Continuation of the article "Thyroid diseases - additional complications (part 1)

In the previous part of the article, we looked at the accompanying health conditions that occur in people suffering from thyroid diseases and specifically those related to the female reproductive system. In the second part of the article, we will pay attention to other additional health conditions that are mistaken for separate problems - problems with the healing of physical injuries, neuroinflammatory conditions, diabetes, hepatitis, etc.

It is extremely depressing for anyone to receive multiple diagnoses. The reality is that there is a very good chance that these are not very separate, unrelated symptoms and conditions, but rather that they all come from the same source.

MTHFR gene mutation

If you've been diagnosed with an MTHFR gene mutation, you should keep in mind that despite what you hear elsewhere, it's technically not a gene mutation. What actually happens is that a viral infection, at least with EBV ( depending on the person, possibly with an additional virus ), over time has affected the liver, which in turn has affected the production process and absorption of vitamin B12 and other key, important nutrients in the body. This raises homocysteine ​​levels, resulting in a positive result for the MTHFR gene mutation in today's highly unreliable, new and modern tests. Basically, it's just another (inconclusive) test for inflammation like the ones we discussed in the article "Thyroid Guessing Tests" . Once your viral infection is controlled or cleared, the gene mutation test will change and show that you do not have the gene mutation – proof that you never actually had one in the first place. It's a hot topic, given that gene mutation diagnoses are on the rise, and good doctors and other practitioners are investing a lot of time and energy into this still-confusing theory. ( We have offered more on this topic in the article "Methylation and gene mutation" .)

Injuries that do not heal

If an injury that seems like it should have healed a long time ago is still causing you pain and suffering, you can feel very depressed if doctors can't determine why you're not feeling better and your loved ones can't understand why you are no longer well. Very often, people in this situation suffer from the prejudice and suspicion of others, that they are making up their pain, that they are maintaining the trauma for attention or fear, or that they are not trying hard enough to heal. Don't let that mindset get the better of you! These are not the real reasons for your continued suffering.

When injured, the myelin sheaths covering the nerves in the area of ​​the injury are torn like strands of yarn, causing tiny hairs from the nerve roots to loosen and hang or pop out of the nerves. Such injured nerves trigger an "alarm" hormone that is meant to call your body's healing mechanisms to the rescue. However, when there is EBV in your body , it also detects this hormone and rushes to take advantage of it and target the nerves. Damaged root hairs give EBV the openings it needs to attach to nerves and keep them inflamed for a long period of time – sometimes years if proper measures are not taken to treat your EBV.

If you have entered stage four of EBV, viral neurotoxins will also be released in large quantities and cause nerve problems like never before, even without injury. As you've already read in the previous symptoms, such as anxiety, tingling and numbness, and dizziness, high levels of these neurotoxins in the blood create sensitized, allergic, inflamed nerves just by being close. The result is extremely difficult wound healing when EBV is active in your body. Once you get rid of the virus, you can move on.


The pain, suffering, tenderness, fatigue, and stiffness of fibromyalgia are the result of stage four EBV neurotoxins that create chronic inflammation of both the central nervous system and nerves throughout the body. This can lead to minor cracks, tears, and exposed root hairs that create sensitive spots on the nerves. Some aggressive strains of EBV go so far as to bind to these weak spots, creating even more inflammation and pain.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome (CFIDS), Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME), Systemic Exercise Intolerance (SEID)

As the medical community tries harder to understand this epic fatigue that was once defined as laziness, the condition is given additional names. The truth is that CFS, or whatever name you call it, is the neurological fatigue of an ongoing and chronic stage four EBV infection. Viral neurotoxins inflame and deplete the central nervous system, creating exhaustion that is often confused with adrenal fatigue ( for more information on the distinction, see the explanation of the "Fatigue" symptom in previous articles ). In their more aggressive forms, neurotoxins cause mild encephalitis ( which is undetectable by MRI or CT ), which creates even more severe fatigue. ( You will find more on the subject in the article "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome" . )

Eczema and psoriasis

All of these skin conditions actually boil down to undiagnosed medical problems with the liver. They are not liver enzyme problems that a doctor will detect with the basic blood tests available, which do not detect much of what is going on with this complex organ. Rather, eczema and psoriasis are due to a pathogen—usually EBV —in the liver feeding on high levels of toxic copper in it, as well as old deposits of DDT and other pesticides. When the virus feeds on these poisons, it releases a strong dermatotoxin that rises to the skin, causing severe rashes, scaling, cracking, irritation and itching.

