The Intensive Cleanse is a completely new version of the Healing Medium's 3:6:9 Cleanse, designed for people who feel their health is in critical condition. You know best if you fall into this category, if you suffer from chronic problems and if your symptoms interfere with your normal lifestyle. The 3:6:9 Intensive Cleanse offers the option of a deeper cleanse to ease your suffering.

Just as safe and gentle as the other two options, the Intensive Cleanse is more powerful and will help you release larger amounts of toxins. People who suffer from more serious problems also face more aggressive toxins accumulated in their body and that is why they are so sick. The 3:6:9 Intensive Cleansing aims to clear out all those poisons that are causing great suffering to these people so that they can get faster relief.

This cleanse is also for those who have tried the 28-day Healer Medium cleanse and felt results from it, and now want a version of the 3:6:9 Cleanse that works for them. The Intensive Cleanse is the easiest and most simplified version of the 3:6:9 Cleanse. With the special foods included and its steady rhythm, it allows anyone who prefers raw fruits and vegetables to get the most out of the 3:6:9 Cleanse.


The nutrition options for the 3:6:9 Intensive Cleanse are the simplest of all cleanses. The goal is to find your rhythm while consuming these foods and beverages while abstaining from radical fats. The main rhythm of this cleanse comes from increasing the celery stalk juice - from 750ml the first three mornings, to 1L every morning during the Six, to 1L twice a day for the last 3 days. (And if you repeat the cleanse a few times, you're starting right at 1 L.) This increase in juice, combined with precisely defined, nutrient-dense, easily digestible, fat-free raw foods, gives the liver what it needs to prepare for the release of the poisons in the iconic Day 9.

In the 3:6:9 Intensive Cleanse, the body still goes through the changes of the Three, Six , and Nine that you read about in the original and simplified version, but this time they affect the stronger toxins responsible for extreme ill health. These can be neurotoxins and dermatotoxins from viruses in the body or toxins accumulated over months, years or a lifetime.

As we move through the stages of Intensive Cleansing 3:6:9, we are preparing to release a larger toxic load:

During the Three, the body tunes into detoxification and the liver in particular gets a chance to shift into high gear and take advantage of the opportunity to help us heal. The triple is like warming up the engine.

During the Six , the body begins to withdraw deeply accumulated toxins that sabotage health.

During the Nine, the body uses the reserves it has accumulated since the beginning of the cleanse and puts them into getting rid of the garbage and poisons that the organs have been holding on to for years.

If you have been struggling with your health for a long time and have lost hope that anything can help, know that the Intensive Cleanse offers your body the opportunity to start a process of self-recovery. Your body can heal itself. The 3:6:9 intensive cleanse will give him every opportunity to do so. It is also a good idea to refer to Part IV of Anthony William's book Cleansing for Health to learn which nutritional supplements to use according to your condition after completing one or more cleanse cycles.

DAYS 1 to 8

After waking up from sleep

  • Start each day with 1 liter of water with lemon or lime of your choice. (See the Lemon Water recipe for the correct ratio of lemon or lime to water. This is not about squeezing 10 lemons into a glass of water.)


  • If you wish, you can add 1 tsp. raw honey to lemon or lime water.


  • On Day 1 to Day 3, after finishing the lemon or lime water, wait at least 15-20 minutes, preferably 30 minutes, and then enjoy 750 ml. celery stalk juice if you are doing the cleanse for the first time. If you repeat the cycle, start the day with 1 liter of celery stem juice for days 1 to 3 (see the recipe in the article "How to make celery stem juice" ).
  • From Day 4 to Day 8, after drinking the lemon or lime water, wait at least 15-20 minutes, preferably 30 minutes, and then drink 1 liter of celery stem juice.
  • After you finish juicing the celery stalk, wait another 15 to 30 minutes and then enjoy the Liver Aid Smoothie .
  • If you get hungry later, eat an optional 1-2 apples or ripe pears. (You can also puree them. Stay tuned for applesauce and pear puree recipes on our blog.)


  • If you prefer, eat the ingredients of the Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie whole. In this case, mix spirulina and barley stalk juice powder in water and drink them separately or add them to a mashed banana.
  • If an intense cleansing effect of celery stem juice occurs (eg diarrhea), reduce the amount by half and gradually increase it.



  • You can consume the ingredients of both the smoothie and the soup whole instead of pureed.


  • If you get hungry between lunch and dinner, eat 1-2 apples (or raw applesauce or ripe pears - stay tuned for recipes on our blog soon).
  • On Days 7 and 8, drink another 1 liter of celery juice between lunch and dinner. Remember to wait at least 1 hour after lunch. After celery stalk juice, wait at least 15-30 minutes before eating or drinking anything else.


  • You can make all the juice for the day in the morning and store the afternoon portion in the fridge if you don't have the time or desire to run the juicer twice. You can also order two servings of celery stalk juice at the fresh bar and save the second for the afternoon.


  • For dinner, choose between Kale Salad (recipe coming soon), Cauliflower and Leafy Green Salad (recipe coming soon), Tomato, Cucumber and Herb Salad (recipe coming soon) or Green Leafy Nori Rolls " .
  • The ingredients of each of these dishes can be pureed into a cold soup if you wish. An additional option is the Spinach soup with cucumber noodles of your choice.


