The fear of a certain food can take many forms. Take this shot regularly if you suffer from an eating disorder. The shot for fear of a certain food is also a useful tool when:
someone is pressuring you not to eat healthy;
you are upset about what you ate recently;
you feel closed in about food in general, you are afraid to eat because it is difficult for you to know which foods you can eat safely without symptoms such as digestive discomfort;
trying to break repetitive painful thought patterns brought on by a difficult situation or adversity;
suffer from chronicobsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)or experience a relapse or worsening of OCD symptoms; this shot covers all forms and varieties of OCD;
a song you don't want to hear anymore keeps playing in your head;
you are plagued by recurring disturbing thoughts;
repetitive thoughts cause you to perform repetitive actions;
you hear voices in your head or are plagued by thoughts that are upsetting, unproductive and/or highly questionable and may lead you to do things that are bad and unwise;
a memory of a past experience keeps popping up in your mind and it's not helpful to keep thinking about it.
This shot is suitable when taking prescription or over-the-counter drugs or other pharmaceutical products, whether they are taken once or continuously. Examples of exposure to pharmaceuticals include:
you have had contact with recently delivered packages;
a neighbor sprays or treats his lawn with insecticides or chemical fertilizers;
chemical treatments are applied around your residential building;
you are exposed to treatment by the municipality that takes place on the street;
you spot someone with a tank on their back and a hose in their hand spraying weeds;
you see a small to medium-sized truck with a large tank and company signs on the side that say "lawn care," "bug control," or something like that drive through your neighborhood (which means they've probably sprayed someone's lawn recently or house);
This shot is specifically designed for cases of recent exposure to toxic heavy metals, helping to stop them from being deposited deep in the body. It can be used as an adjunct therapy to heavy metal detox smoothies. These smoothies are aimed at extracting the toxic heavy metals that have already settled in the organs, while providing ongoing support for exposure to toxic heavy metals in the bloodstream, lymph or intestinal tract.