This is the moment your liver has been waiting for all along. When you go through the Three and Six stages, your body has begun to decompress, and you will be amazed at the positive impact this can have on both your body and your mood. In addition to starting to help yourself, it will undoubtedly inspire those around you who notice these positive results to take action towards change.

But now is not the time to relax. During the last 6 days you have been improving your liver and replenishing your body's reserves, preparing them for the Nine stage, so that the body has the strength to expel the garbage and poisons that the organs have held inside for years. This is about much more than the ability of simple cleansing to process everyday waste. These 3 days are a whole new step in your healing journey.


After waking up from sleep

  • As usual, you start each day with 500 ml. water with lemon or lime juice. If desired, drink 1 liter each.


  • If desired, sweeten the lemon or lime water with 1 teaspoon of raw honey.


  • After drinking the lemon water, wait about 15-20, ideally 30 minutes and enjoy at least 500 ml. celery stalk juice (see the recipe in the article "How to make celery stalk juice" ).
  • After you finish the celery juice, wait another 15 to 30 minutes, then enjoy a snack of your choice, within the guidelines of this cleanse. This time, the breakfast should consist only of fresh fruits, adding green leafy vegetables, stalked celery and cucumber to them if desired. (Frozen fruit is allowed, but no dried fruit this time.)
  • If you get hungry later in the morning, have a breakfast of apples (applesauce or ripe pears).


  • If you are sensitive, drink half a liter of celery stalk juice in the morning and the second half in the afternoon (well separated from other foods and drinks).
  • As with the previous cycles, there is also the added option of drinking a Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie later in the morning.


  • For lunch, choose a meal within the recommendations in this article or Anthony William's book Cleanse for Health .


  • If you get hungry in the afternoon, eat apples (applesauce or pears), celery stalks and cucumber slices.


  • If you drink a second serving of celery juice in the afternoon, be sure to wait at least 60 minutes after lunch to drink it. After you finish the celery stalk juice, wait at least 15 to 30 minutes before eating or drinking anything else.
  • You can easily prepare all the juice for the day in the morning and put the afternoon portion in the fridge if you don't have the time or desire to turn on the juicer twice. You can also order two servings of celery stalk juice at the fresh bar and save the second for the afternoon.


  • For dinner, choose a dish within the recommendations in this article or in the sample menus and recipes in chapters 22 and 23 of Anthony William's book Cleanse for Health . Include steamed asparagus and/or Brussels sprouts as a side dish or as part of your main dish.


  • If you don't have fresh asparagus and/or Brussels sprouts available, buy them frozen. If neither fresh nor frozen asparagus and/or Brussels sprouts are available, substitute zucchini.
  • If you have trouble with solids, you can finely chop, mash, or puree the asparagus and/or Brussels sprouts.
  • You can steam the vegetables in advance and eat them cold.
  • If you prefer, eat the asparagus and/or Brussels sprouts raw instead of steamed.

After dinner

  • If you are still hungry after dinner, eat an apple (applesauce or pear).
  • One hour before going to bed, drink another 500 ml. lemon or lime water.
  • Also enjoy a cup of hibiscus, lemon balm or chaga tea before bed. Choose one of them instead of mixing them. It is not a problem to drink the tea with the lemon or lime water at the same time.


  • You can add 1 teaspoon of raw honey to lemon water or tea.


After waking up from sleep

  • Start the day with 500 ml. water with lemon or lime juice of your choice.


  • If desired, sweeten the water with 1 tsp raw honey.


  • After drinking the lemon or lime water, wait at least 15-20 minutes, preferably 30 minutes, and drink at least 500-600 ml. celery stalk juice.
  • After the celery stalk juice, wait another 15-30 minutes, then during the day drink one of the following drinks: mashed melon, papaya or ripe pear or fresh watermelon or orange juice in the amount you want (do not mix them).


  • You can alternate them - for example, drink fresh watermelon juice in the morning and fresh orange juice later. Or choose just one of them for the whole day. It's up to you, as long as you don't mix and consume them together - for example, don't have a combination of papaya and orange or watermelon followed by a smashed pear. Enjoy each one separately.


