Continuation of the article: "Thyroid Diseases - Explaining Your Symptoms (Part 1)" .

Metabolic problems

The concept that metabolic problems are the driving force behind weight gain or loss is a myth. This is a very broad and outdated term that distracts from the truth that there is still not much known in medical circles about the reasons why people suffer in this area. If you've been told you have an abnormal metabolism, don't let that deter you from your healing path. You are not metabolically impaired and you are not defective either. There is a real reason behind your difficulties and it can be fixed with the help of this article. To help you determine the true source of your problem, see the explanations of the next few symptoms.

Mysterious weight gain

Mysterious weight gain is a common symptom that leaves many people frustrated, to say the least. You watch what you eat, exercise regularly, and the number on the scale continues to climb. You may have heard that this is the result of hypothyroidism, that you have an underactive thyroid gland that fails to produce enough metabolism-stimulating hormones to keep your weight under control. This is not so. Metabolism is one of those broad terms that mask the fact that not much is known about the actual mechanics of putting on pounds. If insufficient production of thyroid hormones was the real explanation for it, then how do we explain all the people with hypothyroidism who do not experience this symptom?

Here's what's really happening. By the time the Epstein-Barr virus was in its second phase and hiding in the liver, it had weakened the organ and stressed it to such an extent that it made it slow and sluggish. Subsequently, even after the virus has moved to the thyroid, some EBV cells remain in the liver, where they can continue to cause problems as they feed and thrive on the stockpile of antibiotics, other old pharmaceuticals, pesticides, herbicides, toxic heavy metals, solvents and others in this body. In addition, the presence of EBV in the body leads to the constant presence of viral by-products, dead viral cells, neurotoxins and dermatotoxins in the body, which cause the liver and lymphatic system to constantly have a cleansing job, so that they continue to work. In addition, the adrenal glands, which compensate for an underactive thyroid gland, flood the liver with excess adrenaline, which burdens it even more with toxins. In the end, the liver becomes "seasoned" with toxins, "pickled" with adrenaline and can no longer do its job properly, transferring what it can to the lymphatic system. (You don't have to have adrenal fatigue to have a liver that's pumped full of adrenaline.)

It is the overworked and sluggish liver and lymphatic system that underlie the tendency of patients with hypothyroid disease to lose weight with difficulty or to gain weight for no apparent reason. So both hypothyroid disease and weight gain are caused by EBV , not the hypothyroid gland itself.

It is not uncommon for someone with hyperthyroidism to experience weight gain as well. In fact, more people with hyperthyroidism struggle with weight gain than with weight loss. The fact that most patients with hyperthyroidism are overweight has puzzled the medical community. This is not taken seriously and is rather ignored because it goes against the generally accepted rules that define hyperthyroidism. However, it actually makes a lot of sense. The types of EBV that cause hyperthyroidism are just as destructive to the liver as those types that cause hypothyroidism. Eventually, the liver of hyperthyroid patients also becomes congested and overworked, and the result is trouble maintaining weight.

Much of the mysterious weight gain is related to fluid retention. For example, if you think you're 60 pounds overweight, it's probably only 40 pounds of body fat, and the other 20 pounds are fluid that your body retains—a proportion that the medical community still doesn't realize. Why does this fluid retention happen? Because when the liver reaches the point where it can no longer protect you from toxins in the blood, the lymphatic system has to step in to become the filter the liver was meant to be. Your lymphatic system is designed to be a post-filter for the liver, dealing with micro- and nano-particle toxins and waste. However, when the liver becomes overstocked, obese, sluggish, and stagnant—conditions that may be overlooked by your doctor—and can no longer handle its job, the lymphatic system must take up all the macro-wastes that the liver can't. to cope. Because this sediment is thicker than the waste that the lymphatic system is designed to handle, it clogs the lymphatic vessels and lymphatic channels so that the lymph fluid cannot flow normally. To accommodate this, the lymphatic system tries to push the lymph fluid around itself in order to create pressure to wash away the large debris; however, in general, lymph still cannot flow freely through the passages, so pockets of fluid begin to collect. The result is that you retain fluid, which causes you to gain inches on your waist and pounds on the scale as hidden, undiagnosed lymphedema develops.

It is important to note that even if you are not diagnosed with thyroid disease, the viral thyroid infection and the effects we have just described can still be at the root of your weight loss struggle. As mentioned earlier, thyroid testing is still not what it could be, so thyroid test results will not always indicate whether your hormone levels are low.

