Заболявания на щитовидната жлеза – обяснение на вашите симптоми (част 3)

Continuation of the article "Thyroid diseases - explaining your symptoms (part 2)" .

Increased sensitivity to cold

The tendency to "freeze" and the need to wear extra clothes to keep warm is due to the high level of viral neurotoxins in the body, which make your nerves sensitive to cold temperatures. This is often mistaken for a metabolic problem when it is actually a sensitive nerve problem.

Cold hands and feet

When you often feel that your extremities are cold, it is the viral neurotoxins causing the nerves to be sensitive to cold temperatures, as well as the sluggish liver causing the circulation problem.


Chronic chills and shivering that are not related to a cold, flu, overheating, or dehydration are signs that your immune system is fighting an EBV infection in organs too deep for doctors to detect with a blood test .

Hot flashes and night sweats

Hot flashes and night sweats are due to a toxic liver, not the thyroid or menopause. These symptoms have nothing to do with hormones. Here's what actually happens: When the liver is filled with toxins, such as viral poisons, heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, and even old stockpiles of prescription medications, it becomes overloaded and starts to heat up, and the body starts trying to cool down As part of this process, heat is expelled from the liver and travels through the body, giving you the unpleasant feeling of overheating. This is a very common experience in both women and men, although due to clichés, hot flashes in men are not usually defined as such. Instead, they are often called "work sweats" or "nervous sweats."


A tendency to overheat is another sign of liver heat and the body's effort to release it. You may feel fluctuating between hot and cold – this is not at all unusual and is related to the body's struggle to cool down and draw energy from the spleen.

Excessive sweating

When the low-level EBV viral load releases neurotoxins that contain high amounts of mercury, it creates a tense and sensitive central nervous system. These mercury-filled neurotoxins disrupt neurotransmitters and block electrical impulses, sending mixed messages throughout the brain. The result is a feeling of nervousness. Even if someone is not feeling emotionally nervous, the body gets a message to go into an anxiety response and this prompts the production of extra sweat.

Fluctuations in body temperature

If your GP or specialist has diagnosed you with thyroid disease due to fluctuating body temperature and if you do not have adrenal problems, hypoglycaemia or insulin resistance, then in its mild form this is one of those rare symptoms that can be thyroid-related (resulting from low or excess thyroid hormone levels). More pronounced chills and hot flashes are usually caused by EBV, as we already explained a little earlier in the article.


Unless you have true heart disease or kidney disease that your doctor can see, these swellings occur as a result of EBV and its deposits in the bloodstream and lymphatic system. As with the mysterious weight gain, the liver, which is full of viral waste fluids from EBV , becomes sluggish or even stagnant, passing its filtering duties to the lymphatic system, which in turn retains pockets of fluid because it is not prepared to process these quantities of waste.

Puffy face and/or eyes

One of the common causes of this symptom is a form of lymphedema, where fluid is retained in the face and eye area for the same reason as the swelling symptom explanation. The swelling usually comes and goes. This is because the increased toxins in the body rise and fall as new toxins come in and some old ones are processed through the urine and other ways of detoxification.

Puffiness can also occur due to an allergic reaction associated with viruses. If your diet contains foods that feed EBV , you can develop an allergy to the toxic byproduct that the virus releases after feeding on those foods. Because this byproduct is an even more allergenic processed version of the food, you may be allergic to this waste even if you don't react to the food itself. It increases homocysteine ​​levels and inflammation (and can lead to errors in allergy tests), leading to puffiness. And again, this is not a symptom caused by the thyroid.

Swollen hands and feet

Swelling of the hands and feet is due to two causes: (1) a histamine variety of edema in which the body responds to EBV neurotoxins with increased histamines that flood the lymphatic system and circulation, and/or (2) a sluggish liver and lymph due to an overload of viral waste and other toxins such as heavy metals. Very often, a person in this situation receives a diagnosis of idiopathic (unknown cause) lupus or even Lyme disease.

Mood swings

When EBV feeds on its favorite foods like wheat gluten, dairy, eggs, and heavy metals in your body, it releases neurotoxins that fill your bloodstream, disrupt neurotransmitters, and leave you feeling down. As a result, your mood may drop until the virus stops feeding and your vitality returns.