  • If the recipe you've chosen for dinner doesn't include raw asparagus, feel free to eat a few pieces with your meal.

After dinner

  • If you get hungry after dinner, eat an apple or a ripe pear (you can also have raw applesauce or pear puree - expect the recipes on our blog soon).
  • One hour before going to bed, drink another 500 ml. lemon or lime water.
  • Also enjoy a cup of hibiscus, lemon balm or chaga tea before bed. Choose one of them instead of mixing them. It is not a problem to drink the tea with the lemon or lime water at the same time.


  • You can add 1 teaspoon of raw honey to lemon water or tea.


After waking up from sleep

  • Start your day with 1 liter of water with lemon or lime of your choice.


  • If you wish, you can add 1 tsp. raw honey to lemon or lime water.

During the day

  • After drinking the lemon or lime water, wait at least 15-30 minutes and then drink 1 liter of celery stem juice (see the recipe in the article "How to make celery stem juice" ).
  • After the celery stalk juice, wait another 15-30 minutes, then until dinner, drink two portions of 500-600 ml of cucumber and apple juice (best in a 1:1 ratio), and when you feel hungry, consume mashed melon, papaya or ripe pear or fresh watermelon or orange juice in the amount you want (just don't mix them).
  • Throughout the day, drink water whenever you want. It will be even better if you squeeze some lemon or lime into it. If you prefer clean water, no problem. For more information related to water intake during a detox, see the general recommendations for the Intensive Cleanse.


  • Don't worry about the fact that you will miss the " Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie" that day. Day 9 has as its main goal the complete flushing of toxins, in addition, your body will have enough spirulina, coriander, barley stalk juice powder, Atlantic dulse seaweed and wild blueberries to help eliminate heavy metals.
  • Learn more about ratios and alternatives to cucumber and apple juice in Chapter 21 of Anthony William's book Cleanse for Health .
  • You can alternate mashed melon, papaya or ripe pear or fresh watermelon or orange juice - for example, take mashed melon in the morning, orange juice at lunch, and mashed papaya in the afternoon or at dinner. Or choose just one of them for the whole day. It's up to you, as long as you don't smash them and consume them together - for example, smashed melon and pear together, or smashed papaya followed immediately by orange juice. Enjoy them separately.
  • Melon digests best when there is no other food in the stomach, so consume it earlier in the day, before papaya or pear. Do not take melon after you have already consumed papaya or pear.
  • Feel free to make or order the entire amount of juice for the day in the morning and store the afternoon portion in the refrigerator.
  • If you are petite and can't swallow that much liquid, reduce the portions, but not too much. The important thing is to get enough of the valuable nutrients to give the body the support it needs as it works to eliminate waste.

Late afternoon

  • Drink 1 liter of celery stem juice in the late afternoon. Wait at least 30 minutes if you consumed pureed fruit, and at least 15-30 minutes if you drank juice or water.
  • After the celery stalk juice, wait at least another 15-30 minutes. Then you can continue drinking cucumber and apple juice, mashed melon, papaya or ripe pear, fresh watermelon or orange juice, or water.

Before bed

  • An hour before going to bed, drink another 500 ml of water with lemon or lime.
  • Also enjoy a cup of hibiscus, lemon balm or chaga tea. As always, choose one of these, not a mix, and if you like, drink the lemon water and the tea at the same time.


  • You can add 1 teaspoon of raw honey to lemon water or tea.


  • Consume only raw fruits, vegetables and green leafy vegetables - and especially those mentioned in the table and recipes above. (Frozen fruit is allowed.)
  • Read Chapter 21 of Anthony William's book Cleanse for Health for substitutions and adaptations in case you cannot consume some of the suggested foods. You will find, for example, substitutes for dates and apples.
  • Sample recipes can be found in Chapter 23 of the book "Cleansing for Health" or on our blog . When a smoothie or soup is specified, you have the choice of consuming the ingredients whole or, if you prefer, puréeing them. Likewise, when it comes to salad, you can blend the ingredients. Apples or ripe pears can also be mashed (individually) into a raw puree.
  • If you feel too strong a cleansing effect of celery stem juice, reduce the amount by half and gradually increase it.
  • Do not consume any radical fats (nuts, seeds, oil, olives, coconut, avocado, cocoa, bone broth, animal proteins, etc.). Don't eat legumes either.
  • Completely exclude: eggs, dairy products, gluten-containing foods, soft drinks, salt and spice mixes, pork, corn, soy, lamb, fish and seafood, vinegar (including apple cider), caffeine (including coffee, matcha and chocolate), grains (including without millet and oats), alcohol, natural/artificial flavors, fermented foods (including kombucha, sauerkraut, coconut aminos), nutritional yeast, citric acid, monosodium glutamate, aspartame, other artificial sweeteners, formaldehyde and preservatives.
  • Eat enough to fill you up without overeating.
  • Keep the body hydrated by drinking 1 L (approximately 4 glasses) of water daily in between the morning and evening lemon or lime water. If that extra serving of afternoon juice during the Nine makes you want to cut back on the water a little, go for it.

Expect a continuation of the article in "Intensive cleansing 3:6:9 of the Healing Medium (part 2)".

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