Cleansing therapies with Healer Medium brain shots

Прочистващи терапии с шотове за мозъка на Лечителя Медиум

These cleansing therapies are a must for what's ahead these days. The advance of the household chemical war in our homes, in our schools, in our institutions, in our society today has reached catastrophic proportions. When you engage in these cleansing therapy options, you are using your free will and intention to cleanse and protect the organ that stores the knowledge of your past, present, and near-future life and houses your soul. Healer Medium's cleansing brain shot therapies are beyond just the physical. Removing poisons from the brain opens the doors to your consciousness and subconscious mind to be purified, allowing you to achieve enlightenment in the world of toxic corruption that prevents us from becoming enlightened.

Enlightenment is not about being omniscient. Enlightenment is the freedom to be at peace because you have complete control over what is in your brain, as we have no control over what is around us. These cleansing therapies cleanse your brain temple. You remove the poisons from your brain that cloud your clarity. Your intuitive, psychic, telepathic and clairvoyant skills will begin to emerge. You will be able to see the truth easily and clearly, you will be able to express yourself, increase your creativity and experience joy in the simplest things that others do not realize are joyful. You will open your third eye and develop your clairvoyant skills as you rid yourself of the poisons of the industries that have been purposefully planted in our brains to keep us shackled and oppressed. These therapies are cleansing for the spirit as well as the body.

The physical benefits are truly powerful and special. With the Healer Medium's cleansing brain shot therapies, you begin to remove toxins and poisonous chemicals from the brain that should never have been there. With them, you help to restore the balance and normal state of your brain. These anti-pathogenic cleansing therapies are designed for what we face on a daily basis - everything from deficiencies to burnout, from heartburn to emotional brain trauma. These cleansing therapies are designed to relieve us of many different symptoms, conditions and ailments. Advanced options and high intensity therapy have the ability to relieve 100's of symptoms someone may have. (For long-term support, especially for pathogens, dietary supplement protocols are described in a special chapter of the new book The Healing Medium: Brain Rescue )

At any time, you can decide which of the seven levels of cleansing to choose. You can also climb the ladder by going through each of them. It's all part of how the Healing Medium's cleansing therapies can be customized to take you as far as you need to go. The higher you go through the levels of cleansing, the more symptoms and conditions can dissipate.


Choice of brain shot therapy

  • Most levels of Healer Medium's brain shot cleansing therapies offer a choice of 10, 20 or 30 day durations. In the description of each level, all possibilities are indicated.
  • The purge options will also indicate whether you can decide day by day which shot to try or have to choose a new brain shot recipe from a specific pool.
  • If the manual says you can decide which shot to try each day, that means you have the option to choose between the shots as you wish. It's your choice. You can skip or repeat recipes from day to day.
  • If the manual says to choose a new brain shot prescription from a specific group, go to the shots within a group for a given therapy. For example, for a 10-day cleansing therapy, choose one of the groups - exposure shots, state-altering shots, or stabilizing shots (full recipe lists for the three groups of brain shots from the Healing Medium therapy can be found in the introduction our article “Healer Medium Brain Shot Therapy” ), choosing one new shot recipe per day so that by the end of the 10 days you have gone through all 10 shots of the group. For a 20-day or 30-day cleanse, you'll choose two or three sets of brain shots, going through one set at a time. It is not a problem to not follow the sequence of recipes within a group. You don't need to go through them in the exact order listed in the introductory article "Healer Medium Brain Shot Therapy" - as long as you try all the shots in a given group within each 10-day segment.
  • For example, if you're doing a 30-day cleanse that instructs you to choose a new brain shot each day, you might go through the State-Altering Shots (in any order), then the Stabilizing Shots (in any is order) and finally through the Environmental Exposure Shots (in any order) until you've gone through all 30 brain shot recipes in 30 days.

Number of shots per day

  • When a given level of purging therapy requires 2 or more shots per day, all shots must be of the same type within the day. That is, if you chose a level that requires 3 shots per day, all three shots must be made using the same recipe.

