In this article, we will introduce you to the profound essence of cleansing and rejuvenating cells throughout the body to enable your recovery and healing.

The Structure of Purification 3:6:9

Whether you choose the Original, Simplified, or Intensive 3:6:9 Cleanse, you'll start with a three-day preparation phase that Anthony William calls "The Three" ( days one through three at the start of each cleanse ) and is an integral part of the plan. Do not skip it by starting directly from the following days, because the body needs this preparation to benefit from the other stages as well.

During the next three days, when you go through the "Six" (from the 4th to the 6th day of the cleansing plan) , the inner cleansing begins. This is the time when your liver and other organs open up some of the old compartments full of toxins ( old drugs, petrochemicals, plastics and toxic heavy metals ), fat and viral waste that they have held for months or years.

And during the last three days, when you're in the Nine stage , the liver can relax, sending a host of pests into your bloodstream to be flushed out of your body to get you closer to your healing goals. With this stage, the 3:6:9 cleanse ends and a real change in your state of health occurs.

If you're looking for a longer cleanse, you can safely start over after completing the first 9-day cycle of the Original, Simplified or Intensive 3:6:9 Cleanse. You can repeat the nine day cleanse cycle as long as you like. For more guidance on this, see Chapter 13 - "Repeat of Cleansing 3:6:9" and Chapter 19 - "Basic Cleansing Instructions" of the book Cleansing for Health . There you will also clarify your questions about what to do if for some reason you need to stop the cleanse in the middle of it.

The structure of this cleanse is not arbitrary. These 3-day liver care steps, which are integral parts of the 9-day protocol, put your body into a state of deep cleansing. If you want to learn more about the meaning of these numbers, you will find information in Anthony William's book Help for the Liver . You will discover how to take advantage of the power of numbers in "The Secret of the Year of Birth Cleansing" in Chapter 19 of the book Cleansing for Health .

Scheduling the purge

The 3:6:9 Cleanse is designed to help you from day one, regardless of your condition. If you're used to eating the standard way, don't worry, you don't have to prepare for the cleanse by cutting out problem foods for a whole month or doing the Morning Cleanse or Heavy Metal Cleanse , although that would be helpful too. Regardless of your diet, you can safely start with any of the 3:6:9 cleansing options.

The exception is if you are overly sensitive. If you have digestive issues that make it difficult to process a variety of foods, then consider starting with a Monofood Cleanse. In Chapter 18 of the book "Cleansing for Health" you will find a detailed explanation of it.

If you work Monday through Friday, a good option to start the purge is to start on Saturday and finish the following Sunday. That way, you'll have the first weekend to ease into the meal plan, shop for the foods you need, and prepare them for the week ahead. Then on the second weekend you will have the time and space to focus on the most important days of the cleanse.

With the release of poisons and toxins, it is possible to experience mild fatigue or emotional excitement. Purification is not only physical – it can also be a spiritual process. When you release poisons and toxins, you are parting with an older part of yourself. You release the past. While these emotions can appear at any time during the cleanse, prepare for them to happen especially during the last three days. Before you even begin the cleanse, make a plan. Choose a start date that will mean the last three days will occur at a time when you can afford to be a little more tired or emotional – which is one of the reasons why Anthony William recommends finishing the cleanse over the weekend. If your week is structured differently, or if you prefer to start on a different day for some other reason, then start your 3:6:9 cleanse whenever you want. The important thing is that this protocol finds a place in your daily life and helps you.

If you've been eating the standard way - in other words, you're used to consuming processed and fried foods or high amounts of gluten, dairy, and animal protein - and you want to jump straight into the 3:6:9 Intensive, keep in mind, that this approach will be much more radical than if you start with the Original or Simplified 3:6:9 or any of the cleanses in the Cleansing for Health book . We don't mean to scare you with this, just to prepare you for the fact that you will be excreting far more poisons and toxins into the blood than someone who had a cleaner diet before starting the 3:6:9 Intensive. Your bloodstream will quickly fill with toxins from the surface layers of your organs as well as cells and tissues throughout your body, while someone who has been eating cleaner foods will mostly release deeper stored toxins. The large amount of toxins eliminated suggests a little more rest during all 9 days of the Intensive Cleanse.

Adrenal protection

One of the best things about 3:6:9 cleanses is that they protect the adrenal glands. Unlike many other cleanses that make you starve, forcing the adrenal glands to release extra adrenaline that the liver then has to "clean up", the 3:6:9 cleanse doesn't deplete these precious glands because it doesn't starve you.

If you're cutting out foods in the wrong way—if you're doing a cleanse where food is removed without thought, consideration, or understanding of how your adrenals really work—then your adrenals can react because they haven't been alerted to such a change. The reaction will be in the form of a continuous release of adrenaline, which the body will use as a substitute for blood sugar. This way, your organs stay stable and withstand the unexpected lack of glucose from the new diet you're trying. However, the adrenal glands pay the price for this. An example of this is the older versions of the keto diet and other high-fat/high-protein diets - cutting out carbs completely weakened and damaged the adrenal glands, and then for months one felt tired and lacked energy.

If you are worried that you will experience hunger pangs during the 3:6:9 cleanses, you can rest easy. The 3:6:9 Cleanse protects you and protects your adrenal glands. You don't have to limit yourself to small portions, and each version comes with options for light additional snacks.

Although the Original 3:6:9 reduces fat intake to give the liver and pancreas a break, this is done gradually. Although the Simplified and Intensive 3:6:9 cleanses require you to abstain from radical fats at all times, you have the opportunity to satisfy your appetite and be full. Plus, all three plans are nutrient-dense and satiating at a deep cellular level.

Helpers for Life - Original, Simplified and Intensive Cleansing

As we discussed in the article "Guide to choosing a cleanse - parts 1 and 2" , the decision whether to choose the Original, Simplified or Intensive 3:6:9 cleanse depends on several factors, including how new to cleansing you are and what is healthy your condition. If you only have a few symptoms that do not interfere with your daily life, you may choose one option. If you are plagued by multiple symptoms and ailments and are in dire need of cleansing, healing and recovery, you may want to consider another option. Your schedule will likely be a factor as well. You know best what your goals are and what seems doable to you right now. And remember, it's not all or nothing. Whichever cleansing option you choose now, you can choose a different one next time. These plans will be available to you for life.

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