Ideally, the liver would filter out these dermatotoxins like other waste, and the intestinal tract and kidneys would flush them out of the body. However, when EBV overwhelms the liver and the rest of the body, normal detoxification processes are interrupted, so these toxins end up trying to exit through the skin. The worse the condition of the liver, the stronger the eczema or psoriasis , because impaired liver function means that more dermatotoxins are released. People with more severe eczema or psoriasis are also more prone to scalp hair loss. ( You will learn more about the subject in the article "Eczema and Psoriasis" . )


The medical community has not yet been able to determine what causes this inflammatory condition, so it has been mislabeled as autoimmune. This is not the case at all. Lupus is not evidence that the immune system is going haywire and targeting the body. The real cause of lupus is EBV . In essence, lupus is an allergic reaction to the waste products of the virus: dermatotoxins ( hence the skin problems so often associated with lupus ), neurotoxins, byproducts, and viral corpses. When too many of these deposits build up over time, then by the third stage of EBV, the body can become hypersensitive to them, leading to various symptoms of inflammation. It also raises homocysteine ​​levels, which causes false positives in gene mutation tests. ( When you clear EBV, these gene mutation tests return to normal. )

Because lupus begins in stage three, when EBV also targets the thyroid gland, anyone who has lupus also has an impaired thyroid gland, whether they know it or not.

Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

The Epstein-Barr virus is the hidden cause of MS . There are two types of EBV that lead to this diagnosis: (1) With this type of EBV, a person exhibits neurological symptoms such as weakness in the legs and arms, mild tremors, and severe numbness and tingling. They are the result of EBV neurotoxins inflaming various nerves in the body. It is usually diagnosed as MS ( or Lyme disease ), even though no lesions are visible on medical scans. (2) This other type of EBV reaches the brain, where it causes lesions, mild forms of encephalitis, and very similar symptoms to the previous type. If you are diagnosed with brain lesions, do not be afraid of them. Hundreds of thousands of people have various brain lesions, from small to large, and continue to live their lives. In many cases, the symptoms that accompany this type of EBV are not from the lesions themselves. They are also one of those EBV neurotoxins.

Because MS occurs in stage four EBV, people with this condition also have a thyroid problem, whether it's diagnosed or not. The best way to deal with either type of MS diagnosis and the thyroid problem is to deal with the EBV present and strengthen the nervous system. ( For more information on MS , see the chapter on it in the book "The Healing Medium" ).

Lyme disease

Depending on your doctor, some symptoms may be diagnosed as MS, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome , rheumatoid arthritis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) , parasitic infection, lupus, or Lyme disease. Because all of these conditions are caused by viruses, the lines between these diagnoses are often blurred. That's right: as Anthony William reveals in his first book, Lyme disease is viral, not bacterial. We do not say this to deny the progress made in the medical community that has come from recognizing the many people who suffer from the symptoms of Lyme disease and making efforts to find a cure for them. The next step will be for medical research to reveal that the cause of Lyme disease symptoms is viral, and the bacteria are only accidentally present. Lyme disease symptoms in most people are caused by EBV , although all other viruses in the herpes virus family can also cause them, including HHV-6, all the way up to the undiscovered HHV-9, HHV-10, HHV-11, and HHV- 12. Surprise! If what you read shocks you, check out the chapter on Lyme disease in The Healing Medium , where you'll find answers to all your questions.

If you've already read this chapter, you may have noticed that her list of Lyme disease triggers looks very similar to the thyroid virus triggers in the Thyroid Truth article. This is because both Lyme disease and thyroid disease are viral, so there is a lot of overlap in what causes their symptoms.

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)

This swelling, pain, stiffness, and sometimes deformity of the joints is not an autoimmune disease – this explanation for RA could not be further from the truth. The body doesn't get confused and start attacking your joints. Rather, there is a specific variety of EBV that invades the connective tissue, joints and tendons in its fourth stage, causing inflammation, which is evidence that your body is trying to keep the invader at bay. Swelling of knuckles, cervical vertebrae, and the like is a sign that the immune system is fighting to keep the virus from burrowing deeper and causing permanent nerve and tissue damage. In its milder forms, this can manifest as mysterious aches and pains. In advanced forms, people get severe joint swelling and a diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis.

Connective tissue disorders (including Ehlers-Danlos syndrome)

These conditions are caused by a fourth-stage (sometimes third-stage) variety of EBV that feeds on various toxins in the liver, including accumulated DDT and other pesticides, mercury, and some solvents. Many of them can be passed down through the family line, inherited from past generations. As the virus thrives on this fuel mixture, it releases both neurotoxins and a specific connective tissue toxin—a combination that weakens connective tissue while simultaneously inflaming nerves. Since this is a late stage of EBV disease, it is a sign that you also have thyroid problems, although it is not a thyroid symptom.