When to take your shots

  • Drink your shots at least 15 to 30 minutes after eating or drinking. That is, wait a minimum of 15 to 30 minutes after consuming anything else before drinking the shot, and then wait a minimum of 15 to 30 minutes after taking the shot to consume anything else.
  • This is true for any level of brain shot cleansing therapies. You want to give yourself time to resonate with each shot, allow the therapy to enter your circulation, and give yourself time to catch the frequency of the shot metaphysically and physically. This gives you the time to take it in and feel the effect of the shot.
  • For example, a morning routine that incorporates other Healing Medium protocols might look like this: drink lemon or lime water upon waking, then wait 15-30 minutes, drink fresh celery stalk juice, then wait another 15- 30 minutes, drink your brain shot and after waiting at least another 15-30 minutes, only then eat breakfast.
  • When a given level of cleansing therapy requires multiple intakes per day, space intakes at least 4 hour intervals throughout the day. (The brain starts to go back to its old patterns after 4 hours, so you have to wait for that to happen before taking another shot.) For example, if you need to take 3 shots a day, don't take them earlier than one of another from 8 am, 12 noon and 4 pm. You have the option to spread the reception of the shots over more than the minimum 4 hours. For example, you can take your shots at 7 AM, 1 PM, and 7 PM. How you want to customize the timing of your shots is up to you.
  • If you are taking a nutritional supplement under the Healer Medium protocol, you can continue to take it during the cleansing brain shot therapy. Do not take the supplements with the shots. Space them out over a period of time as directed above.

Repeat cleansing therapy

  • It's no problem to do the brain shot cleansing treatments one after the other. You can also perform a cleansing therapy periodically, taking breaks between levels and then returning to the cleansing therapy level of your choice. You can repeat the same level of cleansing therapy as many times as you like or try to move from one level to another. Try any level of cleansing therapy at any time.

Missing ingredients

  • If you're having trouble getting the ingredients for a brain shot recipe, if you're missing an item, use what you have and move on.
  • For questions about substituting ingredients in recipes such as lemon or lime water, celery stalk juice , and the Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie , see the individual recipe tips. If possible, try not to get into the habit of relying on substitutes, especially for celery stalk juice . Keep trying to achieve the goal, use the right ingredients for the cleansing therapies.

Discontinuation of purging therapy

  • If for some reason you are going to have blood drawn during the cleansing therapy period, ask if you can move your test to a time when you will not be doing cleansing therapy or learn how to request a quarter or half tube from the Blood Collection Schedule chapter in the accompanying title of Anthony William's new book The Healing Medium: Salvation for the Brain . If you don't have the book on hand and have an immediate need to apply the information in this chapter for medical reasons, listen to the "Blood Drawing" episode of the Medium Healer podcast. For food and supplement protocols to avoid weakening your immune system, see Chapter 4 of Anthony William's new book , The Healing Medium: Brain Rescue .
  • For any general questions related to cleansing therapies not covered in this book, you can use the book Cleansing for Health as an additional resource.

Adaptation of the amount in children

You can use clearing therapy with brain shots in children, keeping the following in mind:

  • It's okay to leave out the lemon or lime water for children, and reduce the amount of celery stalk juice as appropriate for your child.
  • Depending on the age and size of the child, serve a small portion of a brain shot, whether that means reducing the portion to 30ml or even a teaspoon.


1. Cleansing Therapy with Brain Shots for Beginners

Add the following steps to your regular diet:

  • Drink 1 brain shot per day (a full list of recipes, as well as links to them, can be found in the introductory article "Healer Medium's Brain Shot Therapy" ).
  • You can choose between 10, 20 or 30 days of duration.
  • You can choose a different brain shot every day.
  • Optional: include as many Healer Medium protocols and recipes as possible.
  • Try to drink at least 1.5 liters of water during the day (this amount can also include coconut water ). Be careful not to drink the water too soon before or after taking the brain shot. Make sure there is at least 15-30 minutes between them.

