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For centuries, it was a popular belief that if any part of your body was sick, you cured it by consuming the same part of an animal's body. For example, if your leg is sore, you might eat a leg of lamb to heal it. If your brain or kidney was in trouble, it was believed that you should eat the brain or kidney respectively. If someone had an eye problem, they were advised to consume the eyeball of an animal in some way, shape or recipe. By the way, this was not limited to folk remedies. This was prevalent medical knowledge that doctors studied at the most prestigious medical universities during their training.

The problem with this treatment is that it never worked. A leg, brain, kidney, eye or other body part kept getting worse unless you found another way to treat it - not that it was recognized. The theory seemed so logical at first sight that it continued to be trusted throughout the centuries of the Middle Ages for hundreds of years. ( And believe it or not, she retains her credibility even in today's world of nutritional supplements, where the belief still exists that if you swallow a capsule containing material from your brain or liver bile, it will somehow help your own brain or liver. ) By the time goiter became a widespread problem in the population due to the Industrial Revolution, this was still a theory that doctors used in their repertoire of remedies. So one doctor decided to see if offering dried and ground pig thyroid gland to a goiter patient would reduce the swelling of the thyroid gland. For the first time in the history of treating human body parts with animal body parts, it worked. In the 19th century, desiccated thyroid became a common remedy for goiter that you could pick up at the pharmacy. No one knew why this remedy reduced the goitre, but they gladly agreed with it.

Was it really a miracle cure? No! Thyroid consumption only worked for these early patients because the goiters of the time were caused by severe iodine deficiency ( due to industrialized food processing that stripped food of nutrients ) combined with toxic overload from a polluted environment, and pig thyroid offered them a rich source of iodine to balance their health.

Over time, widespread iodine deficiency opened the way for the first wave of early, developing Epstein-Barr virus to target the thyroid gland—though the virus was still so weak that only a small dose of iodine, an antiseptic, was needed. to kill the problematic EBV, and desiccated porcine thyroid provided just that.

Over time, EBV mutated and became stronger, and people developed bigger problems from iodine-deficient goiters and the less aggressive, low-grade viral goiters—they developed the symptoms of EBV that we discussed in the thyroid disease articles . Still, desiccated thyroid appears to have mattered in many of these patients. Why? Not because the medication offered them T4 or T3 – that has nothing to do with thyroid hormone replacement. Rather, because with the desiccated pig thyroid, medicine has unwittingly stumbled upon its first steroid compound. Concentrated animal thyroid hormones worked in some patients as an immunosuppressive, anti-inflammatory drug that reduced thyroid swelling, other viral symptoms, and a person seemed to improve. In fact, the potion caused the immune system to stop responding to EBV.

The truth about thyroid hormones

Today's thyroid medications are not far from the old ones. Some of these drugs are actually still made from desiccated pig thyroid. Others are synthetic. Either way, today's thyroid drugs act like steroids just like those of the early days, although many doctors don't realize this and no one knows that the steroid effect is why some people may feel a little more energy, clarity of mind and improvements in sleep when they start taking thyroid medication. This is only partial relief of their low-grade viral infections.

Another common reason why some people feel relief or lose weight when taking thyroid medication has nothing to do with the medication itself. As already mentioned, the vast majority of people who see these improvements are those who, along with taking the medication, have also changed their diet, switched to nutritional supplements and/or started to exercise more. It is this elimination of EBV 's favorite foods , combined with immune-boosting nutrients and lifestyle improvements, that changes these people's health for the better. ( Taking thyroid medication for years contributes to slow liver function and, since the drug is a steroid compound, to underactive adrenal glands. These factors usually lead to weight gain in the abdominal area and elsewhere in the body ).