Some varieties of EBV are less concentrated on the central nervous system and instead focus on the lymphatic system and organs. In these cases, when the virus progresses to later phases and stages, many viral cells are also left behind to attack and inflame the lymph nodes around the lungs, heart, liver and neck, creating swelling and scarring throughout the lymphatic system and in and around the organs. This results in stage four viral sarcoidosis, which means that sarcoidosis is an indication that someone has also developed thyroid disease at this point (stage three EBV), although again it is not caused by the thyroid gland.

Pulmonary fibrosis, cystic fibrosis, interstitial lung disease

All of these conditions, which often affect the lungs, are caused by EBV and antibiotic-resistant strains of EBV's cofactor, strep bacteria —the same culprit of many common problems, including chronic urinary tract infections (UTIs) and strep throat. In these conditions, it is extremely important to avoid eggs, dairy products, wheat and pork.

Hypoglycemia and type 2 diabetes

Very often, type 2 diabetes accompanies thyroid disease because EBV , other toxins, and a high-fat diet stress the liver, making it sluggish or stagnant and unable to store glucose as glycogen to protect the pancreas you rely on for insulin. At the same time, as the adrenal glands overcompensate for the thyroid gland, all that excess adrenaline burns up the pancreas, further impairing its ability to produce the insulin you need. This results in an imbalance of blood sugar. ( For a full explanation of hypoglycemia and type 2 diabetes, see their dedicated chapter in Anthony William's first book, The Healing Medium .)

Acid reflux

When someone suffers from heartburn, half of the problem is in the stomach and the other half in the liver. This is because acid reflux is actually caused by low hydrochloric acid (a beneficial acid) in the stomach, which usually occurs when the liver is impaired by EBV and therefore does not produce enough bile to aid digestion. As a result, bad stomach acids increase. When they enter the esophagus, the sensation is of burning pain.

Unknown to medical research and science, EBV can not only contribute to acid reflux , but this condition also interferes with thyroid healing. When people have elevated levels of unproductive stomach acids due to low hydrochloric acid (the good acid), these bad acids tend to rise up the esophagus during sleep, all the way to the throat, where they release ammonia, which can penetrate directly into the thyroid gland and prevent its healing. ( You will learn more about the topic in the article "Treatment of acid reflux" . )


Because streptococci are a cofactor of EBV , they thrive when the virus does. That's why people with thyroid problems are no strangers to sinus problems, bladder sensitivity, urinary tract infections (UTIs), bacterial vaginosis, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) , irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) , acne. and sore throats. All of them are associated with streptococcal bacteria .

Celiac disease

Celiac disease is not an autoimmune disease, nor is it limited to gluten sensitivity. Rather, wheat gluten is one of the triggering factors of this inflammation of the intestinal tract, which is actually caused by the cofactor of EBV, the streptococci . Other favorite foods of streptococci found in the gut are eggs, dairy products, and corn, along with biofilm, neurotoxins, viral envelopes, other EBV debris, and toxic heavy metals that are flushed from the liver into the intestinal tract. These elements give the streptococci fuel to grow and irritate.

Raynaud's syndrome

This skin discoloration occurs as a result of a partially blocked liver from EBV and its waste products returning to the bloodstream. In most cases of Raynaud's syndrome, someone has had a long-standing EBV infection since childhood, and while much of the virus has moved into and out of the thyroid gland, some of the virus remains in the liver, causing long-term problems. When the blood is filled with these viral toxins, it thickens, causing blood toxicity, and the result is poor circulation in the extremities, causing them to become discolored. Many people with Raynaud's also experience mild tingling, and sometimes even numbness, because the sediment that returns to the blood contains neurotoxins.

Cushing's syndrome

In medical circles, it is assumed that Cushing's syndrome is a dysfunction of the adrenal glands, and this is true to some extent. What remains unknown for now is the full root cause: When you've had thyroid disease caused by EBV for a long time , your adrenal glands have spent years in overdrive trying to fulfill the role of thyroid hormone creators and balancers. An EBV-stressed liver also puts additional strain on the adrenal glands. In addition to this stress on the adrenal glands, people with Cushing's disease have also typically experienced tremendous stress in their lives and other triggers, such as poor nutrition, that have weakened the adrenal glands. Pushed to the limit by these multiple sources, the adrenal glands become dysfunctional and the result is weight gain in certain areas of the body, as well as flabbier arms and legs. Although you may hear otherwise, true Cushing's usually occurs when people are in their mid-40s to mid-60s because of the time it takes for the adrenal glands to become so unbalanced.

