How much water do you drink every day? How much fresh, raw fruit and vegetables do you consume? These are just a few questions that can help you assess whether you are well hydrated or suffering from chronic dehydration. Most people today are chronically dehydrated, even if they don't realize it or feel thirsty.
Until recently, few people had heard of candidiasis. In the late 1990s, however, this diagnosis began to spread from alternative to conventional medicine. In reality, however, few cases of candida overgrowth are strictly related to these dimorphic fungi that grow like yeast. Candida itself is harmless.
After introducing you to Anthony William's revelations about the real sources of the most common gut health problems in the first part of the article, in its continuation we will offer you his advice on the harmful trends to avoid, what steps to take along the way to healing and the irreplaceable role of fruit in the health of the intestinal tract. Focusing on gut health is a process of ongoing daily habits that is long-term, not something that happens overnight. With this in mind, you can start taking at least one step each day that will move you closer to a healthy digestive system.
There are real reasons for gut health problems and in this article we will look at what Anthony William reveals about the real sources of these ailments and how you can recover from them.
Is there really a complex world of microorganisms in our intestines? Absolutely! But is this the answer to all our suffering? No. It's just another theory as the health industry desperately tries to figure out why so many people are sick. And it's not even a new theory. In fact, this is a return to the old idea of candida and the claim that the gut is the source of all our problems. This is another way to blame ourselves for our own illnesses.
The term microbiome has become extremely popular in recent years. Because of its complexity and increasing use, many people believe that the concept has been fully disclosed. It's often thought that if you don't know anything about the microbiome, you don't understand anything about health. This leads to questions as to why some cleansing programs, such as the Healing Medium's 3:6:9 Cleanse, do not focus entirely on the microbiome or gut flora.
Medical science and research, as well as many modern diets, have been pushing protein on us for quite some time. Our culture is so inundated with protein "facts" that when trying to make healthy decisions for themselves and their families, people often only consider whether or not a food item is high in protein. They don't even think to consider the other elements of food that can be harmful. Unfortunately, this is not a new problem. The misrepresentation of the place of protein in our diet first appeared in the 1930s. Protein is quickly becoming a buzzword in the food industry as a tactic to steer our food purchasing choices toward what the industry wants us to spend our money on.
You may have read or heard that high-protein, low-carb diets are beneficial, but today we're going to share with you why Anthony William sees them as problematic, especially for people with chronic health conditions or symptoms.
What happens on a physical and emotional level in our body to cause post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) to occur? Simply put, it's a lack of glucose in the brain that occurs when a person experiences trauma. When there is not enough glucose stored in brain tissue to fuel the central nervous system, emotional disturbance can have lasting consequences. Contrary to popular scientific belief, although electrolytes play a critical role in brain health, PTSD does not occur due to electrolyte loss. Lack of glucose is the real cause.
Every person on this planet has experienced some form of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It's not just the fight-or-flight response to tragedy or war trauma that veterans suffer from—it's the well-known and documented extreme form of PTSD. There is also an epidemic of post-traumatic stress disorder that people have been learning about ever since Anthony William started talking about it in his books.
In the first part of the article, we discussed the two main reasons behind any addiction. The first reason is the lack of glucose. If you consume enough glucose from fresh fruits and vegetables, you are much less likely to develop an addiction. And if you're struggling with addiction, overcoming a glucose deficit can be a powerful step toward recovery. The second reason is adrenaline. Your own adrenaline can be highly addictive and usually plays a large role in any addiction, including drugs, alcohol, unhealthy sugars, and even danger.
Do you have a loved one struggling with addiction, or have you struggled with a similar addiction yourself? Addictions can be one of the hardest battles we fight in our lives. One of the hardest parts is trying to understand what triggers addiction and how we find ourselves trapped in suffering over and over again. This article will give you some answers and hope for healing.
When someone is addicted to refined sugar, it is a sign of glucose deficiency, which is sometimes due to early childhood insulin resistance. This feeling of desperation for refined sugar comes from the search for the fastest way to deliver glucose to the brain. It's not so much an addiction to the sweet taste, it's that the brain is looking for the most direct route to supply itself with sugar to correct the deficiency.