2. Basic cleansing therapy with brain shots

Add the following steps to your regular diet:

  • Drink 2 identical brain shots per day (a full list of recipes, as well as links to them, can be found in the introductory article "Healer Medium Brain Shot Therapy" ), with an interval of at least 4 hours between them.
  • You can choose between 10, 20 or 30 days of duration.
  • You can choose a different brain shot every day.
  • Optional: include as many Healer Medium protocols and recipes as possible.
  • Try to drink at least 1.5 liters of water during the day (this amount can also include coconut water ). Be careful not to drink the water too soon before or after taking the brain shot. Make sure there is at least 15-30 minutes between them.

3. Simplified Brain Shot Cleansing Therapy

Add the following steps to your regular diet:

  • Drink 2 identical brain shots per day (a full list of recipes, as well as links to them, can be found in the introductory article "Healer Medium Brain Shot Therapy" ), with an interval of at least 4 hours between them.
  • You can choose between 10, 20 or 30 days of duration.
  • You can choose a different brain shot every day.
  • Start each day with 0.5 – 1 liter of fresh lemon or lime water after waking up (recipes with the correct ratio of lemon or lime to water can be found in Anthony William's books or on our blog ).
  • At least 15 to 30 minutes later, drink 0.5 – 1 liter of fresh celery stalk juice on an empty stomach (then wait another 15 to 30 minutes before taking your first brain shot or eating breakfast).
  • Optional: Drink a Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie anytime. It should not be consumed immediately after a meal rich in fat.
  • Do not consume fat until at least lunch.
  • Optional: For even better results, check out brain-transmitting foods and food chemicals in Chapters 5 and 7 of Anthony William's new book , The Healing Medium: Brain Rescue . Check out the lists to see which foods you might want to avoid during the cleanse. The less brain-trapping foods like eggs, dairy, gluten, corn, soy, tuna, lamb, and pork in your diet, the more effective brain shots can be.
  • Try to include as many recipes as possible from the books of the Medium Healer ( "Cleanse for Health" , "The Most Healthy Foods" and the revised and supplemented edition of "The Medium Healer" ) in your meals during the day.
  • Try to drink at least 1.5 liters of water during the day (this amount can include coconut water or your morning lemon water). Be careful not to drink the water too soon before or after taking the brain shot. Make sure there is at least 15-30 minutes between them.

4. Intermediate cleansing therapy with brain shots

Make these steps routine for your diet:

  • Drink 3 identical brain shots per day (a full list of recipes, as well as links to them, can be found in the introductory article "Healer Medium Brain Shot Therapy" ), with an interval of at least 4 hours between them.
  • You can choose between 10, 20 or 30 days of duration.
  • You can choose a different brain shot every day.
  • Start each day with 0.5 – 1 liter of fresh lemon or lime water after waking up (recipes with the correct ratio of lemon or lime to water can be found in Anthony William's books or on our blog ).
  • At least 15 to 30 minutes later, drink 0.5 – 1 liter of fresh celery stalk juice on an empty stomach (then wait another 15 to 30 minutes before taking your first brain shot or eating breakfast).
  • Optional: Drink a Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie anytime. It should not be consumed immediately after a meal rich in fat.
  • Avoid eggs, dairy, gluten, corn, soy, tuna, lamb and pork.
  • Use only recipes from the books of the Medium Healer ( "Cleanse for Health" , "The Most Healthy Foods" and the revised and supplemented edition of "The Medium Healer" ).
  • Do not consume fat until at least lunch.
  • Limit fat to one meal (if at all) that is after lunch, preferably at the end of the day. If you're on a plant-based diet, it's okay to include one serving of plant-based fats, such as avocados, nuts or nut tahini, seeds, coconut, coconut oil, olives, or olive oil, in a Healer Medium recipe. If you consume animal products, it is not a problem to include a meal of animal fat, such as chicken, beef, turkey, salmon, or sardines, in a Healer Medium recipe.
  • Try to drink at least 1.5 liters of water during the day (this amount can include coconut water or your morning lemon water). Be careful not to drink the water too soon before or after taking the brain shot. Make sure there is at least 15-30 minutes between them.