Hepatitis C

This chronic inflammation of the liver is caused by EBV , which scars the organ - a discovery that medical research and science will make very soon. Because of the years it takes for EBV to create this destructive scar, by the time it turns into hepatitis C, other EBV cells have already progressed to or beyond the thyroid, meaning people with hepatitis C face and with a compromised thyroid gland. This long period of time to develop is also why hepatitis C often occurs in older people.

Plantar fasciitis

When EBV releases large amounts of neurotoxins into the body, these neurotoxins spread and settle on weak nerves in the body. If you've ever been too active and overworked your legs or injured your feet or ankles, whether from dancing, athletics, a sprained ankle, or an accident, neurotoxins find these sensitive nerves almost like a target, causing inflammation and pain in nerves like tibial and sciatic. In many people, plantar fasciitis occurs long after the initial injury because the injury may have occurred years before a person has an active, late-stage EBV infection.

Parathyroid gland disease

Although the four small glands known as the parathyroids function separately from the thyroid, when they go wrong, the culprit is the same as in thyroid disease: EBV . Together, these glands, each about the size of a peeled sunflower seed, are responsible for maintaining a balanced level of calcium in the body, primarily by regulating the level of calcium in the blood. Thyroid disease usually means that one or more of these glands have become inflamed, enlarged, calcified, formed cysts or tumors as a result of an EBV infection ( medical studies and science still do not know what the cause is ), leading to disruption of the calcium production and control system in the body.

There is a connection between the thyroid and parathyroid glands: when the body makes thyroid nodules to try to protect the EBV cells, the parathyroid becomes involved. Remember that nodules are calcium prisons - so the parathyroid gland can respond to this nodulation by overproducing parathyroid hormone ( to help the body create the nodules ) or in some cases by underproducing ( to protect calcium stores ). depending on your individual needs. When the parathyroid gland is overactive in this case, it usually doesn't show up on tests because the extra calcium goes to immediate use.

The parathyroid gland also receives physical protection from the thyroid gland - these glands need to be protected from the sun, and the pterygoid structure of the thyroid gland does this protection.

Like thyroid problems, parathyroid problems don't always show up on tests, so there are people with undiagnosed hyperparathyroidism. One of the common causes of this condition is that EBV leaves the thyroid gland at the end of the third stage and begins to target the central nervous system. At this point, the brain begins to need more electrolytes to support the function of neurotransmitters and electrical impulses, which triggers a signal from the parathyroid gland for more calcium to support this extra electrical function that the central nervous system needs to cope with EBV . The virus can also target the parathyroid gland itself, disabling it and directly causing parathyroid disease. All this has not yet been revealed by medical research and science.

Other Thyroid Articles:

"The truth about the thyroid gland" ;
"Thyroid diseases - how it all begins" ;
"Thyroid Diseases - Explaining Your Symptoms (Part 1)" ;
"Thyroid Diseases - Explaining Your Symptoms (Part 2)" ;
"Thyroid Diseases - Explaining Your Symptoms (Part 3)" ;
"Thyroid diseases – additional complications (part 1) ;
"Thyroid cancer" ;
"[Video] Do you have Hashimoto's thyroiditis? - Anthony William talks" ;
"Anthony William on Insomnia and Sleep Problems in Thyroid Disease" ;
"Anthony William's Tips for Treating Sleep Problems and Why Bad Dreams Are Good" ;
"Healer Medium's 90-Day Thyroid Therapy (Part 1)" ;
"Healer Medium's 90-Day Thyroid Therapy (Part 2)" ;
""Guessing tests" for the thyroid gland" ;
"Anthony William on thyroid medication" ;
"Anthony William on Life Without a Thyroid Gland" ;
"Anthony William reveals the truth about iodine" ;
"Anthony William reveals the truth about zinc" ;
"Powerful healing foods for the thyroid gland" ;
"Which foods to avoid in thyroid diseases" ;
"Medicinal herbs and nutritional supplements for the thyroid gland" ;
"How celery stem juice helps with thyroid diseases" ;
"Tea for the treatment of the thyroid gland" ;
"Medicinal broth for the thyroid gland" ;
"Medicinal juice for the thyroid gland" ;
"Medicinal Thyroid Smoothie" .

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