Вредители, които ни разболяват – радиация
Pests that make us sick - radiation

The topic of today's article is one of the insidious pests that can make us sick - radiation. In the...

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Вредители, които ни разболяват – продукти на битовата химия
Pests that make us sick - products of household chemicals

There are many common chemicals that we use or are exposed to in our daily lives. Over time, they wreak...

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Вредители, които ни разболяват – промишлена химия
Pests that make us sick - industrial chemistry

Industrial chemicals are some of the most terrible pests we come into contact with on a daily basis. You don't...

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Вредители, които ни разболяват – петролни продукти
Pests that make us sick - petroleum products

This group of pests is extremely toxic to the central nervous system. Anyone with neurological sensitivities or similar symptoms is...

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Вредители, които ни разболяват – токсични тежки метали
Pests that make us sick - toxic heavy metals

As much as we may not want to believe it, we all have toxic heavy metals in our bodies. We...

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Вредители, които ни разболяват – химикали в храните
Pests that make us sick - chemicals in food

If you have a chronic condition or symptoms such as acne, eczema, headaches, reproductive issues, bloating, anxiety, irritable bowel syndrome...

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Вредители, които ни разболяват – вируси и вирусни отпадъци
Pests that make us sick - viruses and viral waste

Think you don’t need a cleanse? The truth is, every person on earth needs a cleanse – as long as...

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Вредители, които ни разболяват - бактерии и други микроби
Pests that make us sick - bacteria and other microbes

Today we encounter a wide variety of different bacteria and microbes that cause problems for our health. Different strains of...

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Храни, които лекуват черния дроб
Foods that heal the liver

Your liver plays a fundamental and crucial role in your health and what your health will look like in 20...

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Блог статии в Природник
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“Безпощадните четири” според Антъни Уилям
"The Unforgiving Four" according to Anthony William

Every day, many of us face dangers that have become an invariable part of our lives. Hazards such as falling...

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Наръчник за избор на прочистване (част 1)
Cleaning selection guide (part 1)

Sometimes it's hard to navigate the possibilities. In the Cleanse for Health book alone, there are five main methods –...

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