  • For lunch, enjoy Spinach Soup . Since this is a day of all liquid and pureed foods, skip the cucumber noodles or puree the cucumber in the soup.


  • Drink another 500 ml. celery stalk juice between lunch and dinner. Remember to wait at least 1 hour after lunch. After celery stalk juice, wait at least another 15-30 minutes before consuming anything else.
  • When the time has passed after the juice, continue drinking from one of the following options of your choice: fresh watermelon or orange juice, mashed papaya or ripe pear. by consuming them individually.


  • Melon is best digested without any other food in the stomach, so you'll notice that mashed melon isn't on the afternoon drink list. If you want pureed melon for Day 9, have it earlier in the day, before the pureed papaya, pureed pear or spinach soup.


  • Enjoy your choice of Asparagus Soup or Zucchini Soup with Basil. Eat them without garnish.

After dinner

  • Drink another 500 ml. lemon or lime water.
  • Also enjoy a cup of hibiscus, lemon balm, or chaga tea before bed as usual. Again, choose one of these instead of mixing them up, and don't worry about drinking your tea with the lemon or lime water.


  • You can add 1 tsp raw honey to lemon/lime water or tea.


  • Breakfast: On Days 7 and 8 in the morning, consume only fruit (maybe frozen) and optional green leafy vegetables, celery stalks and cucumber. On Day 9, take certain liquids and pureed foods throughout the day.
  • Do not consume any radical fats (nuts, seeds, olives, oil, coconut, avocado, cocoa, bone broth, animal proteins, etc.). Do not eat legumes.
  • Completely exclude: eggs, dairy products, gluten-containing foods, soft drinks, salt and spice mixes, pork, corn, soy, lamb, fish and seafood, vinegar (including apple cider), caffeine (including coffee, matcha and chocolate), grains (including without millet and oats), alcohol, natural/artificial flavors, fermented foods (including kombucha, sauerkraut, coconut aminos), nutritional yeast, citric acid, monosodium glutamate, aspartame, other artificial sweeteners, formaldehyde and preservatives.
  • Consume mostly fruits, vegetables, leafy greens, and (optionally) millet and oats on Days 7 and 8. On Day 9, follow directions strictly.
  • For ideas, see the sample menus for the Simplified Cleanse in Chapter 22 of Anthony William's Cleanse for Health .
  • Also read Chapter 21 of the Substitutions and Adaptations book in case you can't eat any of the foods in the table.
  • Also in the book you will find out how to adjust the amount of celery stalk juice if you have a sensitivity to it.
  • Remember that baked foods slow down detoxification. If you prefer a lighter meal, steam the vegetables.
  • Eat enough to fill you up without overeating.
  • Keep your body hydrated by drinking 1 liter (approximately 4 glasses) of water daily between your morning and evening lemon or lime water.


Consume only fruits, vegetables and leafy greens

Eat fruits, vegetables and green leafy vegetables for all 9 days of the 3:6:9 Simplified Cleanse. That means smoothies, fruit, salads, healing soups, and comforting foods like sweet and regular potatoes, squash, broccoli, cauliflower, and steamed asparagus.

Millet and oats are exceptions - it's no problem to include them in many of your meals. (Millet is preferred. If you choose oats, look for gluten-free.) From Day 4 onwards, have millet, oats or cooked vegetables no earlier than lunch. As you will read in just a moment, with the onset of the Six you should be all about fruit every morning.

By eating more fruits and vegetables, you'll reach for your usual problem foods less often. The minerals, vitamins and micronutrients in green leafy vegetables and vegetables, which work together with the antioxidants and glucose in fruit, are critical to stabilizing organs and repairing cells. Another important aspect here is that fruits, vegetables and green leafy vegetables are foods that do not feed pathogens – and everyone is fighting pathogens in their bodies that create different symptoms.

Do not consume any legumes during any 3:6:9 cleanse. They are not a powerful cleansing food. While not a radical fat or problem food, they are higher in fat than fruits, vegetables and green leafy vegetables.