The medical community mistakenly believes that the above improvements are due to thyroid hormone replacement - when in reality it has nothing to do with replacing hormones that a person's body has difficulty producing or converting. Whether animal or synthetic, the hormones in these drugs are not bioidentical to human thyroid hormones, meaning they lack key chemical compounds that have yet to be discovered that distinguish human thyroid hormones. ( Also, the thyroxine in thyroid medication essentially tricks the pituitary gland into telling it that the thyroid gland is producing enough of its hormones to meet the body's needs. )

Think of the difference between synthetic thyroxine, dried animal thyroxine, and human thyroxine as the difference between feeding your baby formula, cow's milk, or breast milk. We now have enough research to know that even if some outside sources come close, breast milk cannot be adequately replaced. The day will come when research will reveal the same about human thyroid hormones. ( The only source that can replace these hormones comes from within the body—the special mixture that the adrenal glands produce to compensate for an underactive thyroid. ) When someone has a bad reaction to thyroid medication, which happens with thousands of people, the reason is that his organism is so well adjusted to this difference that he cannot tolerate hormones that come from a non-human source.

What we need to keep in mind is that whether a person feels better, worse, or the same on thyroid medication, they are not prescribed for the thyroid itself - they do not treat it. Many patients are not aware of this. They think that because they went to the doctor and got a prescription to treat their thyroid symptoms, the prescription cures the problem itself. Meanwhile, EBV can continue to damage the thyroid gland ( and cause other worsening symptoms ), and thyroid disease can continue to progress. If you are on hypothyroid medication, you will still have hypothyroidism and you will still have EBV unless you take the express measures that Anthony William discusses in Part III "Resurrecting the Thyroid" of his book The Healing Medium: Healing the Thyroid gland" to get rid of the virus and take care of your thyroid gland.

This explains why you may continue to gain weight, suffer from hair loss, feel tired and generally suffer even after you have started taking medication for thyroid problems. This is a common experience for millions of people: they diligently take their medications every day, and even though those medications lead to thyroid test results that show normal hormone levels, their thyroid gets worse over the years because no one knew to look for the root problem and deal with the real cause.

There are people who have had their thyroids removed and who have not taken any thyroid medication feel great after getting rid of EBV. There are also people who have been on thyroid meds, with or without a thyroid, and who still haven't gotten rid of EBV, who feel terrible. If feeling better was due solely to thyroid hormones, none of these scenarios would exist—people who have their thyroids removed would need thyroid medication to function, and everyone who are on thyroid meds, they would be restored and healthy. The reality is that it is all related to the Epstein-Barr thyroid virus . When EBV is present and active, it will adversely affect someone's health regardless of whether they are taking thyroid medication.

Do you also remember the hormones of the adrenal glands, which we discussed in the article "The truth about the thyroid gland" ? Because the adrenal glands produce adrenaline mixtures that replace thyroid hormones when the thyroid gland is underactive, your body is essentially creating its own medicine. Although they are close enough to true thyroid hormones that your body uses them in the same way, they differ subtly enough that blood tests may not pick up these mixtures as thyroid hormones. As a result, doctors will prescribe thyroid medication without knowing that your endocrine system is producing a dose of its own prescription to replace the thyroid's tasks. Where the body really needs help is when we need immune system support to lower the viral load.

While you are taking the steps in this book to get rid of EBV, if you really want to support your thyroid hormones, you can make your own thyroid tonic by following the instructions in Chapter 25, "Thyroid Healing Techniques" .

Thyroid medications and TSH readings

It is important to understand the true relationship between TSH readings and thyroid medication because it is often misunderstood.

Here's a common scenario: Your blood test results show a TSH reading of 10.0, which your doctor considers to be the beginning of a hypothyroid problem, so he prescribes medication. After starting the medication, you go for another blood test and this time your readings are in the 4.0 to 5.0 range. It's easy to think that this means your thyroid is healing.

In fact, all that's happening is that the thyroid hormones in your body from the medication are fooling the pituitary gland into telling it that you're making enough hormones, so the pituitary gland will make less of its thyroid-stimulating hormone. This lower TSH reading gives a false sense of security; your thyroid itself doesn't get any relief from the medication. The way your body really works, your TSH level should still be 10.0. Medicines only mask it.

Over time, because EBV is not addressed and is still highly active in your thyroid, possibly due to triggers in your life, your thyroid will continue to deteriorate. This means that after some time you will go back to the doctor taking the drugs and those TSH levels will have risen again. It is very likely that the doctor will prescribe even higher doses of medication. ( If you're someone who doesn't experience many triggers in your life, your thyroid medication dosages may stay stable for a longer period of time before increasing. ) After years, TSH readings may again reach 10, 0 – meaning without the drugs clouding the results, they would really be 20.0. Hypothyroidism is not treated by drugs, it only appears that way.