These mood swings can stress the adrenal glands, which puts stress on the liver and pancreas. Additionally, viral debris in the bloodstream can even disrupt your blood sugar levels to the point of hypoglycemia, which further contributes to mood swings, creating a vicious cycle until you crack the EBV code and figure out how to stop feeding the virus. This hypoglycemia may be a mild version that goes undiagnosed. It is also possible that these mood problems can lead to a misdiagnosis of bipolar disorder.

You can read more about mood swings in the article: "Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)" .


In women, this symptom is almost always attributed to a hormonal problem. Here's what actually happens: When EBV neurotoxins disrupt the neurotransmitters in the brain, it usually leads to irritability and even inexplicable anger or sadness, which in most women leads to a diagnosis of depression. When this neurotoxin activity is accompanied by a toxic, sluggish liver, irritability can increase. And if you have particularly large deposits of heavy metals such as mercury in the brain, this symptom can be severe.


Too many people are convinced that their anxiety is behind their health problems. They are told that if they learn to control their worries, they will be much better off. In fact, it's just the opposite! Almost the entire anxiety epidemic is due to physical health problems. When anxiety is not alone and accompanies other symptoms on this list, at least part of that physical cause is usually the large amount of EBV neurotoxins that saturate and inflame the vagus nerve (which runs to the brain), along with elevated levels of toxic heavy metals.

While emotional trauma can cause anxiety in and of itself, that anxiety often lingers even after the trauma is long gone and becomes chronic due to the vicious cycle of EBV—anxious periods trigger rushes of fear-based adrenaline that fuels the virus. and this in turn releases an abundance of neurotoxins that perpetuate anxiety.


Like anxiety, depression is often identified as the cause of someone's physical suffering, when the truth is that depression can be traced back to physical origins. Depression is not a sign of weakness of mind or character; it is a very real symptom that can give you important insight into your health. If depression accompanies other symptoms from this list, the likely culprit is EBV . When EBV feeds on large amounts of toxic heavy metals in your body, the resulting high levels of neurotoxic waste saturate the brain, altering and impairing the functioning of neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin, leading to a depressed state. This means that depression is not something that someone can "snap out of" or wish away, although you can certainly find relief from it by detoxifying the virus along with its food (including heavy metals) and waste. . For more information on depression, see the chapter dedicated to it in the book The Healing Medium .


Feeling unable to calm down or relax is often due again to EBV neurotoxins . If these poisons are found in your organs, they can create an allergic sensation that manifests itself in physical discomfort such as anxiety, restlessness, and a feeling of not being able to find your place.

Restless legs

Restless legs syndrome, often diagnosed as idiopathic, mysterious anxiety, is actually caused by high levels of toxic heavy metals and increased viral load in the brain or other areas of the nervous system. This neurological symptom, which often interferes with sleep, occurs when these heavy metals and EBV neurotoxins interfere with neurotransmitters and neurons, causing electrical impulses to take paths they shouldn't, effectively short-circuiting them. . Received messages that have gone awry can create the unpleasant sensation in the legs or even cause restless hands or a restless torso.

Pains and sufferings

Very often, EBV neurotoxins cause pain throughout the body. When combined with the dermatotoxins of EBV, the result can be psoriatic arthritis – joint pain from the neurotoxins combined with skin psoriasis from the dermatotoxins.

Headache and migraine

When EBV produces neurotoxins, they often travel to the brain, where they interfere with electrical impulses, which can cause headaches. If you have a really high EBV viral load plus toxic heavy metals in your body, then they can trigger migraines as a result of the EBV inflaming the phrenic and/or vagus nerves . When you also have the shingles virus (it's possible to have both shingles and a thyroid virus), it can cause inflammation of the trigeminal nerve, causing migraines affecting the ear, jaw, face, or side of the head. (For a more detailed overview of migraine, see the chapter on it in the book The Healing Medium ).

Pain in the joints

Often, late-stage EBV specifically attacks the joints, cartilage, and/or connective tissue, inflaming the nerves in those areas as it works. The result is stiff, painful, swollen or even deformed joints (as in rheumatoid arthritis).

Muscle spasms

A liver that has become sluggish and fatty due to EBV and other factors such as pesticides, antibiotics, other pharmaceuticals, toxic chemicals, unproductive food and toxic heavy metals can contribute to magnesium, potassium, glucose and glycogen deficiency as the liver the liver is meant to be their reservoir, and when weakened, loses its ability to retain them. All of these nutrients nourish the muscles, so their deficiency can lead to cramps.

