Anthony William talks about the truth and myths about parasites

Anthony William talks about the truth and myths about parasites

Have you ever been diagnosed with a parasitic infection? If so, you are one of the many people who have encountered the rapidly growing trend of health problems with a long history of blaming parasites. In this article, Anthony William debunks these erroneous, but deep-rooted ideas that quickly spread and have a negative impact on those who receive this misdiagnosis.

The wrong diagnosis

The medical community is still unclear about what causes people to suffer from conditions such as fibromyalgia , chronic fatigue syndrome , or small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) . This lack of understanding often leads to incorrect diagnoses, such as parasites, which have recently become the scapegoat for such health problems. When a person is diagnosed with this, usually the parasites are not actually the problem, but something else in their body is causing the symptoms and conditions. For example, the amount of byproducts that the Epstein-Barr virus can dump in the liver and intestinal tract can lead a doctor to believe that his patient is suffering from a parasitic infection. The problem with this diagnosis is that the person does not have a parasitic infection and is actually fighting the Epstein-Barr virus , which can easily release an abundance of byproducts and viral envelopes that are misdiagnosed as parasites because they cannot yet be accurately identified. Epstein-Barr can have different mutated strains that are able to adapt to enter different organs. During this process, some strains of this virus can actually change their envelopes, and medical professionals can misidentify these viral envelopes as bacteria or a type of parasite.

Dealing with a real parasite

Parasitic infections are a serious health problem that requires careful diagnosis and timely treatment. If you have been diagnosed with a parasite infection in the past and are still trying to overcome the symptoms associated with it, it is possible that you have not had actual contact with a parasite. Although it is possible to become infected with a true parasite, in cases of true parasitic infection the body either manages to eliminate the parasite or the parasite is in danger of being fatal. In other words, the outcome of such an infection is clear: either the person wins the battle or the parasite.

Examples of parasitic infections

There are different routes of parasite infection. For example, the consumption of raw pork can lead to a severe infection in which the patient ends up in the intensive care unit with a high fever and sharp pains that put his life at risk. If the body fails to deal with the parasite, the consequences can be severe and life-threatening. One of the sure findings is that a parasite acquired from raw pork cannot remain in the body for a long time. This is also one of the reasons to avoid eating poorly cooked meat.

Food and water hazards

One of the most common parasites transmitted through raw or undercooked meat is Toxoplasma gondii . This parasite is extremely toxic and can cause hallucinations. It can be found not only in meat, but also in raw salads and vegetables served in establishments that offer animal products. Whether you're a carnivore, vegetarian or vegan, avoiding raw foods at restaurants that don't specialize in plant-based cuisine is a smart decision. It's safer to stick to cooked meals.

Contact with dangerous parasites can also take place through contaminated water in different regions or through casual meals in restaurants. Contagion is possible both during trips abroad and outdoor gatherings at home. It is important to be careful and choose the foods and drinks you consume.

Malaria and other parasites

Malaria is another parasitic infection that humans struggle with. Like all other true parasites, malaria cannot exist in the body long term. The body can fight off the infection, but if it fails, the disease can be fatal. Amoebae and protozoa can also be dangerous and life-threatening if not eliminated from the body.

A common confusion arises around the parasite Babesia , which, however, is not entirely a parasite. Three-quarters of this hybrid form is bacterial in nature, making it misclassified as a pure parasite.

Dealing with parasitic infections

There is still much uncertainty in scientific research regarding various microorganisms that may be present in contaminated meats and standing water sources. Situations with true parasitic infection are usually life-threatening. If the body fails to deal with the infection, the result can be severe. In the presence of a parasitic infection, patients often suffer from violent vomiting or continuous diarrhea. In severe cases, doctors have to put patients into an artificial coma to give them a chance to fight off the infection.

The body's reaction and long-term prognosis

In some cases, the body's reaction may be more moderate. If the parasite is eliminated quickly, the patient may experience only a short period of symptoms. Sometimes, however, the body needs weeks to deal with the infection, resulting in longer but milder symptoms. After all, a true parasite cannot remain in the body long-term, as the body eliminates it.

Our bodies have extraordinary abilities to deal with parasitic infections and in most cases they succeed. However, a small percentage of those affected are unable to beat the infection. In such cases, it is important to maintain a positive attitude and believe in the victory over the disease. If you experience chronic health problems over a long period of time, the likelihood that the cause is a parasitic infection is low. Rather, it is another health problem that requires proper diagnosis and treatment.

Parasite cleanses

If you've been diagnosed with a long-term parasite infection, your doctor may suggest you do a parasite cleanse. If you've been doing any of these natural cleanses, you may have even noticed slight improvements. The reason for this is that when you try to deal with parasites through natural measures, you may have inadvertently gone after the real cause of your problems without realizing it. Natural cleanses advertised to fight parasites can often begin to help reduce bacterial or viral loads in the body, which is why you may have felt some improvement.