5. Specialized cleansing therapy with brain shots

Make these steps routine for your diet:

  • Drink 3 identical brain shots per day (a full list of recipes, as well as links to them, can be found in the introductory article "Healer Medium Brain Shot Therapy" ), with an interval of at least 4 hours between them.
  • You can choose between 10, 20 or 30 days of duration.
  • Choose a different brain shot each day, methodically working with only one group's recipes for a given 10-day therapy period (a full list of recipes, as well as links to them, can be found in the introductory article "Brain Shot Therapy Healer Medium" . It's not a problem to choose them differently from the set order of the group).
  • Start each day with 1 liter of fresh lemon or lime water after waking up (recipes with the correct ratio of lemon or lime to water can be found in Anthony William's books or on our blog ).
  • At least 15 to 30 minutes later, drink 1 quart of fresh celery stalk juice on an empty stomach (then wait another 15 to 30 minutes before taking your first brain shot or eating breakfast).
  • Optional: Drink a Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie anytime. It should not be consumed immediately after a meal rich in fat.
  • Avoid all foods and food chemicals from Chapters 5 and 7 of Anthony William's new book The Healing Medium: Brain Rescue , including caffeine.
  • Use only recipes from the books of the Medium Healer ( "Cleanse for Health" , "The Most Healthy Foods" and the revised and supplemented edition of "The Medium Healer" ).
  • Do not consume fat until at least lunch.
  • Limit fat to one meal (if at all) that is after lunch, preferably at the end of the day. If you're on a plant-based diet, it's okay to include one serving of plant-based fats, such as avocados, nuts or nut tahini, seeds, coconut, coconut oil, olives, or olive oil, in a Healer Medium recipe. If you consume animal products, it is not a problem to include a meal of animal fat, such as chicken, beef, turkey, salmon, or sardines, in a Healer Medium recipe.
  • Try to drink at least 1.5 liters of water during the day (this amount can include coconut water or your morning lemon water). Be careful not to drink the water too soon before or after taking the brain shot. Make sure there is at least 15-30 minutes between them.

6. Cleansing Therapy with Brain Shots for Advanced

Make these steps routine for your diet:

  • Drink 3 identical brain shots per day (a full list of recipes, as well as links to them, can be found in the introductory article "Healer Medium Brain Shot Therapy" ), with an interval of at least 4 hours between them.
  • You can choose between 20 or 30 days of duration.
  • Choose a different brain shot each day, methodically working with only one group's recipes for a given 10-day therapy period (a full list of recipes, as well as links to them, can be found in the introductory article "Brain Shot Therapy Healer Medium" . It's not a problem to choose them differently from the set order of the group).
  • Start each day with 1 liter of fresh lemon or lime water after waking up (recipes with the correct ratio of lemon or lime to water can be found in Anthony William's books or on our blog ).
  • At least 15 to 30 minutes later, drink 1 quart of fresh celery stalk juice on an empty stomach (then wait another 15 to 30 minutes before taking your first brain shot or eating breakfast).
  • Drink the Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie daily. (Optional: you can stop taking the smoothie for one day every 10 days.)
  • Avoid all foods and food chemicals from Chapters 5 and 7 of Anthony William's new book The Healing Medium: Brain Rescue , including caffeine.
  • Use only fat-free recipes from the books of the Medium Healer ( "Cleanse for Health" , "The Most Healthy Foods" and the revised and supplemented edition of "The Medium Healer" ).
  • Avoid all foods containing fat, both plant-based (nuts, seeds, avocados) and animal-based (pork, chicken, fish).
  • Try to drink at least 1.5 liters of water during the day (this amount can include coconut water or your morning lemon water). Be careful not to drink the water too soon before or after taking the brain shot. Make sure there is at least 15-30 minutes between them.