It may sound overwhelming to eat only fruits and vegetables. This is because we are used to eating small amounts of them. During the cleanse, make your salads more nutritious by adding orange slices, ripe tomatoes, cucumbers, fresh green leafy vegetables, and other ingredients from recipes like the Liver Helper Salad .

If one or two apples don't satisfy you for breakfast, eat another apple. You don't have to worry about eating too many apples. If your body tells you that you are full, respect it and limit yourself.

Avoid radical fats altogether

To aid your healing, cut out radical fats for all nine days. This means no nuts, seeds, nut butters (such as peanut butter), nut milks, butter, olives, coconut, avocados, chocolate, cocoa beans, dairy products (including butter, cheese, milk, yogurt, kefir, and whey protein powder ), bone broth or other animal products. If you consume these fats, it will disrupt your cleanse.

In order for your liver to successfully go through the 3:6:9 Simplified Cleanse, it must not be interrupted to process radical fats. During this period, he will continue to produce bile, but it will not have to be as strong to break down fat. Thus, the liver uses its energy to cleanse at a level it cannot otherwise reach.

This break from fat, combined with the abundance of bioavailable nutrients you take in, gives the body a unique opportunity to put its energy into healing.

Fat reduction is also important for blood viscosity. Too much fat in the blood slows down the elimination of poisons and toxins. Fat absorbs and traps toxins, leading to toxic fat accumulation in and around the organs. During a detox, the goal is to open up these toxic fat stores so that the poisons, toxins, and old adrenaline can come out and out of the body. If you continue to consume radical fats during this period, the blood will continue to contain a large amount of fat, which will make efforts to get rid of the already existing accumulations meaningless.

By the way, if you really like avocado, include it in the evening menu during the first 3 days of the cleanse. From Day 4 onwards, you should stop it because, although it is a fruit and easier to digest than other radical fats, when you are detoxifying your liver, even the good fats interfere with this process.

Avoid problem foods

Eliminate Problem Foods from Chapter 7 of the Cleanse for Health book. They should not enter your menu at all during all days of the cleanse, unless specifically indicated:

  • Eggs
  • Dairy products
  • Gluten
  • Soft drinks
  • Salt and spice mixes (individual spices are allowed)
  • Pork
  • Corn
  • Different types of oil (both industrially farmed and healthier)
  • Soy
  • Lamb meat
  • Tuna and other fish and seafood (salmon, trout and sardines are allowed for dinner on days 1, 2 and 3)
  • Vinegar (including apple cider vinegar)
  • Caffeine (including coffee, matcha and chocolate)
  • Cereals (millet and oats are allowed on days 1, 2 and 3)
  • Alcohol
  • Natural and artificial fragrances
  • Fermented foods including kombucha, sauerkraut and coconut aminos)
  • Nutritional yeast
  • Citric acid
  • Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)
  • Aspartame and other artificial sweeteners
  • Formaldehyde
  • Preservatives

If you missed Chapter 7 of the Cleanse for Health book, go back and read it to find out why you should avoid these foods during your cleanse. As much as you want to eat a slice of pepperoni pizza, this chapter will remind you that you're doing the right thing by taking a break from certain foods while doing the 3:6:9 cleanse.

None of the problem foods are included in this list because it is fashionable not to eat them. Gluten, for example, is not avoided because of today's common belief that it causes inflammation. The reason is much more specific and important to understand.

Cutting out these foods is easier than it sounds—your focus will be on nutritious fruits and vegetables every day. Eating these nutrient-dense foods will leave no room for other tempting foods, and this will help curb your appetite.

Celery stalk juice

On the simplified 3:6:9 cleanse, you will increase the amount of celery stalk juice you consume every 3 days. This is a protective measure that works with the 3:6:9 structure of the cleanse to encourage the liver and other organs to relax. Celery juice helps collect the increased amounts of toxins your organs are releasing, bind to them, and flush them out of your body.


