Заболявания на щитовидната жлеза – допълнителни усложнения (част 1)

People struggling with thyroid disorders often suffer from additional health conditions that are mistaken for separate problems. It can be extremely daunting for anyone to receive multiple diagnoses. Not only are you oppressed by the feeling that something is wrong with you and you can't heal, but at the same time you live with the fear that something else will happen to you - the fear that if you are diagnosed with an autoimmune thyroid disease, that makes you prone to developing other autoimmune diseases.

Don't let these worries weigh on your mind anymore. The reality is that EBV is behind so many health problems - many of them autoimmune - that there is an extremely good chance that these are not many separate, unrelated symptoms and conditions, but rather that they all come from the same source. All conditions caused by EBV, including chronic fatigue syndrome , rheumatoid arthritis, Lyme disease, fibromyalgia, and lupus, usually coexist with thyroid problems because they are caused by the same virus. In a series of articles about the thyroid gland , we've provided you with information on how to get rid of the virus, learn about the tools you need to address the real root of your problem, and finally get on with your life.

Let's look at some of the most common conditions that accompany thyroid problems. Remember that these are not the standard answers you will find from other sources.

Perimenopause and menopause

Hot flashes, weight gain , hair loss, memory loss, fatigue, brain fog —there is still confusion about whether to attribute them to thyroid disease or menopause. A woman may receive a diagnosis of "physical changes" along with or instead of a thyroid diagnosis, and in both cases she feels that her body is rebelling and starting to age.

The truth is that these symptoms are not due to thyroid dysfunction, hormonal transition, or aging. In most cases the cause is EBV - in the thyroid articles you read about how the virus is able to create all these symptoms. It is also possible that exposure to radiation or pesticides can contribute to the discomfort classically associated with menopause.

As Anthony William details in the revised and expanded edition of The Healing Medium , menopause should not be thought of as a painful, uncomfortable process that marks the beginning of delayed aging. It just so happened that in the past the incubation period of EBV, when it began to infect the thyroid gland and cause symptoms, coincided with the time when a woman's period began to stop, and this coincidence was mistaken for causation investigative relationship. These days, with the emergence of more aggressive and faster-growing strains of EBV , women develop hypothyroidism earlier, and it is no longer unusual for 25-year-old women or even college students to be diagnosed with perimenopause. It's a mistake that leaves so many young women with an identity crisis, feeling like they're aging prematurely, when in fact the problem is viral and, most of all, manageable.

Infertility, miscarriage and pregnancy complications

There is a serious misconception among leaders in the thyroid health movement that hypothyroidism causes problems such as miscarriage, infertility, preeclampsia, and low birth weight. There is even a theory that a mother's hypothyroidism may contribute to the development of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in a child in the womb. For years to come, anything pregnancy-related that is compromised on almost any level will be blamed on the mother's thyroid gland. Conventional doctors will join the alternative medical community in this thinking, and while this theory may seem advanced, it distracts from the truth of what is causing all these problems. If the medical community still doesn't understand how thyroid disease really works, how can they make a solid connection between it and pregnancy problems?

If you've heard that hypothyroidism is to blame for your miscarriage, problems conceiving, or a difficult pregnancy or birth and it's stressed you out in some way, don't get discouraged. There is a very real explanation for what you've been through, and it's not your fault. Yes, hypothyroidism before or during pregnancy is very common. This period, however, does not make an underactive thyroid gland the cause of reproductive problems. Rather, a thyroid problem should be seen as a clue or indicator of what is really going on, rather than the cause itself.

The real reason is something else entirely – something that has been under-researched, overlooked and neglected by funding for years. The same pathogen behind thyroid disease is also behind many reproductive problems: the Epstein-Barr virus . Another one of those cases where your body takes all the blame for your suffering, while this pathogen is the real cause of the problem. In reality, the thyroid gland is never responsible for miscarriages. Its frequencies, similar to radio frequencies, support the reproductive system and the growing baby, even when this gland is in trouble. The thyroid gland is such a well-developed organ that it is able to prevent problems getting pregnant when the production of thyroid hormones is reduced. Also, as we discussed earlier, to make up for the underproduction, the adrenal glands produce a hormone mixture that mimics thyroid hormones ( though it won't show up on modern thyroid blood tests because its unique chemistry doesn't create an exact match and therefore undetectable for now ).

