In all likelihood, you are reading this article or one of the other articles on our blog because you are struggling with a specific symptom. Perhaps it has had an impact on your life, work or emotional state. Perhaps this symptom or group of symptoms has discouraged you and sent you to one, two, or more doctors. Maybe you were diagnosed with an autoimmune disease or something else and your condition was attributed to hormones or stress. Or if it's not your story, it's probably a close relative, acquaintance or friend. In this article, you will find a list of foods that you have enjoyed and even been told that some of these foods are healthy, but in fact, they may be at the root of all your problems.

We wouldn't tell you that a food is bad for you just because we assume. We wouldn't insult who you are as a person. We don't play games. You have not come across information where everything is "for" this and "against" that. This information is based entirely on the books of the Healing Medium and the only words "anti" you will find here are anti-viral and anti-bacterial - which is all in the name of your healing. Anthony William and we as his followers are all about the truth, about what happening in our body and how we can finally heal ourselves.

When you wake up every day and instantly realize that the symptom you're struggling with is still there, or that your next doctor's appointment for your chronic illness is still waiting, and part of each day is consumed by the fact that you don't feel well, that matters to us. We believe you have the right to heal and live symptom-free. We don't just believe it - we know it! We understand what you are going through as you suffer emotionally, mentally and physically from a symptom that most likely remains unexplained to health experts. Even if they have given you a diagnosis, if the problem has not disappeared, then it is a mystery to them. We realize it's hard, really hard.

It's not just that the foods you'll read about in this article aren't good for you. It is about something that is happening in your body and which remains inexplicable to you, to your relatives and friends, to doctors and scientists. People get sick because of the presence of two things in the body - toxins and pathogens. This is extremely important to know when talking about food. If you understand how certain foods support your illness, you will see the solution and know what to do to heal.


This is a tiered list of problem foods that summarizes all of the foods that Anthony William says are problematic. More information about each of them, expect in our blog in the form of separate articles.

Level 1

  • Eggs
  • Dairy products
  • Gluten
  • Soft drinks
  • Watch your salt intake

Level 2

All of the above PLUS:

  • Pork
  • Tuna fish
  • Corn

Level 3

All of the above PLUS:

  • Industrial edible oils (vegetable oil, palm oil, rapeseed oil, corn oil, safflower oil, soybean oil)
  • Soy
  • Lamb meat
  • Fish and seafood (other than salmon, trout and sardines)

Level 4

All of the above PLUS:

Level 5

All of the above PLUS:

  • Cereals (other than millet and oats)
  • All oils (including healthier ones like olive, walnut, sunflower, coconut, sesame, avocado, grape, almond, macadamia, peanut, flax)


For even better and faster results:

  • Cut out salt and spices completely (one-component spices are not a problem)
  • Avoid radical fats for a period of time

Also limit or exclude:

  • Alcohol
  • Natural/artificial fragrances
  • Nutritional yeast
  • Citric acid
  • Aspartame
  • Other artificial sweeteners
  • Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)
  • Formaldehyde
  • Preservatives


If you follow the modern split-nutrition diets, you should know that combining radical fats and sugar will cause health problems. Avoiding the combination of fat and sugar should be your focus if you're trying to eat separately. Insulin resistance is a major concern with this combination.

Fat plus sugar: this is the main food combination to avoid, and this is where the creators of the split meal method are wrong. Fat plus sugar also means fat plus starch and fat plus grains. As well as protein plus sugar, protein plus starch, protein plus grain, because protein contains fat. A donut is fat plus sugar. As is the biscuit. Healthier options are oatmeal with peanut butter or coconut yogurt with fruit, maple syrup, nuts and seeds – but that's still fat plus sugar. The real problem in the fat plus sugar equation is free radicals.

If you love plant-based protein, there is a chance you won't break this rule of true split nutrition. For example, you could eat rice and beans and cut out butter, cheese, avocado, or oil. Spinach is a rich source of protein and does not contain radical fats. So spinach with gluten-free grains is also a good combination, as long as you don't include oil, avocado, or animal protein because that's how you add fat. It's this addition of fat to starch (which the body breaks down into sugar) that messes things up. It's not the starch that's the problem, it's the radical fats.

