Салата от домати, краставици и пресни билки

Fresh herbs and thinly sliced ​​cucumber and tomato make this simple recipe something special. Whether you use multi-colored tomatoes or just red ones, the beauty of this recipe will come alive before you. Although this salad is included as one of the dinner options in the Medium Healer's 3:6:9 Intensive Cleanse , it's no wonder you'll want to make it regularly after it's over.

This recipe is part of the 3:6:9 cleanses of the Healing Medium and is included in the recipes of the book "Cleansing for Health" . Other recipes from these cleanses can be found on our blog as well as in Anthony William's books .

Tomatoes: they contain important trace elements, phytochemicals, vitamins and minerals that you can use to support various liver functions. Lycopene is a favorite nutrient that the liver admires: the liver uses it to protect itself from cell damage, and in addition, lycopene helps the liver detoxify red blood cells safely, smoothly, and efficiently. The fruit acids in tomatoes help keep the gallbladder healthy by helping to flush out sludge from the gallbladder and even reducing the size of gallstones. Even poorly grown tomatoes have a high mineral content. These minerals often reach the deep, inner core of the liver, helping to prevent disease there.

Cucumbers: they are allies of the liver due to their ability to hydrate it. Your liver always needs living water that is full of minerals and other nutrients because the liver keeps your blood hydrated. He relies on sources like cucumbers for this living water. This minimizes the dirty blood syndrome by helping to reduce the fats and toxins in it. The phytochemical compounds in cucumbers act as anti-inflammatory agents for the small intestine and colon. Cucumbers also have a gentle ability to thin the blood, allowing detoxification to proceed naturally, unhindered.


  • 4 to 5 medium-sized tomatoes (different colors if possible), thinly sliced;
  • 1 medium-sized cucumber, thinly sliced;
  • 1/2 red onion, finely chopped;
  • 1 clove of garlic, crushed;
  • 1 tsp chopped asparagus
  • 1 tsp loosely picked fresh basil, finely chopped;
  • 1 tsp loosely picked fresh parsley, finely chopped;
  • 1/2 tsp. fresh dill, finely chopped;
  • 1 tbsp. lemon juice;
  • 1 tsp or more Atlantic dulse flakes, to taste (optional).


  • 6 p.m. loose leafy greens (eg rosemary, lettuce, spinach and/or thyme);
  • 2 tbsp. freshly squeezed orange or lemon juice.

Method of preparation:

In a bowl, mix the tomatoes, cucumber, onion, garlic, asparagus and herbs. Add the lemon juice, orange juice and dulse seaweed. Mix again and set aside. Place your choice of leafy greens in a large bowl and sprinkle with fresh orange or lemon juice. Add the mixture from the other bowl. Serve immediately or store in the refrigerator.

Portion for 1-2 people.

Material from Anthony William - Medical Medium® was used to create this article

Anthony William, Creator of the Worldwide Celery Juice Movement and #1 New York Times Bestselling Author - "Healer Medium: Cleanse for Health", "Healing Medium: Liver Help" , "The Healing Medium: The Most Helpful Foods" , "Healerth Medium", < em>“The Healing Medium: Thyroid Healing gland”, “Celery Juice” and “Brain Saver” (not yet translated into Bulgarian), was born with the unique ability to converse with the Spirit of Compassion, which provides him with extremely accurate health information ahead of its time.

This blog, its content and all related materials are presented for informational purposes only and are not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, treatment or prescription. Nothing contained in or accessible from this blog should be considered medical advice, diagnosis, treatment or prescription, nor a promise of benefits, claim of cure, legal guarantee or guarantee of results to be achieved . Never disregard medical advice or delay seeking it because of something you read on this blog or any of the related materials. Prirodnik EOOD and its team are not medical persons and do not claim to provide health services. Consult a licensed healthcare professional before changing or discontinuing any current medication, treatment or care, or starting any diet, exercise or supplement program, or if you have or suspect you may have a medical condition , which requires medical attention. The Food and Drug Agency of R. Bulgaria has not evaluated any statement, claim or representation made on or accessible from this blog or any related material. The content of this blog and any related material does not necessarily reflect the opinion of Prirodnik EOOD or the primary author and is not guaranteed to be correct, complete or up-to-date. This article may contain links to other resources on the Internet. These links are provided as citations and aids to help you identify and find other Internet resources that may be of interest and are not intended to state or imply that Prirodnik EOOD or the lead author recommends, endorses, supports, sponsor or are in any way related or associated with any person or organization related to the referenced material or are legally authorized to use a trade name, registered trade trademark, logo, legal or official seal, or copyrighted symbol that may appear in the referenced material.

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