The real problems arise when EBV targets the reproductive system. We have already discussed earlier that in the second stage of its development, EBV often enters the reproductive organs. This is what sets the stage for later fertility and pregnancy problems. By the time the virus reaches its third stage and enters the thyroid gland - which often causes hypothyroidism - the uterus and/or ovaries have already been fighting the virus for some time, causing problems to start showing up at the same time as the thyroid begins to react of the virus. Often all this happens during the period of child birth, just when it can interfere the most.

Additionally, pregnancy and childbirth, with their influx of hormones that fuel EBV, can cause low-grade or latent EBV infection to progress and multiply. Pregnancy also saps energy from the immune system, making a woman more susceptible to EBV in her body. This means that a viral infection that has not caused symptoms for years can suddenly progress to the thyroid gland or wake up from dormancy and become symptomatic when a woman becomes pregnant.

For example, a woman who had mononucleosis early in her college years may have developed EBV that has progressed to the uterus by the time she graduates. If the virus had lodged in that organ, it might have caused the uterine fibroids, although she would not have known that they were related to the mononucleosis of the first course. Because in her 20s the virus went between active and inactive periods, and then perhaps moved to the thyroid gland or beyond, the woman may have had other symptoms of EBV, such as weight gain , brain fog , joint pain, fatigue, hair loss and dry, cracked skin. And in that case, there wouldn't be any evidence linking this to the early years of college or the fibroids, so she wouldn't know it was the same medical history. Then, let's say she got pregnant in her early 30s and started experiencing those earlier symptoms in full force, even coming close to losing the baby. Then the doctor could do blood work and diagnose her with hypothyroidism, explaining that low thyroid hormones are to blame for the symptoms and the likelihood of miscarriage. In reality, she had EBV all along.

So it's not a compromised thyroid that causes fertility problems, but a virus in the reproductive system that causes cysts, fibroids, irregular periods, blocked fallopian tubes, preeclampsia, and/or hidden and undetectable inflammation of the uterus that can prevent healthy conception and pregnancy.

The latter problem, inflammation of the uterus, is at the root of so many mysterious miscarriages. When EBV makes its way to the uterus, it inflames the organ, creating a spasm that is impossible to detect and yet can terminate a pregnancy. Such miscarriages occur most often in women with high viral loads and high concentrations of toxic heavy metals that feed EBV. ( Toxic heavy metals in the womb and transmitted through sperm can also cause problems for the developing baby. One example of this is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) – for a full explanation of this disorder, see the chapter dedicated to The Healer Medium" ).

Sometimes a woman faces the symptoms of EBV after giving birth. As we discussed in The Truth About Thyroid and Thyroid Virus Triggers, this is because the huge supply of hormones that enter the bloodstream when a woman gives birth is fuel for Epstein-Barr virus cells . The amount of adrenaline released during this process is almost as much as a lifetime of a person who has not given birth - enough to weaken the immune system and trigger EBV. As a result, a woman can experience overwhelming fatigue, depression, anxiety, weight gain , and brain fog that the doctor misdiagnoses as postpartum depression, a thyroid problem, or even Lyme disease. ( If the new mother is not suffering from an EBV infection, she may experience at least mild adrenal fatigue, apathy, mild depression, and lethargy for a short period of time while she recovers from the hormonal imbalance. ) A more active, aggressive presence of EBV also means , that a woman may have more difficulty trying to conceive or carry a baby to term in later pregnancies. None of the above means that you should avoid trying to conceive and bear children. Pregnancy and birth are beautiful, miraculous parts of life. You just need to take extra care of your adrenals and overall health to be a healthy and strong mom.

Another major contributing factor to many women's fertility problems is the low "performance" of the reproductive system. This can happen by itself, without viral activity in the body, or as a result of EBV , which depletes the reproductive system of its energy and resources. In this case, it is best to work on reducing the viral load and recharging the body and its systems. For more information on this topic, see the chapter "Fertility and Our Future" in Anthony William's book The Best Foods .

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

As we just discussed, when EBV moves around the body, it may choose the ovaries as a place to nest. There, the virus can cause cysts to form as the immune system tries to block the growth of the virus and it continues to live and grow in them. As these cysts develop, they stress the immune system, allowing EBV to more quickly progress to the third stage—infection and disruption of thyroid function. This is why PCOS and thyroid problems occur so often together.