7. High-Intensity Cleansing Therapy with Brain Shots

Make these steps routine for your diet:

  • Drink 3 identical brain shots per day (a full list of recipes, as well as links to them, can be found in the introductory article "Healer Medium Brain Shot Therapy" ), with an interval of at least 4 hours between them.
  • 30 days duration.
  • Choose a different brain shot each day, methodically working with only one group's recipes for a given 10-day therapy period (a full list of recipes, as well as links to them, can be found in the introductory article "Brain Shot Therapy Healer Medium" . It's not a problem to choose them differently from the set order of the group).
  • Start each day with 1 liter of fresh lemon or lime water after waking up (recipes with the correct ratio of lemon or lime to water can be found in Anthony William's books or on our blog ).
  • At least 15 to 30 minutes later, drink 1 quart of fresh celery stalk juice on an empty stomach (then wait another 15 to 30 minutes before drinking your first brain shot or eating breakfast).
  • Drink the Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie daily. (Optional: you can stop taking the smoothie for one day every 10 days.)
  • Avoid all foods and food chemicals from Chapters 5 and 7 of Anthony William's new book The Healing Medium: Brain Rescue , including caffeine.
  • Use only fat-free recipes from the books of the Medium Healer ( "Cleanse for Health" , "The Most Healthy Foods" and the revised and supplemented edition of "The Medium Healer" ).
  • Avoid all foods containing fat, both plant-based (nuts, seeds, avocados) and animal-based (pork, chicken, fish).
  • Eliminate scented candles, colognes, perfumes, scented laundry detergents, fabric softeners, air fresheners, scented aftershaves, scented deodorants, scented soaps, scented body sprays, scented body lotions, scented body oils, scented hair products, incense and car air fresheners.
  • Try to drink at least 1.5 liters of water during the day (this amount can include coconut water or your morning lemon water). Be careful not to drink the water too soon before or after taking the brain shot. Make sure there is at least 15-30 minutes between them.
Omega MM900/MM1500

Anthony William uses and recommends for the Healer Medium's brain shot therapy, horizontal pressing juicers Omega MM900 and the new  Omega MM1500.[ [


See more

Material from Anthony William - Medical Medium® was used to create this article

Anthony William

Anthony William, Creator of the Worldwide Celery Juice Movement and #1 New York Times Bestselling Author - "Healer Medium: Cleanse for Health", "Healing Medium: Liver Help" , "The Healing Medium: The Most Helpful Foods" , "Healerth Medium", < em>“The Healing Medium: Thyroid Healing gland”, “Celery Juice” and “Brain Saver” (not yet translated into Bulgarian), was born with the unique ability to converse with the Spirit of Compassion, which provides him with extremely accurate health information ahead of its time.

This blog, its content and all related materials are presented for informational purposes only and are not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, treatment or prescription. Nothing contained in or accessible from this blog should be considered medical advice, diagnosis, treatment or prescription, nor a promise of benefits, claim of cure, legal guarantee or guarantee of results to be achieved . Never disregard medical advice or delay seeking it because of something you read on this blog or any of the related materials. Prirodnik EOOD and its team are not medical persons and do not claim to provide health services. Consult a licensed healthcare professional before changing or discontinuing any current medication, treatment or care, or starting any diet, exercise or supplement program, or if you have or suspect you may have a medical condition , which requires medical attention. The Food and Drug Agency of R. Bulgaria has not evaluated any statement, claim or representation made on or accessible from this blog or any related material. The content of this blog and any related material does not necessarily reflect the opinion of Prirodnik EOOD or the primary author and is not guaranteed to be correct, complete or up-to-date. This article may contain links to other resources on the Internet. These links are provided as citations and aids to help you identify and find other Internet resources that may be of interest and are not intended to state or imply that Prirodnik EOOD or the lead author recommends, endorses, supports, sponsor or are in any way related or associated with any person or organization related to the referenced material or are legally authorized to use a trade name, registered trade trademark, logo, legal or official seal, or copyrighted symbol that may appear in the referenced material.

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