Organic Goldenseal, non-alcoholic extract 10: 1 115 ml.

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89.99 лв.
89.99 лв.
Recommended by Anthony William
  • 115 ml. dietary supplement with Canadian organic goldenseal
  • Organic goldenseal from Vimergy® provides 2 g of goldenseal per recommended daily intake of 2 ml, which corresponds to 2 droppers of the extract
  • Organic, alcohol-free, gluten-free, corn-free, non-GMO, kosher, vegan and paleo
  • No artificial substitutes, additives, natural or artificial flavors

Information on Vimergy® Organic Goldenseal

Nutritional supplements / Liquids


  • A powerful formula without alcohol, in a ratio of 10:1
  • Contains the herbal equivalent of 4000 mg. goldenseal in one dose
  • Formulated with organic glycerin and organic lemon juice
  • It can be taken directly or added to water, juice or smoothies
  • Supports the immune system
  • Organic, alcohol-free, gluten-free, corn-free, non-GMO, kosher, vegan and paleo
  • Without artificial substitutes, additives, natural and artificial flavors

Vimergy® organic goldenseal, 10:1 liquid extract, contains 4000 mg. goldenseal in one dose! The special alcohol-free formula has only three ingredients: organic goldenseal, organic glycerin and organic lemon juice.

Goldenseal root is an amazing plant that is typical of the North American region. Local residents widely used goldenseal for herbal medicine. It was considered one of the most important herbal medicines in the United States in the 19th and early 20th centuries. It was included in the United States Pharmacopoeia from 1831 to 1936, and then in the National Formulary until 1960.


4 ml (4 droppers) contain: % PDP *
Organic Goldenseal (Extract 10:1) 400 mg. n/a

* RDA =% of reference values ​​for recommended daily intake according to EU No. 1169/2011. (RDA = recommended daily intake)

Excipients: Glycerin (from linseed oil), purified water, lemon juice, organic goldenseal (extract)


Shake well before use. Take 2 droppers (2 ml) per day. It can be taken directly or added to water or juice.

  • Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.
  • Not to be used as a substitute for a varied diet.
  • Keep out of the reach of small children.
  • Store in a dark and cool place.
Gluten free
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Organic Goldenseal, non-alcoholic extract 10: 1 115 ml.
89.99 лв.
89.99 лв.
  • 115 ml. dietary supplement with Canadian organic goldenseal
  • Organic goldenseal from Vimergy® provides 2 g of goldenseal per recommended daily intake of 2 ml, which corresponds to 2 droppers of the extract
  • Organic, alcohol-free, gluten-free, corn-free, non-GMO, kosher, vegan and paleo
  • No artificial substitutes, additives, natural or artificial flavors

Information on Vimergy® Organic Goldenseal

Nutritional supplements / Liquids


  • A powerful formula without alcohol, in a ratio of 10:1
  • Contains the herbal equivalent of 4000 mg. goldenseal in one dose
  • Formulated with organic glycerin and organic lemon juice
  • It can be taken directly or added to water, juice or smoothies
  • Supports the immune system
  • Organic, alcohol-free, gluten-free, corn-free, non-GMO, kosher, vegan and paleo
  • Without artificial substitutes, additives, natural and artificial flavors

Vimergy® organic goldenseal, 10:1 liquid extract, contains 4000 mg. goldenseal in one dose! The special alcohol-free formula has only three ingredients: organic goldenseal, organic glycerin and organic lemon juice.

Goldenseal root is an amazing plant that is typical of the North American region. Local residents widely used goldenseal for herbal medicine. It was considered one of the most important herbal medicines in the United States in the 19th and early 20th centuries. It was included in the United States Pharmacopoeia from 1831 to 1936, and then in the National Formulary until 1960.


4 ml (4 droppers) contain: % PDP *
Organic Goldenseal (Extract 10:1) 400 mg. n/a

* RDA =% of reference values ​​for recommended daily intake according to EU No. 1169/2011. (RDA = recommended daily intake)

Excipients: Glycerin (from linseed oil), purified water, lemon juice, organic goldenseal (extract)


Shake well before use. Take 2 droppers (2 ml) per day. It can be taken directly or added to water or juice.

  • Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.
  • Not to be used as a substitute for a varied diet.
  • Keep out of the reach of small children.
  • Store in a dark and cool place.
Support your immune system with Vimergy Organic Hydrastis

Vimergy Organic hydrastis for strong immune support

Vimergy Organic Hydrastis is a concentrated 10:1 hydrastis root extract that provides powerful support for your health. This herb has a rich history in traditional American medicine, used by Native Americans to support the immune system and overall health. With an alcohol-free formula with just three pure ingredients – organic hydrastis, organic glycerin and organic lemon juice – this extract is ideal for daily health support.

With this product you get a high quality , an organic hydrastis that is quickly and easily absorbed thanks to its liquid form. With no added flavors, preservatives, or artificial additives, Vimergy's Hydrastis Extract offers the effectiveness and purity you can count on for optimal health.

What makes our Organic Hydrastis unique?

High Concentration – The 10:1 ratio provides a powerful dose of 4000 mg of hydrastis at the recommended dose.

Pure formula – No alcohol, additives or artificial ingredients; only three natural ingredients for maximum effectiveness.

Traditional Herbal Support – Hydrastis has been used for centuries for its immune boosting properties and health support.

Convenient intake – Can be taken directly or dissolved in water, juice or shake.

Suitable for various diets – Gluten-free, corn-free, soy-free, vegan, kosher and paleo.

What benefits can you expect?

Support for the immune system

Hydrastis is known for its influence on strengthening immunity.

Fast absorption

The liquid formula provides fast efficacy and easy intake.

Traditional herbal support

Hydrastis has been used for centuries for general health and well-being.

Clean and easy to use

Without unnecessary additives and artificial ingredients, for easy and convenient daily intake.

Nutritional values
1 dose of 4 droppers (4 ml)
Approximately 29 doses per pack
Dose Values % PDP *
Organic Hydrastis (Extract 10:1) 400 mg. n/a
* RDP = % of reference values ​​for daily intake according to EU No. 1169/2011. (RDA = recommended daily intake)
Excipients: Glycerin (from linseed oil), purified water, lemon juice, organic hydrastis (extract)

How to use the product?

How to take: Take 2 droppers (2 ml) twice daily as a dietary supplement.

[ [

]]Important: Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Consult a doctor if you are pregnant, breastfeeding or have health problems. The product is not a substitute for a varied diet.

Storage: Store in a dark and cool place, out of the reach of children .

Everything you need to know!

Vimergy Organic Hydrastis contains a potent 10:1 extract that provides 4,000 mg of herbal equivalent in the recommended daily dose. The formula is alcohol and additive free.

Take 2 droppers (2 ml) twice daily. It can be taken directly or added to water or juice.

Yes, all our ingredients are plant-based and vegan friendly.

All Vimergy products are manufactured in the USA and Canada.

Yes, you can mix it with our other supplements (except B-12 which is taken on its own) and drop it directly in your mouth, or mix it with water or juice.

Learn more about the product

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Recommended by Anthony William - Medical Medium®

Vimergy Organic Hydrastis is a powerful and pure product that supports immune system health and provides a quick and convenient way to take care of your health every day.

Customer Reviews

Based on 12 reviews
Биляна Иванова
Добро решение при стафилококи

Благодаря за бързата доставка, за първи път използам тази добавка , но имаше доста бърз положителен ефект върху стафилококова инфекция с която се боря. Ще се радвама ако в магазина Ви има капки за очи с хидрастис или други продукти за външна употреба на същата основа.

Мирослав Господинчев

Много полезен за борба с бактериите / вирусите.

Милена Лачева

Взех го за майка ми за лечение на последствия от лаймска болест. Комбинирах го с котешкия нокът и с др.продукти от препоръките на Антъни . Имаме голямо подобрение- значително намаляха болките в стави, нерви. При мен вече почти нямам болки в челюст и ахилеси. Голяма роля при мен изигра и женското биле/ сладник, пих го на чай.

Diana Cankova

Започнах лечение с хидрастис заради открит хеликобактер пилори. Пия го от 7 дни по схемата на Антъни Уилям. Чувствам се добре, дано крайният резултат да бъде успешен.

Емилия Голева

Доставката беше точна и навреме. Все още не съм използвала хидрстиса.
Бих помолила да се дават повече подробности относно как се пият продуктите, преди, по време или след храна и също така с кои от вашите продукти могат да се комбинират и особено важно е с кои не могат и колко дълго може да продължи приема, без да се налага пауза? Благодаря ви!

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