Many alternative-minded doctors, including functional or integrative doctors, are now investigating the thyroid more than ever because they believe it is the explanation for mysterious weight gain. They scrutinize blood test results and even when the tests show no signs of thyroid problems, they offer certain patients thyroid medication based on all their other health data. It's a step forward because patients are getting the attention they deserve, not just being told they're overweight because they're lazy, or that hitting the treadmill will solve their problems. Yet thyroid medication to solve the problem of excess weight is still not the answer, because the problem is not an underactive thyroid to begin with.

If you're taking medication for thyroid disease and still struggling with your weight and wondering why, it's because the medication isn't treating the underlying viral infection, thyroid damage, or liver problem. Also, thyroid medications are hard on the liver and adrenal glands. They cause the adrenal glands to work overtime, which saturates the liver, and it is already working in an attempt to process the drug itself. This slows the liver down further, meaning that someone's weight may gain even more over time while on thyroid medication, or that the medication may cause weight gain if it wasn't a problem to begin with. (More on thyroid medication in a separate blog post .)

The reason some people experience weight loss when they start taking thyroid medication is because they have changed their diet and started a new exercise and supplement regimen at the same time (a combination that is very helpful for restoring a stagnant liver), while often excluding some of the foods that fuel EBV . (There is an extremely small group of people who experience weight loss while taking thyroid medication without taking any other measures. This is due to the initial shock of the body receiving a foreign steroid hormone compound. Ultimately these individuals will gain weight again because the virus problem is not solved). If the underlying viral and liver problems are not addressed, the weight gain continues and is usually attributed to women as a result of menopause, which is not true at all. (For women's specific complications related to thyroid problems, expect a special article on the subject on our blog ).

You can read more about this symptom in the article: "Problems with bile, intestines and excess weight" .

See also Anthony William's video: "Fighting with unwanted kilos?"

Mysterious weight loss

The mysterious weight loss that some people with thyroid problems experience is not due to hyperthyroidism. There are thousands of people with hyperthyroidism who gain weight or are overweight. Exactly! Although you may have an overproduction of thyroid hormones, it is not these hormones that make it difficult to maintain or gain weight. Once again, this is a viral symptom. Some varieties of EBV release poisons that are allergic to the body, which causes a constant flow of adrenaline, and in some people this translates into weight loss, because the hormone basically acts like an amphetamine. (Very often this rapid weight loss is accompanied by difficulty sleeping due to excess adrenaline in the body.) Most people with weight loss problems end up seeing the opposite - a year or ten years later, as adrenal fatigue sets in and their symptom becomes weight gain instead.

Constant hunger

Although this symptom is usually associated with hyperthyroidism, most people with hypothyroidism also experience periods of compulsive, constant, or near-insatiable hunger. This is because this symptom is not related to the thyroid gland. It is caused by a lack of glycogen (stored glucose) in the liver and/or brain, and EBV is to blame . When EBV spends a long time in the liver, it requires a lot of energy from the organ, which means that the liver burns fuel and glycogen depletion can easily occur. The virus also causes weakness in the central nervous system, and since the central nervous system also needs sugar to function, it quickly depletes glucose stores. The result of a lack of glycogen in the brain and/or liver is a feeling of hunger as your body cries out for more of it. (Note that a high-fat/low-carb diet only makes the situation worse, since healthy carbohydrates contain the necessary sugars, and too much fat in the diet prevents the body from converting and absorbing these natural sugars and weakens the liver.)

Mysterious hair thinning and hair loss

Mysterious hair thinning and hair loss is also a symptom of the harmful presence of EBV. It's not low thyroid hormone production that causes strands of hair to fall out of your head. The reason is the excess of adrenaline and cortisol. The adrenal glands are the most important glands in the endocrine system. They are the mediators of the body. As it turns out, when the thyroid is struggling, the adrenal glands kick in to produce extra hormones. Once in a while that would be nice. However, when the thyroid gland is constantly struggling due to a viral infection and the adrenal glands are constantly replacing it, the repeated influx of stress-causing chemicals is hard on the body and can lead to hair thinning and/or hair loss.

These hair changes are not always immediate. Because it takes some time to see the effects of stress hormone-laden hair follicles, it may be six to nine months or even a year after EBV has reached the thyroid before you start to see differences in your hair.

