Caffeine has been known since ancient times through various plant sources, but the way it is used now has a longer history. The addiction we have to caffeine is no longer just a ceremony as it has been for hundreds of years around the world. Nowadays we use it as a stimulant just to get through our daily lives because people are not feeling well and struggle with focus and concentration issues, brain fog , fatigue, lack of energy, forgetfulness, sleepiness and physical discomfort. Now we use it to mask our daily symptoms. Of course, people who are feeling well also consume caffeine, but more and more people who are not feeling well are consuming it to survive and get through their day.

The relationship between caffeinated products such as coffee, matcha tea, chocolate, caffeinated tea or energy drinks and the person who consumes them is not equal. Over time, caffeine can cause symptoms and conditions resulting from burned out adrenal glands and a weakened liver, which can include thinning hair, hair loss, nutrient deficiencies, accelerated aging, weight gain, loss of libido, and more.

Fight or flight

"Fight or flight" is an innate reflex of the body; it is a hidden power and gift that protects your body in compromising or stressful situations. When you consume caffeine, it puts the adrenal glands into this fight-or-flight mode every day and can rob them of vitality. Caffeine becomes the lying shepherd. When the adrenal glands are in constant fight-or-flight mode due to daily caffeine consumption, the brain becomes numb to what's going on, so when a real problem arises, your brain is likely to be slow to respond.

Hair thinning and hair loss

The number of women experiencing thinning hair and hair loss at a young age is increasing dramatically. Unknown to medical research and science, caffeine can burn a specific, vital, undiscovered hormone that the adrenal glands produce. This hormone helps keep hair follicles alive and acts as the glue that keeps hair on a woman's head. Because the adrenal glands are kept in constant fight-or-flight mode by caffeine consumption, this hormone begins to wear off over time and can lead to weakening of the hair follicles, thinning hair, and eventual hair loss.

Caffeine and the liver

The liver has many jobs, one of which is to process and convert every nutrient that enters the body and use it. Caffeine can shock, stress and weaken the liver, affecting its ability to process and convert nutrients properly, which can lead to nutrient deficiencies. When the body is in constant fight-or-flight mode, which can be triggered by caffeine, adrenaline is released and absorbed directly into the liver, which can cause cell damage and potentially weaken the liver's immune system.

Caffeine and aging

Many people are led to believe that caffeinated products such as matcha tea, coffee or chocolate are healthy, anti-aging and can even help a person live longer, leading to an increase in caffeine consumption. In fact, caffeinated products can accelerate aging, and this increased caffeine consumption is why some men and women begin to age earlier in life.

One reason caffeine can age the body is long-term, chronic dehydration. Coffee, matcha tea, caffeinated teas, and chocolate are diuretics that push critically needed hydration out of living cells in the body, essentially depriving the cells of what they need. Caffeine is a toxin, a low-grade poison that makes your body want to get rid of it. Unfortunately, as your body tries to rid itself of this toxin, it flushes out the toxin along with important nutrients, trace elements, phytochemicals, critically needed enzymes and antioxidants. In trying to get rid of caffeine, your body has no choice but to get rid of other important nutrients as well. This chronic dehydration and disposal of important nutrients can cause a person to age well before their time.

Giving up caffeine

As with any addictive substance, the process of quitting caffeine can be difficult and is a deterrent for many people. Neurons in the brain become saturated with caffeine and adrenaline from the body's constant "fight or flight" response, and when the caffeine and adrenaline leave the neurons, shock and emotional breakdown can occur.

When people use caffeinated drinks to help themselves make decisions, their brain and its neurons stop doing the work for themselves, making them lazy and dependent. When the caffeine is removed, the neurons, neurotransmitters, and electrical impulses must re-start the engine and switch from automatic mode back to manual mode. This change and caffeine withdrawal can cause the brain to misfire and potentially trigger migraines as well as other symptoms.

Addictive chemical compounds cause dependence in the emotional center of the brain, which is unknown to research and science. Feel-good substances like coffee, caffeinated teas, and chocolate can create an emotional connection with that caffeine in the emotional center of the brain, making it even harder to quit. This relationship can lead to heightened emotions when this substance is withdrawn.


Giving up caffeine can be difficult for many people. The following remedies can help speed recovery from withdrawal and allow the brain to reset itself without caffeine and adrenaline.

Restoring neurotransmitters is an important step in the treatment of caffeine withdrawal, and this is best done with the help of electrolytes. Incorporating about 2 liters of coconut water a day for a week can benefit the brain and hydrate the body during caffeine withdrawal. Celery juice , the only complete electrolyte on the planet, would also be beneficial to include to help hydrate and restore neurotransmitters, restore neurons, and safely wean you off caffeine. During withdrawal, it is best to consume half to one liter of celery stem juice twice a day for a week.

Micronutrients are the glue that allows communication between the various centers of the brain, which are depleted over time by caffeine consumption. Consuming more micronutrients will aid healing during caffeine withdrawal. Excellent sources of trace elements are: Healer Medium's spinach soup , coconut water , celery stalk juice and Healer Medium's healing broth .

Glucose replenishes the brain's depleted glycogen stores, which the caffeine-induced adrenaline burns through. Including more glucose in your diet is a powerful tool when weaning off caffeine, and it can restore neurons and electrical impulses in the brain. A great option is to consume two mangoes daily for a week or more. It can be helpful when planning your detox to have fresh or frozen mangoes available.

Drinking a liter of lemon water twice a day for two weeks works wonders for hydration, which is crucial during caffeine withdrawal. Lemon water is also living water, which is a powerful means of flushing out long-term caffeine accumulated in the tissues, organs, cells and brain.

Medicinal herbs and nutritional supplements

During caffeine withdrawal, everything in the brain tries to readjust and find its place again. Melatonin can be a useful tool in calming neurons and electrical impulses as the brain tries to restore its proper balance.

Lemon balm calms and strengthens the central nervous system, helping with anxiety, depression and nervousness that can occur when giving up caffeine and going through withdrawal. Over time, the central nervous system becomes dependent on caffeine, and lemon balm acts as a soothing salve, giving the nervous system a better chance of a smoother transition from caffeine.

Muscles can become dependent on caffeine and adrenaline and contract when these substances are withdrawn. Magnesium glycinate helps with muscle spasms that often occur with caffeine withdrawal.

See Cleanse for Health for additional support in addiction treatment.

How to move forward

Taking control of your health is a multi-faceted process, and it's hard when you're told something is good for you when it's not. Knowing the truth about caffeine can be a great start to taking control of your health .

See Anthony William's video in which he makes chaga and reishi mushroom tea and talks about the healing properties of this drink, as well as the harmful effects of caffeine on our immune system : see video here .

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