Digestive enzymes in celery juice

Digestive enzymes in celery juice

If you've ever had digestive problems—such as constipation, diarrhea, bloating, gas, stomach pain, or small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) —or you've just been curious about how the body works, you may have heard of digestive enzymes. which we need to break down food. These digestive enzymes are extremely important, but they are not the only ones our body uses. There are three other types of digestive enzymes that we need, and we will hardly surprise you when we tell you that they are found in the juice of celery stalks .

What medical research and science still don't know is that celery stalk juice contains completely different digestive enzymes that perform a separate function from the digestive enzymes that break down food in your stomach. These digestive enzymes are completely unique to celery root juice , meaning you can't get them from any other food. Anthony William shares in his book "Celery Juice" (not yet translated into Bulgarian) that the digestive enzymes of celery juice are " like little capsules that are activated by the pH change when they enter the small intestine. One such enzyme can regenerate, revive and reactivate a host of weakened digestive enzymes from other sources that hang around in the small intestine ."

What does this mean for your body?

First, it is important to understand that almost everyone today has digestive enzymes that are not as strong as they should be. The reason for this is that the liver plays a crucial role in the production of a major type of digestive enzymes – information that would only be discovered decades later by science and research. However, the problem is that 90% of people currently have an overworked and sluggish liver that is forced to deal with so many toxins, pathogens, pollutants, poor food and lifestyle choices, alcohol, drugs, drugs, cigarettes, flavorings, colognes and perfumes, etc. A troubled liver affects the production of the type of digestive enzymes the liver is responsible for, which in turn affects digestion and contributes to other problems in the body. This is one of the main reasons why so many people have digestive problems throughout their lives. If you're one of the lucky ones who haven't had such problems yet, it's still important to take preventative measures to avoid them in the future.

The digestive enzymes in celery stalk juice are the saving grace for weak enzymes that almost everyone has. They show up and revive those tired enzymes so they can do their jobs better. In addition, the enzymes in celery stem juice re-stimulate food enzymes found in the small intestine. Celery juice also revitalizes the liver so it can produce stronger digestive enzymes associated with bile in the first place, and helps strengthen the pancreas and its specific enzymes. In addition, the enzymes in celery stem juice itself are extremely powerful in breaking down, digesting, and assimilating certain nutrients that are not processed by either bile or stomach acids because the digestion process is quite complex. Medical research and science still do not fully understand how digestion works and how complex, involved and miraculous it is.

The benefits we share in this article are just a few of the ways in which the enzymes in celery stem juice help improve your body's health and function. There are many more ways they support you. Celery stem juice actually contains over two dozen varieties of enzymes, most of which are still unknown, and are involved in breaking down waste materials in the intestinal tract. But it is the healing benefits provided by the three special undiscovered enzymes mentioned above that are one of the main reasons so many people feel better and get better when they drink a pint of pure celery stem juice on an empty stomach every morning. . More information about the digestive enzymes of celery stem juice and the other amazing healing benefits of this juice can be found in the book "Celery Juice" (not yet translated into Bulgarian).

Celery juice is not a short-term fad or a trend that will soon pass. It is not something that is popular right now, but it will soon be a distant memory. This will never happen with celery stem juice because its healing power is too great. It has already changed the health and lives of millions of people and will continue to help even more. Celery juice , when consumed in the specific way that Anthony William describes in his book "Celery Juice" (not yet translated into Bulgarian), has the potential to lead to improvement and healing of all types of chronic diseases and symptoms, including acne , eczema, psoriasis , acid reflux , bloating , small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) , migraines, anxiety, depression, dermatitis, allergies, fatigue, mood swings, reproductive issues, fibromyalgia , strep and many more.

The healing properties of this humble herb, extracted through the process of juicing, are truly the most powerful medicine of our time, healing millions of people around the world. Anthony William has always said that he does not want to force anyone, but simply to convince people to try it for themselves, the way he describes in "Celery Juice" (not yet translated into Bulgarian), so that they can and for them to experience the healing benefits it provides. In the book "Celery Juice" (not yet translated into Bulgarian) he also answers the hundreds of questions he receives daily about celery juice and gives us precise instructions on how to extract maximum healing benefits of this healing juice.

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