If you have no other symptoms, it could be that you don't have the thyroid virus at all, and the mysterious thinning or hair loss is due to an experience months ago that then triggered a rush of stress-related chemicals. Breakups, other relationship upheavals, and the birth of a child are common examples of why you may find your hair falling out months later. This is due to this same lag time that hair follicles need to weaken.

On the other hand, if you are constantly under excessive stress or have nutritional deficiencies, this time frame for thinning or hair loss (whether caused by viruses, stress, or both) can be much shorter. People who are prone to eczema (read more about this skin condition in the article "Eczema and Psoriasis" ) tend to suffer from more hair loss due to their already irritated scalp.

Another common cause of hair loss is the use of thyroid medication, antibiotics, or other pharmaceuticals. There are hundreds of cases where women started losing hair soon after starting thyroid medication, even though the medication was given in part because of thinning hair that was thought to be caused by thyroid disease.

Sometimes it seems as if the thyroid medication initially stops the hair loss. This is only due to a coincidence of timing. As we said, it's not unusual for a woman to go through a stressful time in her life that results in hair loss months later, seemingly out of the blue. Her doctor will suspect thyroid problems, put her on thyroid hormones, and lo and behold, she will stop losing her hair. In reality, this was not a consequence of the drugs. The patient stopped shedding only because by this time her adrenal glands had begun to recover from the stress, giving the hair follicles a break so that they too could recover. The hair loss would have stopped even without the medicine. The medication has masked the ability of the body's natural healing process to cope. If the patient continues to take the drug, there is a good chance that a few months later her hair will start falling out again, which will confuse both the patient and the doctor because they thought the drug was the solution.

And in some cases, exposure to radiation can cause hair thinning. A single dental x-ray can be enough to thin the hair for about a month or two.

You can read more about this symptom in the article: "Health of skin, hair and nails" .

Change in hair texture

A change in hair texture that makes it more brittle or coarser than usual is usually due to EBV in the liver releasing internal dermatotoxins that reach the scalp, combined with long-standing nutritional deficiencies and adrenal surges. Another reason hair can lose its luster is that while the body is fighting EBV, it is diverting nutritional resources, such as micronutrients, vitamins and antioxidants that would normally go towards maintaining healthy hair, to helping the body fight the virus. .

You can read more about this symptom in the article: "Health of skin, hair and nails" .


As with the other symptoms you'll find on this list, insomnia is not a symptom of thyroid problems. Although you will find in the recent literature a link between the thyroid gland and insomnia, the truth is that a compromised thyroid gland does not disrupt sleep. Insomnia can accompany thyroid problems if the virus disrupts the work of this endocrine gland and your neurotransmitters at the same time, which is common. Or, your troubled sleep may be due to a number of other hidden causes of insomnia and sleep disorders, including emotional trauma, digestive sensitivities, liver problems, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) , anxiety, and monosodium glutamate (MSG) toxicity. . There's an entire Sleep Secrets section in the Thyroid Healing book that we'll soon be offering as articles on our blog dedicated to helping you understand the cause of your individual case of restless sleep so that you can to begin using sleep to heal yourself - in part by becoming familiar with the unknown laws of sleep.

You can read more about this symptom in the article: "Insomnia and sleep problems" .


This common symptom can appear at different stages of the development of EBV . At first, during the monophase, fatigue may occur as your immune system puts its energy into fighting the first active, available and ready-to-act, viral blood infection.

Once EBV is present in the organs, a second type of fatigue—neurological fatigue—may occur from the virus releasing its neurotoxins. Neurological fatigue is often confused with adrenal fatigue, although they are actually different. Neurological fatigue and adrenal fatigue can occur separately or simultaneously, as one is related to the nervous system and the other to the endocrine system.

Adrenal fatigue is a real and legitimate condition - it is no coincidence that Anthony William devotes an entire chapter to it in the book "The Healing Medium" . However, we must be careful not to label every case of fatigue as adrenal fatigue, which is common in medical circles these days. Doctors, various specialists, and the latest books point to adrenal overload as the explanation for so many things. This is not a completely new discovery, as it may seem to you. In an attempt to explain why so many people experience these problems in their lives, this information, which is actually decades old, has been reworked and refashioned as new. Adrenal fatigue as a universal response distracts from the truth, which is that late-stage Epstein-Barr virus targets the central nervous system of countless people. Viral neurotoxins flood their bodies, creating an undetectable viral encephalitis (inflammation of the brain) that creates irritated, lethargic, sensitive nerves throughout the body and can interfere with normal living in a devastating way.