While some of the herbs in these cleanses can be supportive, identifying the unique pathogen you're up against and choosing the best foods, supplements, and herbs to combat that particular ailment can allow for proper healing. This article, as well as the other NATURAL blog posts and the Healing Medium books , can help you understand what you're really up against and what steps you can take to begin healing.

Steps to take

If you've been diagnosed with a long-term parasite infection, instead of immediately embarking on a parasite cleanse, Anthony William recommends first removing any foods from your diet that could feed harmful bacteria and viruses in your body. As you already know, the reason we focus on eliminating bacteria and viruses rather than parasites is that most people diagnosed with a parasite infection are actually fighting a type of bacteria or, in some cases, a virus.

Depriving yourself of foods that can feed pathogens is an extremely beneficial action you can take. Try to eliminate eggs, dairy products such as milk, cheese, butter and yogurt, as well as gluten and canola oil from your diet. If your eating habits include animal protein or animal products, try to reduce the amount you consume while trying to heal your symptoms and conditions. If you are a die-hard meat eater, reduce your meat intake or replace it with chicken up to once a day. This change in diet will allow you to include more healing foods that can help kill the bacteria in your body over time. If you're eating a plant-based diet, it's just as important to be mindful of including real healing foods like fresh fruits, leafy greens, and vegetables. Some vegetarian products, such as soy-based products, most grains, processed foods, etc. they don't feed the good bacteria and replacing some of these foods with them can be an important step.

Supporting foods

As already stated, what people think of as parasite problems can often be related to bacteria, which is why it's important to prioritize the health of your intestinal tract. Taking steps to nourish the beneficial microorganisms in this part of the digestive system is critical. Certain foods can help you achieve this. Try including dandelion greens and arugula, two powerful leafy greens. Coriander and parsley are some other fantastic additions. Using a food processor to puree green leafy vegetables and incorporate them into your meal is a fantastic practice.

Juicing fennel bulbs (slices), which are rich in vitamin C, can make a wonderful healing drink. For another fantastic juice, juice fennel, celery and cucumber bulbs. Drinking fresh juice from celery stalks can change your health. Increasing your hydrochloric acid levels—one of the many benefits of celery stalk juice—can aid your body's efforts to kill bacteria. With adequate levels of hydrochloric acid in your body, you have a much better chance of killing harmful invaders, including parasites. A second juice right after the celery juice can also be fantastic. You can include a combination of products in it. Some great vegetables for juicing are kale, parsley, cilantro, and dill. Aloe vera can be a powerful weapon for a number of problems. See the recipe for making soothing aloe vera water on our blog. If you're struggling with intestinal issues or even true parasite issues, drinking coconut water regularly can make an incredible difference. Lemon or lime water are two other options for antiparasitic drinks.

Taking the best heavy metal detox foods daily can be another very helpful practice. By implementing a heavy metal detox, you can begin to flush out toxic metals such as mercury, aluminum, lead, and arsenic. It may seem to you that the parasite problem is starting to resolve itself, but what is actually happening is that a significant food source for the bacteria in your body is no longer available.

Supportive nutritional supplements and teas

If a doctor has diagnosed you with a persistent parasite infection and you are reluctant to question it, we would still suggest that you get plenty of the healing foods mentioned above and discuss with your doctor some of the following supplements and teas that can help your condition.

Oil of oregano is fantastic for any type of intestinal problem that stems from a bacterial infection. Lemon balm , olive leaf , and pau d'arco are three other great nutritional supplements to include in your protocol if you're suffering from what your doctor says is a parasite-related problem. If you have gut or circulatory issues, fennel is a great herb to include. Thyme tea and elderberry tea are also excellent supplements. Drinking elderberry tea regularly can help nourish the good bacteria in your gut – a protective measure that helps you protect yourself from the harmful parasites you may encounter.

Cat's claw can help with many pathogenic problems. This nutritional supplement can help kill strains of the Epstein-Barr virus , HHV-6, herpes zoster , and other viruses that fall into the herpes virus family. Cat's claw can also help fight bacteria such as Escherichia coli, streptococcus, and Clostridium difficile.

Doctors currently trying to treat Lyme disease are starting to shy away from using antibiotics as a treatment option after seeing how, in the past, patients were flooded with antibiotics with little or no success. Gradually, the doses are reduced, and the period in which they are administered is extended. Currently, many doctors working with patients diagnosed with Lyme disease avoid antibiotics and opt for a more natural protocol that includes cat's claw and intravenous vitamin therapy. Many have realized that a natural approach to treatment that includes these and other nutritional supplements can actually lead to healing.

How to move forward

It is vitally important that people begin to learn how parasites really work in the body and what a parasite diagnosis can actually mean. We are not fans of misinformation or guessing games when it comes to human health. Hopefully, this knowledge will help you let go of misdiagnoses, avoid treatments that aren't helpful, and move forward with information that can support your true healing.

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