Muscle weakness

Muscle weakness is part of the neurological fatigue we mentioned earlier in the article. When EBV neurotoxins enter the brain, they can cause a very mild, undetectable encephalitis (inflammation of the brain) that affects the nervous system and weakens the muscles. In many cases, your doctor will misdiagnose it as multiple sclerosis (MS) or Lyme disease. When someone has adrenal and neurological fatigue at the same time, this weakness can get worse. However, this symptom can also occur as a result of neurological fatigue alone.

Tingling and tingling

When EBV neurotoxins inflame the nerves, numbness and tingling can occur. If these symptoms appear in the area of ​​the tongue or face, it means that the vagus nerve is inflamed . If they are in the palms or up the arms, the frenetic nerves that pass through the chest are inflamed. If the tingling and/or tingling occurs in the legs and feet, the neurotoxins are inflaming the pudendal nerve, tibial nerve, and/or sciatic nerve. Although it is often mistaken for neuropathy or even a transient ischemic attack (TIA), this symptom rarely results in permanent nerve damage.

Tics and spasms

When EBV feeds on mercury and as a result releases neurotoxins high in the byproduct methylmercury, these neurotoxins cause a short-circuit of neurotransmitters in the brain, reducing the strength of neurons and interfering with electrical impulses in the brain. These neurotoxins also deplete magnesium, sodium, glucose, glycogen, and vitamin B12 levels to the point of severe nervous system deficiency that cannot yet be detected by blood tests.

Shaking hands

EBV neurotoxins absorb and scatter neurotransmitters, which can eventually lead to neurotransmitter deficiency, which in turn causes the symptom of shaky hands. This symptom is often accompanied by a higher level of toxic heavy metals, which is sometimes misdiagnosed as a sign of Parkinson's disease . Deficiency of neurotransmitters can also occur as a result of EBV neurotoxins, mostly mercury-based, which cause the adrenal glands to become overactive, and excess adrenaline can burn out neurotransmitters.

Palpitations, ectopic heart rhythm, arrhythmia

Very often, mysterious palpitations, skipping beats, and irregular heartbeats do not originate in the heart. Instead, we should turn to the Epstein-Barr virus and its effects on the liver. Exactly! EBV byproducts and viral corpses form a sticky, jelly-like sludge that accumulates in the liver until the organ becomes oversaturated, at which point the substance begins to break down and is absorbed into the heart. As a result, heart valves, especially the mitral valve, can become clogged with the buildup and begin to stick together instead of allowing blood to flow freely.

Palpitations can also occur as a result of stage four EBV producing a large amount of neurotoxins that affect the brain and vagus nerve , leading to neurologically caused heart rhythm disturbances.

In none of these cases were the heart flutters life-threatening or thyroid-related. They are more of a nuisance caused by EBV .

Changes in heart rhythm

When the central nervous system becomes hypersensitive due to the onslaught of late-stage EBV neurotoxins, the brain's messages to the adrenal glands become extremely erratic. As a result, the adrenal glands receive different messages to either produce at full force or slow down, and your heart rate speeds up or slows down accordingly, as adrenaline is linked to heart rate. Because it is not an external stimulus, such as stress or relaxation, that causes the adrenal glands to pump harder or less, changes in heart rate can be thought of as random and unexplained. Very often, these heart rhythm changes accompany other conditions related to the adrenal glands, including Cushing's syndrome, Addison's disease (both caused by EBV ), and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Tightness in the chest

Chest tightness can be caused by EBV and/or its neurotoxins, which inflame the vagus and frenetic nerves , sometimes leading to unexplained anxiety or a diagnosis of panic attacks.

Hypertension (high blood pressure)

If you've been diagnosed with hypertension and doctors haven't been able to identify a cardiovascular problem that's causing it, there's a good chance that the explanation is a sluggish or stagnant liver . This is because the heart draws pure blood from the liver. This process works smoothly if the liver – the body's filter – is in good condition. However, when the liver is compromised—whether stiffened by scarring (caused by EBV damage to the organ), clogged by a high-fat diet, overloaded with EBV waste products and other toxins, or all of the above—it cannot to filter so well that instead of passing the toxic residues to the kidneys and intestinal tract for elimination, sediments accumulate that return to the circulation and lymphatic system. This means the blood becomes "dirtier" and thicker, forcing the heart to work harder to pump it up.

