Healer Medium brain shot therapy
Healer Medium Anthony William, chronic disease expert, creator of the worldwide celery stalk juice movement, and New York Times bestselling author, recently released his latest book of groundbreaking and ahead-of-its-time information in two parts: Brain Saver and "Brain Saver Protocols," in which he introduces us to his new brain-shot therapy.
While we are waiting for these invaluable books with healing medical information to be translated and published in Bulgaria, we at PRIRODNIK have decided to introduce you to the Healer Medium's brain shot therapy and provide you with all the shot recipes for this healing medium in Bulgarian. protocol.
We have created this page especially for you so that you can more easily and conveniently keep track of all the recipes and all the information about the Healer Medium's brain shot therapy in one place. In the coming weeks, we will publish one of the shot recipes every day in Bulgarian. Follow this special page, the PRIRODNIK blog and our social media channels so you don't miss useful materials and important information for you.
Healer Medium brain shot therapy
The Healer Medium's brain shot therapy offers immediate relief as you work to address issues at a deeper level in the brain, nervous system and body. Your brain and body respond quickly to remedies delivered in liquid form, which Anthony William calls a "shot." Designed to be taken orally, the valuable medicinal components of these shots can reach the brain quickly. In the next few weeks, we will publish in Bulgarian all the recipes from this healing protocol of Anthony William. Read Healer Medium's introductory brain shot therapy article to learn more about it, as well as the full list of recipes we'll be posting on our blog and social media channels.
Pathogen exposure shot
A pathogen exposure shot may be helpful if:
👉 you have been in contact with people who may have been infected with Covid, flu or mononucleosis.
👉 you have shared bodily fluids with another person through shared cups, bottles, food, utensils or plates.
👉 you have shared bodily fluids through public restrooms or sexual activity.
👉 you think you may have been exposed to foodborne pathogens and are worried about getting food poisoning.
Shot on exposure to toxic fragrances
Try this shot when you have been exposed to toxic aromas and odors under circumstances such as:
👉 Going to malls, grocery stores, other stores, or visiting doctor's offices where you may have been exposed to perfumes, colognes, fabric softeners, scented candles, air fresheners, and other fragrances.
👉 Recent driving in a car that has air fresheners installed and/or family members wearing strong perfumes, colognes, detergents and other chemically toxic scents have been in the car with you
👉 Close contact with other persons using a lot of strong hair products, aftershave, cosmetics, body lotions and body oils
Shot when exposed to negative energy
This is a useful shot for when:
👉 You feel an inexplicable sadness that overwhelms you.
👉 You are experiencing a confrontation or misunderstanding with another person
👉 Unexplained anger appears in you or even in another person
👉 You are having a bad day
👉 Things in your life seem to go wrong or you feel unhappy
👉 You are afraid of something or someone and cannot shake it
👉 You feel fear after a bad dream
Mold exposure shot
A helpful shot for any type of mold or mildew exposure, including when you're:
👉 You have visited or live in a house or building where mold has been found
👉 You work in an office or other workplace where mold or mildew has been found
👉 Inhaled mold from another person's clothes
👉 Consumed water contaminated with mold or mold spores, or ate moldy food
A shot at exposure to electromagnetic fields and 5G
Try this shot if:
👉 you spend a lot of time on computers and computerized activities
👉 you live near a high voltage area
👉 you spend time talking and texting on mobile phones
👉 you are traveling by plane
👉 you live or work near other people while they are using devices
👉 you spend your day a few meters away from a router
👉 you live near a cell tower
Radiation exposure shot
This is a booster shot in circumstances such as:
👉 traveling by plane;
👉 walking in airports or being near airport scanners or baggage scanners;
👉 staying near luggage that has passed through an airport scanner;
👉 medical examinations such as computed tomography, radiography, fluoroscopy and even nuclear magnetic resonance;
👉 staying close to other people who have undergone medical examinations such as computed tomography, radiography, fluoroscopy and nuclear magnetic resonance;
👉 exposure to computerized devices;
👉 after sunburn.
Shot on exposure to toxic heavy metals
This shot is specifically designed for cases of recent exposure to toxic heavy metals, helping to stop them from being deposited deep in the body. It can be used as an adjunct therapy to heavy metal detox smoothies. These smoothies are aimed at extracting the toxic heavy metals that have already settled in the organs, while providing ongoing support for exposure to toxic heavy metals in the bloodstream, lymph or intestinal tract.
Shot on exposure to pesticides, herbicides and fungicides
This shot is an excellent tool when:
👉 you inhaled an unfamiliar or strange smell;
👉 you have had contact with recently delivered packages;
👉 a neighbor sprays or treats his lawn with insecticides or chemical fertilizers;
👉 chemical treatments are applied around your residential building;
👉 you are exposed to treatment by the municipality, which takes place on the street;
👉 you notice someone with a tank on his back and a hose in his hand spraying for weeds;
👉 you see a small to medium-sized truck with a large tank and company signs on the side that say "lawn care," "bug control," or something like that drive through your neighborhood (which means they probably sprayed someone's yard recently lawn or house).
Pharmaceutical exposure shot
This shot is suitable when taking prescription or over-the-counter drugs or other pharmaceutical products, whether they are taken once or continuously. Examples of exposure to pharmaceuticals include:
👉 antibiotic treatment of infections;
👉 painkillers for dental interventions;
👉 birth control;
👉 pain relievers;
👉 operations.
Chemtrails exposure shot
Aim for this shot if:
👉 you are an avid outdoor runner or walker on public streets, parks or trails;
👉 spending some time on the beach or sitting outside during gatherings and spotting chemtrails in the sky at the same time;
👉 you spend time outdoors during holidays when the weather is good (chemtrails increase purposefully during holidays such as Easter and national holidays);
👉 you spend time swimming in the ocean, lakes, rivers or reservoirs.
To make each of these shots, Anthony William uses and recommends the Omega MM900 Horizontal Press Juicers and the new Omega MM1500.