This effect of thyroid medication on TSH readings is like putting a Band-Aid on a deep, contaminated puncture wound. The wound will continue to fester if it is not properly cared for - unless someone tells you, "Hey, why are you walking around with an infected puncture wound?".

Or think of the effect of drugs on TSH readings as taking the battery out of a smoke detector: although it's reassuring because the beeping stops, all you've done is turn off the alarm system, not put out the fire.

Atrophy of the thyroid gland

It's good to know about one side effect of long-term use of thyroid medication that is completely unknown to medical research and science: in some people, thyroid medication can cause the thyroid gland to reduce its production of hormones so that the gland slowly atrophies and shrink over time. Essentially, the medication dulls the thyroid gland.

Just like your muscles need to be used to stay strong, your thyroid needs to do its job regularly to stay in shape. It's like when a blizzard keeps you indoors—you may feel frustrated at first. However, if the storm continues for a while, day after day you get used to the forced laziness. Staying in your pajamas all day feels more and more comfortable and natural, so when the storm passes, the prospect of stirring and returning to the outside world seems too great. Here's what can happen over time to the thyroid gland with long-term use of thyroid medication. The thyroid gland loses some of its desire to make hormones—in effect, it feels suffocated—because the drugs tell the pituitary gland that enough T4 and T3 are being produced, so the thyroid isn't getting the TSH signals that keep it going.

Not that you need to worry. This type of partial thyroid atrophy only happens to some people who have been overmedicated with prescription thyroid hormones for several years - it's not like it happens to everyone who takes thyroid medication gland. And even when thyroid medication reduces its function, it will fight back and produce some amount of thyroid hormone no matter what. Additionally, the radio-like thyroid frequencies that monitor and promote homeostasis will continue to function in the setting of atrophy. ( Remember, the undiscovered thyroid hormones R5 and R6 that play a role in these frequencies are virtually impossible to deplete ). However, this is one of the possible side effects that you should be aware of.

As we've noted in a number of articles, your thyroid is resilient. So you should also know that when you start taking steps to tame EBV and revitalize your thyroid, it brings your thyroid intelligence back to life. Your thyroid's high-tech database is able to reverse the atrophy condition and your thyroid returns to functioning the way it should.

What you need to know about stopping thyroid medication

If you've made the decision to reduce or stop your thyroid medication with your doctor, there are some key points to know.

First, when someone takes a drug, such as that prescribed for the thyroid gland, the liver automatically absorbs and processes it, as the liver is the body's protector against all foreign substances. The higher the doses you took and the longer you took them, the more drugs your liver absorbed and still retained. This is not something that is measured in the doctor's office - medical studies and science still ignore this fact. If you take the liver of a person who has been on thyroid medication for many years, squeeze it out, dehydrate all that medication you've squeezed out, and put it into capsules, you could fill hundreds of bottles of thyroid medication.

If you've just started taking thyroid medication, your blood tests may not show any difference in your hormone levels at first because your liver absorbs most of it very quickly. As a result, over time your doctor may prescribe higher doses that will likely continue to be absorbed by the liver. At a certain point - it's different for everyone; it can take up to 10 years – the buildup of thyroid medication in the liver can become toxic and taxing on the organ, and it will slowly begin to release the medication back into the blood, sometimes in periodic bursts because it is overwhelmed. When this happens, it will mess up blood tests, making your doctor think you're making more thyroid hormone than you actually are—another reason why they're only "guess tests" and doctors find themselves forced to constantly to adjust protocols for many patients.

In many cases, doctors will see thyroid test results come back with better levels and think it's because the thyroid is working better, when in reality it's because the liver has reached its filling limit and has begun to release drugs back into the blood. However, the drug that is released back into the bloodstream is not as active or potent as when you first took it. It has only about 5% of its strength, carrying the effect of a band-aid for the body.