To visualize this, imagine a glass of water. How easy is it to suck this water through a straw? Pretty easy. How about a little car? Since it's a little sweeter, you'll have to work a little harder to pull the liquid up. Now how about a milkshake? This liquid is much thicker, so you have to create much more suction to get it out with the straw. This is exactly how the heart works, trying to push out thick blood, which requires more pressure.

High cholesterol

A common cause of high cholesterol is a sluggish, toxin-filled, fatty or fatty liver due to a high-protein/high-fat diet and the toxic burden of EBV .

Tinnitus (ringing or buzzing in the ears)

In stage four, EBV can target the nerves of the labyrinth of the inner ear, and the resulting inflammation and vibrations can lead to a ringing or buzzing sensation in the ears or even unexplained deafness. This is the most common explanation for tinnitus.

Alternatively, EBV neurotoxins can inflame the nerves of the inner ear, and the mere exposure of these nerves to the neurotoxins can create this symptom.

Vertigo, Meniere's disease, dizziness, balance problems

This symptom is not the result of the destruction of calcium crystals or stones in the inner ear. Rather, when EBV leaves the thyroid as it moves into stage four, it usually moves quickly, rapidly increases in number, and often releases an explosion of neurotoxins into the bloodstream. Wandering and even frenetic nerves become hypersensitive and allergic to neurotoxins, causing them to become inflamed, leading to "vertigo" and other disturbing balance problems. When the vagus nerve swells like this, it causes tightness in the chest and neck, and as the nerve passes into the skull, it even causes some very mild inflammation in the lower part of the brain. This swelling of the brain itself (which is so small that it cannot be detected on an MRI or CT scan) can compound balance problems, leading to a chronic balance problem where you feel as if you are constantly on a boat or on board an aircraft going through turbulence.

You will find more detailed information in the article: "Vertigo and Meniere's disease - real causes and treatment plan with nutritional supplements" .


The goiter symptom these days is caused by an EBV infection of the thyroid gland, which causes fluid to build up and swell. Very rarely, goitre is caused by a simple case of iodine deficiency, as in the past.

Tightness in the throat

This is often another symptom of EBV causing inflammation of the vagus nerve . Because the vagus nerve passes through the throat area, when EBV neurotoxins inflame it or when viral cells attach to the exposed nerve roots, it can create an unpleasant tightness in the throat.

In some cases, the tightness in the throat is caused by the thyroid gland, which is especially inflamed and enlarged by EBV.

Swelling of the tongue

Inflammation of the vagus nerve can create a chain of nerve inflammations. This means that the nerves in the tongue can also become inflamed by EBV, causing the organ to swell.

Problems with taste and smell

Again, inflammation of the vagus nerve caused by EBV neurotoxins or viral cells can cause inflammation of the nerves that branch off of it. This may affect the tongue and taste buds and/or the nasal cavity.

Metallic taste in the mouth

When EBV feeds on high levels of toxic heavy metals, such as mercury, and from there the neurotoxins of the virus in your blood begin to contain high levels of these heavy metals, a metallic taste in the mouth can result. You can also get a metallic taste when you are actively detoxing heavy metals and they are not removed from your body by the full complement of foods and throat supplements recommended for this. (For more information on heavy metal detoxification, see the article “Heavy Metal Detox Smoothies” ).

Hoarseness or change in voice

Mild inflammation of the thyroid gland from EBV is enough to cause this symptom. Another common cause is EBV-related chronic acid reflux (for more on this, see the article “Treating Acid Reflux” , as well as Anthony William's video “Do you have acid reflux?” ). Finally, dairy, eggs, and wheat are highly mucus-forming foods and fuel for EBV. Eating them prompts the virus to produce additional waste products that overload the lymphatic system and can lead to a hoarse voice.

Brittle or ridged nails

Zinc is one of the most important resources in the fight against EBV . The body uses up stores and even deep stores of zinc at a rapid rate - meaning it's very common to become zinc deficient when you have EBV, if you weren't already. This lack of zinc is the cause of the nail problems.

