Grape Slushy

Grape Slushy

Grapes should not be mistaken for a food that is too high in carbohydrates, sugar or calories to be good for us. Quite the opposite. Like bananas, grapes are a premium fruit that promotes well-being at the highest level. Grapes are actually not as sweet at all as we think; it is characterized rather by its astringency, which is a key medicinal quality. This acidity indicates the presence of phytochemicals that are critical for kidney function. If you've ever heard that you have elevated creatinine levels, it means that your kidneys are compromised in their ability to remove and excrete waste products from the bloodstream. Grapes are the ultimate kidney tonic – their phytochemicals bind to wastes that the kidneys have a hard time filtering out.

Many people are also concerned about their liver health. Like cherries, grapes are an amazing liver cleansing food. Its phytochemicals are able to remove debris, processed food and byproducts that can clog the lobules in the liver. And for those looking for digestive benefits, grape skins contain powerful micronutrients that flush out parasites, molds, and other unproductive fungi from the intestinal tract. In addition, antioxidants such as malvidin and other anthocyanins (which explain the blue, black, dark red and purple hues of grapes) give this fruit the power to help fight and prevent most types of cancer. Grapes are an amazing food to fight the "Fateless Four" ( to understand what is behind this term coined by Anthony William, read our blog article " The "Fateless Four" according to Anthony William" ). It expels radiation from the body, and its amino acids such as histidine, methionine, and cysteine ​​work together with its anthocyanins to become a magnet that draws DDT and toxic heavy metals from the liver, kidneys, spleen, and other organs. In addition, it is a powerful antiviral agent for autoimmune diseases that are caused by virus booms.

Finally, grapes are an exceptional energy food. It offers an all-important boost, whether you're an athlete, on-the-go, or a thinker—i.e. engaging your brain all day with cognitive tasks (and multitasking), trying to succeed in a project, or needing fuel to come up with your next big idea.


If you have any of the following conditions, try including more grapes in your diet:

Bacterial gastroenteritis, mold exposure, macular degeneration, hypertension, kidney disease related to hypertension, kidney creatinine problems, kidney stones, gallstones, hypoglycemia , attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism, cancer breast, diabetes , metastatic brain tumors, sepsis, pancreatic cancer, endometriosis, bronchitis, Escherichia coli infection, mysterious infertility, fatty liver, hepatitis C, nodules, depression, colon cancer, edema, anemia, sleep disorders , fibromyalgia , chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) , multiple sclerosis , neurological disorders, autonomic neuropathy, hemorrhoids, herpes simplex 1 (HSV-1), herpes simplex 2 (HSV-2) , hepatitis B, Helicobacter pylori, fibroids, common colds , vertigo, weak reproductive system, all autoimmune diseases and disorders, bacterial infections.


If you have any of the following symptoms, try including more grapes in your diet:

Food allergies, sweaty palms, emotional eating, dizziness, nausea, Bell's palsy, shortness of breath, hearing loss, tremors, strong body odor, chest pain, premenstrual syndrome (PMS) symptoms, confusion, brain fog , cough, aches in the back, inflammation, myelin nerve damage, liver scarring, blood toxicity, fatigue, brain lesions, hot flashes, hair loss, brittle nails, cloudy eyes, tinnitus, food allergies, food sensitivities.

Emotional support

Grapes help when you're feeling down emotionally by lifting your spirits and promoting a cheerful, light-hearted outlook on life. It can protect you from emotional trauma and promotes healing when you feel excluded in social situations. If you ever feel disappointed that you haven't been selected for a certain project or job, go out and buy some grapes - they can help you move forward and create new opportunities. And if you are someone who is reluctant to change, miss opportunities and later regret it, if you include grapes in your diet you will feel the transformation and you will be able to be bolder and take advantage of special moments. that life throws at you. Finally, offer grapes to friends and family members who seem withdrawn, apathetic, or complacent—over time, this fruit can help them change direction and improve their behavior.

A spiritual lesson

When you feel isolated—avoid socializing and struggle with shyness, but yearn for a sense of belonging to a group that accepts you—make grapes a part of your life. Remember that grapes are in bunches. As each cluster grows on the vine, the little balls stay close together, connecting on both a physical and metaphysical level. Each grape adjusts to fit perfectly into place with those around it. Focus on this wonder when picking and eating grapes. It will prepare you consciously and subconsciously to find your people and guide you to your true home.


  • We tend to overlook raisins. Don't let their humble status fool you. Raisins are more powerful for your health than goji berries!
  • Try this recipe for fresh grape jam: In a food processor, blend grapes, raw honey to taste, and a squeeze of lemon as a preservative. The sugar in the honey extracts the healing phytochemicals from the tart, healing skin of the grape, making these nutrients bio-available and delivering them deep into your vital organs.
  • When preparing freshly picked grapes for consumption, simply rinse them lightly. Organic grape pomace is actually beneficial because it is full of surface biotics.

Bunch of grapes

Easy to make and incredibly delicious, this ice-cold smoothie is the perfect way to use up grapes and coconut water when you have them. We guarantee that you will like this drink so much that you will return to this recipe again and again!


Method of preparation:

Blend the frozen grapes and coconut water in a blender until smooth. Serve and enjoy.

*You can use fresh grapes instead of frozen if you don't want an iced drink. Reduce the amount of coconut water to 2 tsp.

Portion for 2 people.

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