Weight gain is also often associated with PCOS. However, it is not due to PCOS or a hormonal imbalance - blaming PCOS for weight gain is just an easy way for modern medicine to ignore the real problem. As we have discussed in the other articles on the symptoms associated with thyroid diseases, when we talk about weight gain it is all about the liver and the lymphatic system. The reality is that in about half of PCOS cases, the woman does not gain weight. Women who only have problems with ovarian cysts and no weight problems are often younger, with relatively unburdened livers and better lymphatic systems. On the other hand, if a woman has lived for years with EBV, its waste products, other toxins, and unproductive foods that overload her liver and cause congestion in the lymphatic system, weight gain can be pronounced. It's just that EBV also causes PCOS at the same time.

Breast cancer

The real cause of breast cancer is the Epstein-Barr virus . When EBV moves from the liver to the thyroid gland, the lymphatic system tries to trap it in the chest area. Some varieties of EBV, when they enter this area, form tumors, cysts or lesions. This is why breast cancer is often not limited to the breast. It also often affects the armpits and lymph nodes.

The continuation of the article in "Diseases of the thyroid gland - additional complications (part 2) .

Other Thyroid Articles:

"The truth about the thyroid gland" ;
"Thyroid diseases - how it all begins" ;
"Thyroid Diseases - Explaining Your Symptoms (Part 1)" ;
"Thyroid Diseases - Explaining Your Symptoms (Part 2)" ;
"Thyroid Diseases - Explaining Your Symptoms (Part 3)" ;
"Thyroid cancer" ;
"[Video] Do you have Hashimoto's thyroiditis? - Anthony William talks" ;
"Anthony William on Insomnia and Sleep Problems in Thyroid Disease" ;
"Anthony William's Tips for Treating Sleep Problems and Why Bad Dreams Are Good" ;
"Healer Medium's 90-Day Thyroid Therapy (Part 1)" ;
"Healer Medium's 90-Day Thyroid Therapy (Part 2)" ;
""Guessing tests" for the thyroid gland" ;
"Anthony William on thyroid medication" ;
"Anthony William on Life Without a Thyroid Gland" ;
"Anthony William reveals the truth about iodine" ;
"Anthony William reveals the truth about zinc" ;
"Powerful healing foods for the thyroid gland" ;
"Which foods to avoid in thyroid diseases" ;
"Medicinal herbs and nutritional supplements for the thyroid gland" ;
"How celery stem juice helps with thyroid diseases" ;
"Tea for the treatment of the thyroid gland" ;
"Medicinal broth for the thyroid gland" ;
"Medicinal juice for the thyroid gland" ;
"Medicinal Thyroid Smoothie" .

Material from Anthony William - Medical Medium® was used to create this article

Anthony William, Creator of the Worldwide Celery Juice Movement and #1 New York Times Bestselling Author - "Healer Medium: Cleanse for Health", "Healing Medium: Liver Help" , "The Healing Medium: The Most Helpful Foods" , "Healerth Medium", < em>“The Healing Medium: Thyroid Healing gland”, “Celery Juice” and “Brain Saver” (not yet translated into Bulgarian), was born with the unique ability to converse with the Spirit of Compassion, which provides him with extremely accurate health information ahead of its time.

This blog, its content and all related materials are presented for informational purposes only and are not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, treatment or prescription. Nothing contained in or accessible from this blog should be considered medical advice, diagnosis, treatment or prescription, nor a promise of benefits, claim of cure, legal guarantee or guarantee of results to be achieved . Never disregard medical advice or delay seeking it because of something you read on this blog or any of the related materials. Prirodnik EOOD and its team are not medical persons and do not claim to provide health services. Consult a licensed healthcare professional before changing or discontinuing any current medication, treatment or care, or starting any diet, exercise or supplement program, or if you have or suspect you may have a medical condition , which requires medical attention. The Food and Drug Agency of R. Bulgaria has not evaluated any statement, claim or representation made on or accessible from this blog or any related material. The content of this blog and any related material does not necessarily reflect the opinion of Prirodnik EOOD or the primary author and is not guaranteed to be correct, complete or up-to-date. This article may contain links to other resources on the Internet. These links are provided as citations and aids to help you identify and find other Internet resources that may be of interest and are not intended to state or imply that Prirodnik EOOD or the lead author recommends, endorses, supports, sponsor or are in any way related or associated with any person or organization related to the referenced material or are legally authorized to use a trade name, registered trade trademark, logo, legal or official seal, or copyrighted symbol that may appear in the referenced material.

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