symptoms, not just colds and flu. You may wish to include them if you have any symptom or condition at all. You can read more about the healing properties of each of these herbs and supplements on our blog.
The idea of this list is not to make you feel stressed trying to follow it verbatim. We understand that it will be difficult for you to fit a whole list of nutritional supplements into your daily regimen. Plus, the prices of herbs and supplements can quickly add up, and you're on a tight budget. If you can only afford a few of them, it's best to try to incorporate the top five nutritional supplements from this list into your life. If you're someone with more financial flexibility, expand your reach to additional nutritional supplements with descriptions that meet your health needs. If you are sensitive to certain nutritional supplements or like to use your intuition to guide you, take a look at the list and see how you can apply what feels right.
You may be constantly wondering what is the most effective form of a nutritional supplement and does it matter? Yes, this is of great importance! There are subtle but sometimes critically important differences between the different forms of nutritional supplements available that can affect how quickly your EBV dies, if it dies at all, whether your central nervous system recovers, and how quickly and how long it takes your thyroid to heal. The type of supplement you choose can make or break your progress. To speed up healing, you need the right types of nutritional supplements.
It's a well-known fact that when someone gets the flu, it can weaken their immune system, allowing other viruses like Epstein-Barr to develop. The flu causes the Epstein-Barr virus to appear. This is why some people recover from severe flu in a few days, while others take months to recover. Covid-19 causes similar problems, but on a larger scale. We will tell you more about this in the second part of our article on Epstein-Barr virus.
Every parent wants their child to be healthy and develop well. We want our children to be healthy, not only while they live with us, but to provide them with the best possible health from an early age so they can avoid or minimize chronic disease as adults. It is important to focus on two main factors: first, a healthy immune system and second, removing deficiencies from their nutritional diet. We have prepared material for you in which we will describe some basic practices that are useful for children of all ages.
We are faced with more things these days than ever before. Every day, our immune system fights for us, protecting us from a constant onslaught of invaders, including pathogens, toxic heavy metals, chemicals, and other toxins. Our immune system is focused on keeping us safe, strong and healthy in the face of all these threats, invasions and exposures. But with so much to contend with, our immune system needs help to keep up the fight and be able to win. This is where the tools to help the immune system come into play. These 12 herbs and supplements are excellent for boosting the immune system.
The most important step you can take today toward real healing goes far beyond diet or avoiding harmful influences. First you need to realize the real cause of your illness. Your body isn't just attacking itself. The biggest mistake is to believe that your immune system does not support you. When you believe that your disease is autoimmune, you are preventing true healing because you are not giving your body the support it needs as it continues to fight the pathogen in your body. Knowing that your body is not fighting itself, but a pathogen, strengthens your immune system, makes it more focused and makes it work even harder for you. Plus, when you know you have a virus to fight, you can learn the practical steps you can take to give your body the best possible support.
In this article, we'll take you through the real causes of skin blemishes, damaged hair, and brittle nails so you can heal your body from the inside out. Not only will you get better skin, shinier hair and stronger nails, but you'll also feel better overall health and well-being.
With the end of the harsh winter season and the beginning of spring, the topic of health problems affected by the change of seasons is relevant again. SAD is a psychological condition that usually manifests itself with the changes in light in each season. One of the most commonly cited causes is the vitamin D deficiency we accumulate during the winter months, but the overall picture of this condition still remains unclear to modern medicine. Read Anthony William's full article on SAD on our blog.
Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) is a widespread problem that has recently become a popular diagnosis. If you receive a diagnosis of SIBO, your doctor will likely suggest that you take an antibiotic. Unfortunately, in many cases, any antibiotic you use will only offer temporary relief. This article addresses the root cause of SIBO and reveals actionable steps you can take to heal yourself.
Your liver plays a major and crucial role in your health and what your health will look like in 20 years, even if you don't currently suffer from any symptoms or diseases or have been told that your liver is in good condition. There's more to learn about what's really going on in each person's liver today, and what your liver needs from you to protect your health for years to come.