Epstein-Barr Virus (Part One)
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) has become a hidden epidemic. This virus is responsible for unexplained diseases of all categories. Among the reasons for this EBV boom is the fact that very little is known about the virus. Doctors have no idea what damage it does in the long run and how many problems it can cause. A huge number of people with EBV are misdiagnosed and think they have something else. The truth is that this virus is the source of countless health problems that are now considered unexplained diseases.
Zinc: A mineral of primary importance for health
These days, the nutrients that should be given the most attention for supplementation are the right types of zinc and vitamin B12. These are the two nutrients most often lacking in humans, and which pose the greatest threat to our health when in short supply. Acute zinc deficiency can make you seriously ill. Zinc kills viruses, helps your liver function properly, is critical for your thyroid gland, and is your immune system's best ally.
Shock therapy with zinc - a healing practice for adults and children
The Healer Medium's Zinc Shock Therapy is a useful technique as almost all of us suffer from a deficiency of this mineral. It has long since disappeared from the soil - including that of organic farms. It is important to start therapy as soon as you get the first signs of a cold or flu. Zinc is also important to include in smaller amounts as a daily supplement because zinc deficiency is a trigger for all kinds of chronic diseases and symptoms.