And because it goes back into the bloodstream that way—instead of being swallowed, broken down in the stomach, and absorbed through digestion—your body can have an adverse reaction and you can develop an intolerance to your medicine. This can often lead to feeling like you're allergic in some way, where you feel bloated or have heart palpitations, or have trouble sleeping, even though you've never had this problem before. When any of these reactions occur, you often have to switch from synthetic to combined natural medications or vice versa, or even be forced to stop taking thyroid medications altogether because your body has become too sensitive to them. Even without this spillover effect, thyroid medications taken over a long period of time—some people take them for more than 20 years—can put extra pressure on a liver that has already become sluggish and stagnant from EBV . which over time can lead to more weight gain, among other symptoms.

If you have been taking thyroid medication for a long time, you may want to talk to your doctor about lower doses to allow the liver to detoxify. Be very careful with it and don't make the decision alone. Sometimes people decide they want to stop their thyroid medication all at once, leading to withdrawal episodes. The effect can be overwhelming, with symptoms such as fatigue returning immediately. People often conclude that they need the drugs, so they return to them, feeling that they will be addicted for life.

Here's what actually happens with these symptoms: First, withdrawal should be considered. When someone has been taking steroids for years, the body goes into shock when these drugs suddenly disappear and the result can be severe physical discomfort. For this reason, doctors know to wean patients off other steroids very slowly and should treat thyroid medications no differently.

Second, when you stop taking thyroid medication suddenly, the liver gets an immediate sense of liberation and releases the old thyroid medication it has absorbed over time back into the blood, often very quickly. With the sudden influx of all these hormones into the bloodstream, the body can react adversely and cause symptoms that people mistake for thyroid medication addiction, but are actually detox symptoms. For someone who has only been on thyroid medication for three months to a year, the detox may not be as scary – you may experience just one day or week where you feel a little tired, depending on the dose you are on accepted. If you've been taking thyroid medication for more than a year, it's especially important to come off it slowly so you don't overload your body. This detoxification of the liver is ultimately beneficial as it helps to unclog it and prevent weight gain.

When determining how long the weaning process should take for patients, doctors should always take into account how long someone has been on thyroid medication—this has a real impact on a patient's health and well-being as they taper off. If someone has only been taking thyroid medication for two to five years, the dose should be reduced by a quarter at a time for at least two months. If someone has been on thyroid medication for five to ten years, the tapering process should take at least four months. If someone has been on thyroid medication for 10 to 20 years, weaning off should take at least six months. And if someone has been on thyroid medication for more than 20 years, the withdrawal process should take at least a year. It is very important to know that regardless of how long patients have been taking thyroid medication, their sensitivity should be taken into account. Someone may already be experiencing neurological fatigue or another neurological symptom or condition caused by EBV , which may exacerbate that person's response to stopping the medication. If you are a patient who wants to reduce your dosage, talk to your doctor about what is best for you.

Meanwhile, your thyroid still produces its own hormones to some extent, and in addition, your adrenal glands produce those hormones that don't register on tests as backup. To support them, your goal should be to become active in getting EBV out of your system and restoring your thyroid health using the tools in this book so that the gland can restore balance and produce the levels of the hormones it is meant to produce. This will support you while the medication leaves your body so you have the best chance of feeling great.

Levels of disclosure

Some forward-thinking medical professionals have realized the limitations of thyroid testing. They observed patients who had classic symptoms of hypothyroidism and whose tests were within normal limits. These doctors still prescribe thyroid medication to patients, and sometimes patients start to feel better. That they are finally being taken seriously and heard in this way is progress for thyroid patients.

It's much better than the days when a woman would visit a doctor with chronic mysterious symptoms and be told everything was fine. "You just need to exercise more," was the advice they received. Or: "Get a hobby. You just have too much free time." This is the type of misdiagnosis that can cause a person to lose all confidence in their perceptive abilities.

The new approach is also more enlightening than when a woman visits the doctor with pain, palpitations, weight gain, hair loss, memory loss and confusion and is told that it is all due to hormonal imbalance and that she is going through menopause or perimenopause. This type of diagnosis causes countless women to feel old long before they need to and begin to believe that suffering is a natural part of aging. (It's not!)

