Хронична дехидратация
Chronic dehydration

How much water do you drink every day? How much fresh, raw fruit and vegetables do you consume? These are...

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Трябва да се грижим един за друг (част 3)
We should care for each other (part 3)

There was a time when the “not so sick” rarely admitted that they had a symptom or health problem. It...

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Защо прекомерното количество сол е проблемна храна
Why excessive salt is a troublemaker food

We often hear that salt is good for health as long as it is high quality like sea salt or...

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Проблеми с жлъчката, червата и наднормено тегло
Problems with bile, intestines and excess weight

Intestinal, bile and overweight problems are extremely common these days and in many cases a person can suffer from problems...

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Наръчник за избор на прочистване (част 2)

You've decided it's time to try the 3:6:9 cleanse. How do you know which option is right for you? This...

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Зеленчукова супа с брюкселско зеле

If you like soups with large chunks of vegetables in a fragrant, delicate broth, this soup is for you. It...

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Прочистващи терапии с шотове за мозъка на Лечителя Медиум
Cleansing therapies with Healer Medium brain shots

These cleansing therapies are a must for what's ahead these days. The advance of the household chemical war in our...

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Микробиомът – поредният начин да се самообвиняваме
The microbiome – another way to blame ourselves

Is there really a complex world of microorganisms in our intestines? Absolutely! But is this the answer to all our...

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Силата на зеленолистните зеленчуци
Power of Leafy Greens

Green leafy vegetables don't get enough attention from the health community, and most people don't even think about them. If...

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Мозъчна мъгла – причини и лечение
Brain fog - causes and treatment

Brain fog can range from mild to severe and even devastating for many people. This condition can interfere with work,...

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Антипатогенно прочистване на Лечителя Медиум
Medical Medium Antipathogenic cleanse

The Healer Medium's Anti-Pathogenic Cleanse destroys pathogens, such as viruses and unproductive bacteria, that are the cause of chronic disease....

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Световъртеж и болест на мениер - истински причини и лечебен план с хранителни добавки
Vertigo and Meniere's Disease - Real Causes and Dietary Supplement Treatment Plan

Vertigo is caused by one or more of the 60 types of Epstein-Barr virus that release neurotoxins that stick to...

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