If you're into animal protein, then animal protein plus green leafy vegetables go well together. Grains and animal proteins do not go together. The problem is the fat in animal protein plus the sugar that grains turn into in our bodies. For example, chicken with rice is not a good combination because the fat in the chicken combined with the starch in the rice is a nightmare combination. Even split-eating experts don't realize that radical fats are the real problem with food pairing.


People rarely follow low-fat diets these days. Even among health enthusiasts, whether plant-based or not, it is very rare for anyone to leave fat out of their diet or limit their consumption for long enough. The claim that the lack of fat or their small amount in the menu predisposes us to aneurysm, stroke or other vascular diseases of the brain is unfounded. This is an assumption rather than a conclusion based on research. These are fictions inspired by popular hypotheses.

People around the world consume huge amounts of fat and there are numerous cases of strokes, aneurysms and embolisms. Masses of people are sick and obviously eating a lot of fat is not good for our health. A diet high in healthy fats is at least a more acceptable option than the standard one. Nuts, seeds, olives and avocados can reduce the risk of some diseases if taken instead of red meat, chicken, butter, oil and bacon. Various neurological diseases, including strokes, aneurysms, Alzheimer's disease, dementia and Parkinson's disease, can improve when we eliminate processed and convenience foods and empty calories that are high in harmful fats.

A person who consumes certain types of fish, olives, avocados, nuts and seeds, while not consuming ready-made and processed foods, can say to himself, "Wow, I hit the ten" because he feels better after removing the problematic fats. What he doesn't understand, however, is that he can make an even bigger effort—to cut even more fat and, as a result, reduce the likelihood of these brain conditions and other diseases. High fat, even good fat, can weaken and burn your liver over time. This, in turn, can set you up for illness and disease. Any form of fat thickens the blood. While fats from junk, processed and fast foods cause the blood to clot more quickly, healthy fats also have this effect. Either way, thick blood leads to less oxygen in the brain's cells—because high fat in the blood chokes oxygen out of circulation—and this lack of oxygen in the brain ages the brain faster.

When we say fat-free, we don't mean they're devoid of any fat. It is impossible not to consume any fat. Bananas have fat. Sweet potatoes contain fat. Potatoes have fat. Mango contains fat. And so is the lettuce. All fruits, vegetables, green leafy vegetables, seaweed and herbs contain beneficial omega fatty acids. Some plant foods, such as figs, bananas or lettuce, contain a little more natural fat, while others, such as celery, have negligible amounts. Even when (and sometimes especially when) the content is minimal, the body uses these healthy fats, and because of their low levels, they combine perfectly with natural sugars. So when we eliminate radical fats from our diet, we do ourselves no harm. When we eat a "fat-free" diet - that is, we do not take radical fats - we still get the necessary fats. For example, when we eat steamed potatoes (without butter, oil or cream) in combination with some kind of green salad, we get a small amount of fat, which is quite enough to keep us healthy. We don't need to eat a handful of mixed seeds to get healthy fats. We have already supplied ourselves with the necessary.

No one stops aneurysm growth by adding fat to their coffee. There is no study to prove it and yet people are convinced it will save them. And while the idea sounds great, the truth is that if you fill your bloodstream with fat, you'll cause more problems for your brain. Do not overdo it with healthy fats, and use radical fats rarely and in small quantities. Ideally, you shouldn't consume them every day.

The 3:6:9 Cleanse will help you figure out how to do this by getting into a rhythm of eating healing foods that don't contain radical fats. If your condition is really severe, it will be a good idea to continue to abstain from radical fats after the cleanse and wait before reintroducing them into your diet. The fats found in fruits, vegetables, green leafy vegetables, seaweed, and herbs do not overtax the liver, digestive system, or immune system. This is the ideal amount that your body can process when healing.

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