When the thyroid is involved in a doctor's assessment of a patient's chronic health problems, that's progress. When that doctor admits that the thyroid may be involved even if tests show no problems, or that compounded drugs are better than synthetics, that's even more progressive.

Yet these revelations are not yet a fact. These are achievements for the history books. The Truths We've Just Revealed - About How EBV Is The Real Cause Of Your Thyroid Problems And Much More, What Your Symptoms Really Mean, How Thyroid Tests Work, And How Thyroid Medications Are Completely Missing and bypass the root cause of your illness—are important to your life right now. Discovering that your thyroid is a messenger, not a problem, is the expert-level knowledge you need to ensure a brighter future.

As you progress with your health, it can be easy to get distracted. New theories will surface, old ones will be updated and revised, and you may wonder if the thyroid information you hear on TV or read in the latest literature is what you should really be listening to. Remember this: As long as a thyroid theory blames you, your body, or just the triggers, it's not correct. Until a treatment goes after the underlying virus, it won't solve anything.

To arm you against so much competing and confusing misinformation, we'll direct your attention to Part II of Anthony William's book The Healing Medium: Healing the Thyroid Gland about common misconceptions about chronic disease. By learning about these fundamental mistakes that are holding back the progress of medicine, you will gain new clarity, confidence, and freedom so that you can finally heal yourself.

Other Thyroid Articles:

"The truth about the thyroid gland" ;
"Thyroid diseases - how it all begins" ;
"Thyroid Diseases - Explaining Your Symptoms (Part 1)" ;
"Thyroid Diseases - Explaining Your Symptoms (Part 2)" ;
"Thyroid Diseases - Explaining Your Symptoms (Part 3)" ;
"Thyroid cancer" ;
"[Video] Do you have Hashimoto's thyroiditis? - Anthony William talks" ;
""Guessing tests" for the thyroid gland" ;
"Anthony William on Life Without a Thyroid Gland" ;
"Anthony William reveals the truth about iodine" ;
"Anthony William reveals the truth about zinc" ;

"Powerful healing foods for the thyroid gland" ;
"Medicinal herbs and nutritional supplements for the thyroid gland" ;
"How celery stem juice helps with thyroid diseases" ;
"Tea for the treatment of the thyroid gland" ;
"Medicinal broth for the thyroid gland" ;
"Medicinal juice for the thyroid gland" ;
"Medicinal Thyroid Smoothie" .

Material from Anthony William - Medical Medium® was used to create this article

Anthony William, Creator of the Worldwide Celery Juice Movement and #1 New York Times Bestselling Author - "Healer Medium: Cleanse for Health", "Healing Medium: Liver Help" , "The Healing Medium: The Most Helpful Foods" , "Healerth Medium", < em>“The Healing Medium: Thyroid Healing gland”, “Celery Juice” and “Brain Saver” (not yet translated into Bulgarian), was born with the unique ability to converse with the Spirit of Compassion, which provides him with extremely accurate health information ahead of its time.

This blog, its content and all related materials are presented for informational purposes only and are not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, treatment or prescription. Nothing contained in or accessible from this blog should be considered medical advice, diagnosis, treatment or prescription, nor a promise of benefits, claim of cure, legal guarantee or guarantee of results to be achieved . Never disregard medical advice or delay seeking it because of something you read on this blog or any of the related materials. Prirodnik EOOD and its team are not medical persons and do not claim to provide health services. Consult a licensed healthcare professional before changing or discontinuing any current medication, treatment or care, or starting any diet, exercise or supplement program, or if you have or suspect you may have a medical condition , which requires medical attention. The Food and Drug Agency of R. Bulgaria has not evaluated any statement, claim or representation made on or accessible from this blog or any related material. The content of this blog and any related material does not necessarily reflect the opinion of Prirodnik EOOD or the primary author and is not guaranteed to be correct, complete or up-to-date. This article may contain links to other resources on the Internet. These links are provided as citations and aids to help you identify and find other Internet resources that may be of interest and are not intended to state or imply that Prirodnik EOOD or the lead author recommends, endorses, supports, sponsor or are in any way related or associated with any person or organization related to the referenced material or are legally authorized to use a trade name, registered trade trademark, logo, legal or official seal, or copyrighted symbol that may appear in the referenced material.

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