During the simplified 3:6:9 cleanse every three days, make gradual changes to breakfast as well:

When thinking about what to eat for breakfast, especially during a cleanse, hydration is key. In the morning we are inundated with poisons and toxins that our liver and other organs have released during the night, so we want the first meals of the day to be high in water to help flush them out. Also, the cleansing process can be slightly dehydrating. Live foods - raw fruits, vegetables, herbs and green leafy vegetables and their juices - are the ideal solution because they have the necessary water content. During the gradual transition to an all-fresh (and/or frozen) fruit breakfast, ingested fluids attach to toxins and flush them out through the kidneys and intestinal tract. And since at the same time we abstain from radical fats, the body gets an opportunity to activate its natural detoxification process.

Here's another vital reason a cleansing breakfast should focus on living foods: when our cells are freed of poisons and toxins, space is created for nutrients. Mineral salts, electrolytes, glucose, antiviral and antibacterial agents, antioxidants, medicinal phytochemical compounds, minerals, vitamins - these are precisely the nutrients that fresh, water-rich fruits, vegetables, herbs, green leafy vegetables and their juices contain and can provide in our cells now that there is free space.

Stay hydrated

Don't forget to hydrate. Every day, drink about 1 liter of water during the day between your morning and evening lemon or lime water. This makes approximately 4 cups. Of course, you can drink more.

However, avoid water with a pH above 8.0. This also applies to using a water alkalinizer - set it to a pH of 8.0 or lower. The best pH for drinking water is 7.7. At higher values, it remains in the stomach until the digestive system can lower the pH to 7.7 to pass it to the rest of the body. The same goes for water with a pH below 7.7 - the body has to work to raise the value. When you drink water with an ideal pH level, you do not stress the digestive system.

During the first 8 days of the cleanse, you can drink Hot Spicy Apple Juice at any temperature (recipe is on page 386) or coconut water (no dyes or "natural flavors") throughout the day. This is in addition to the daily intake of 1 liter of water.

Be sure to drink these liquids at least 15-30 minutes before or after the celery stalk juice. On a day of additional celery stalk juice intake (eg Day 7 or 8) you can reduce the water a bit if you like.

A note on cooking techniques

If you generally eat clean, during the simplified 3:6:9 cleanse you can choose lighter recipes from chapter 23 of the book Cleansing for Health , which include lots of raw fruits, leafy greens and vegetables, as well as vegetable recipes steamed, soups or stews. Steaming soups and stews conserves more water. Baking and frying food, while not bad by any means, slows down detoxification due to the moisture the food loses when cooked with these techniques.

Additional guidelines for Day 9

Take only liquids and pureed foods

Follow the cleansing drinks for Day 9. At this stage, when the body is releasing greater amounts of poisons, viral and bacterial waste material and other pests, it needs less food and more healing fluids. By sticking to the menu, you put two very important pieces of the healing puzzle in place - first, you don't consume any fat throughout the day, and second, you don't stress the digestive system. Even digesting and digesting healthy whole foods, especially bulkier and cooked foods, requires energy. Liquids and pureed raw foods for this day are particularly light and allow the body to rest from the usually strenuous digestive process. Thus, the organs can be cleansed of harmful toxins and poisons and they can be removed through the kidneys and intestines.

More special cases were mentioned that warrant repeating Day 8 instead of Day 9. An unexpected trip may force you to stop the cleanse before Day 9. If you need to repeat Day 8 to end the cleanse or simply stop before you after completing the 9-day cycle, don't worry about missing the Day 9 protocol. Each completed day of the 3:6:9 Cleanse has helped greatly cleanse the body, and you've only benefited from it.

Give yourself a break

If you can on that day, take a break. Consider leaving some commitments for another time. Maybe you can schedule day 9 as a sacred rest day or a day where there is at least some rest. If possible, take some time to rest, maybe even take a nap. At least think about what the body is doing for you during this period. Take a moment to pause and think about your liver and other organs. It's the end of your liver's great plunge into the depths of cleansing, and it's doing beautifully. You thrive in the healing process: you rejuvenate yourself emotionally, physically and spiritually by eliminating toxins and poisons and reducing pathogens and their waste. When you begin to free yourself from the burden of symptoms and conditions, then you begin to live fully.

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