The practical difference between these two types of fatigue is that with adrenal fatigue, people can still function. They can work, hold jobs, socialize, play sports, and take care of their families, even though they don't feel particularly vibrant while doing all of this. Neurological fatigue, on the other hand, has a devastating effect. The fatigue is so pronounced that you are practically unable to function normally. Although it is possible to have severe adrenal fatigue, and adrenal and neurological fatigue sometimes occur together (that's when people suffer the most), neurological fatigue alone is the most common type that accompanies advanced EBV .

Even with a mild case of neurological fatigue, you may feel extremely tired from driving a short distance, have a sharp feeling of heaviness in your legs, experience weakness in your arms, feel very confused, and find it difficult to find the strength to shower or cook dinner. In more advanced cases of neurological fatigue, when neurotoxins flood and saturate the brain, you may feel like you can't get out of bed even if your life depended on it. Such severe neurological fatigue is the reason about 17% of college students drop out of the curriculum and become despondent.

You can read more about this symptom in the article: "Chronic fatigue syndrome" . See also Anthony William's video on the subject: "Do you have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome without knowing it?" .


The feeling of tiredness that can't be explained by overwork and stress and that you can't shake even though you get enough sleep. This is a milder form of fatigue that can be caused by EBV . In this case, it's a low-grade viral infection that stresses your immune system and organs while depleting your energy stores.

Changes in energy levels

Sometimes fatigue, exhaustion, and exhaustion come and go. Usually, this can be a sign that you are at the beginning of a low-grade viral infection that hasn't had time to develop yet, or it means that you are detoxing fairly well. On a bad day, your body is loaded with neurotoxins from EBV and other viral waste, and they make it difficult for you to function. On a good day, your body has cleared the toxic substances and you can live your life normally. In most cases, this is accompanied by underactive or overactive adrenal glands due to stress or factors in your life that have provoked adrenal instability. This usually prompts the doctor to ignore everything else that is wrong and diagnose you with adrenal fatigue or cortisol issues as the main problem. If you were in worse shape, with a stagnant liver and a toxic digestive tract, you wouldn't experience large fluctuations in energy levels - your energy would remain consistently low.

See also the article: "10 snacks for healthy adrenal glands" .

Brain fog and difficulty concentrating

The feeling of confusion or cloudiness that prevents you from thinking clearly happens when EBV feeds on its favorite foods, which include toxic heavy metals like mercury, as well as dairy, eggs, wheat, corn, excess adrenaline and prescription medications. As EBV feasts and thrives, it releases more waste, and these neurotoxins travel to the brain and disrupt neurotransmitters. When focus problems are defining your brain fog , it's usually due to an extra abundance of heavy metals in the brain combined with this short circuit. This can often lead to a misdiagnosis of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), leaky gut, a parasitic infection, Lyme disease, or a thyroid disorder.

Memory loss

Memory problems are due to the same root cause as brain fog , as EBV eats its favorite foods into your body and loads you with much more destructive waste. In this case, the cause is higher levels of mercury and other toxic heavy metals, which give the virus extra fuel, and it releases an extra amount of neurotoxic waste, interrupting the activity of neurotransmitters. Furthermore, when these heavy metals are oxidized in the brain or liver, the toxic waste saturates brain tissue, suffocating electrical impulses and interfering with memory function.

See the continuation of the article: "Thyroid diseases - explaining your symptoms (part 3)" .

Other Thyroid Articles:

"The truth about the thyroid gland" ;
"Thyroid diseases - how it all begins" ;
"Thyroid Diseases - Explaining Your Symptoms (Part 1)" ;
"Thyroid Diseases - Explaining Your Symptoms (Part 3)" ;
"Thyroid cancer" ;
"[Video] Do you have Hashimoto's thyroiditis? - Anthony William talks" ;
"Anthony William on Life Without a Thyroid Gland" ;
"Anthony William reveals the truth about iodine" ;
"Anthony William reveals the truth about zinc" ;

"Powerful healing foods for the thyroid gland" ;
"Medicinal herbs and nutritional supplements for the thyroid gland" ;
"How celery stem juice helps with thyroid diseases" ;
"Tea for the treatment of the thyroid gland" ;
"Medicinal broth for the thyroid gland" ;
"Medicinal juice for the thyroid gland" ;
"Medicinal Thyroid Smoothie" .

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