Dry, cracked skin

When the liver can no longer function properly as a result of an EBV infection, it often gets to the point where it can't handle the fat and process it or protect the bloodstream from too much of it. Higher levels of circulating fat reduce the levels of oxygen delivered to the dermis – less oxygen means toxins cannot be properly flushed from the skin. This means that toxins are trapped in the skin, causing inflammation and even breakouts as the skin tries to rid itself of these toxins. You can learn more about the topic from the article "Health of the skin, hair and nails" .


The most common cause of chronic constipation is a sluggish, fatty or congested liver , overloaded by a high-fat diet and overloaded by the presence of EBV and heavy metals. At the same time, streptococci , a cofactor of EBV, often multiply in the digestive tract, causing inflammation in various parts of the intestine.

Constipation can also occur as a result of EBV neurotoxins , which travel to the brain through the bloodstream, weaken the central nervous system and cause neurological fatigue, which slows signals from the brain to the colon for peristaltic action.

Chronic diarrhea

A diseased, sluggish, congested or fatty liver , together with an inflamed pancreas and high levels of the cofactor of EBV – streptococcal bacteria in the gut – can, when manifested chronically and long-term, trigger the body's excretory response. Also, when the liver releases large amounts of EBV byproducts and other sludge into the gut, the lining of the gut can become inflamed and try to flush them out quickly through diarrhea. Both EBV and strep feed on foods such as milk, cheese, butter, eggs, corn, canola, and GMO soy, so these foods in the diet lead to greater intestinal irritation, allowing conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Crohn's disease and celiac disease.

Loss of libido

This is again a non-thyroid symptom. Many people with hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's have a normal libido. In fact, women's sexual desire is determined by the strength of their adrenal glands. It is a defense mechanism of the body. If the adrenal glands do not have enough reserves for childbirth, then a mechanism is triggered to reduce the libido. (Men, on the other hand, can have compromised adrenal glands and a strong libido.)

Irregular menstrual cycles

Irregular periods and cycles can occur for several different reasons, none of which are related to the thyroid gland. The first common cause is due to chronic EBV infection in the uterus and ovaries. Remember that in the second phase of the second stage of EBV, the virus can enter the reproductive organs. Whether or not it has progressed to causing uterine fibroids or ovarian cysts, the presence of the virus can disrupt the normal function of the reproductive system.

Adrenal dysfunction caused by EBV is another possible explanation if you have irregular menstrual cycles. Also, a diet too high in protein, fat, dairy and eggs can cause menstrual problems.

Blurred vision and other vision problems

When you have mysterious blurred vision that a visit to an optometrist, ophthalmologist, and/or eyeglass prescription can't explain or correct, it's likely due to EBV neurotoxins in the bloodstream that (1) short-circuit and decrease neurotransmitters and ( 2) weaken the optic nerve.

Epstein-Barr virus cells can also enter the eye itself and cause damage there, sometimes leading to retinal detachment or glaucoma. The herpes zoster virus also has the ability to weaken the optic nerves.

Blurred vision

EBV neurotoxins, which inflame the optic nerve, can cause mirage-like experiences of various spots and flashes or cloudiness in the eyes.

Bulging eyes

This symptom is usually associated with Graves' disease and hyperthyroidism, although it should be noted that it does not occur in every case and that it is not your body that is causing the problem. Again, the main cause here is EBV. When some aggressive strains of the virus prompt the thyroid gland to produce more tissue, this extra tissue produces extra thyroid hormones, and these excess steroid compounds create swelling that causes the eyes to bulge. This is a steroid reaction. The same would happen to a person who continuously takes a large amount of human growth hormone.

Skin coloring

When you're dealing with a low-grade EBV infection that causes liver dysfunction, it can cause bilirubin problems that don't show up on blood tests like full-blown jaundice. Instead, the thyroid may be to blame if you only have mild, extra yellow skin pigmentation. Make no mistake, this symptom has nothing to do with hypothyroidism. It's a liver disease.

As we have explained many times in this list of symptoms, the liver plays a huge role in your health. When someone's liver has been infected with EBV for a long time, and especially when that person has also taken a lot of antibiotics or other drugs, the liver can be overworked to properly process bilirubin, the yellow pigment produced when old blood cells are broken down. Instead of being washed away, bilirubin builds up and returns to the bloodstream, resulting in a yellowish tinge to the skin.

Other Thyroid Articles:

"The truth about the thyroid gland" ;
"Thyroid diseases - how it all begins" ;
"Thyroid Diseases - Explaining Your Symptoms (Part 1)" ;
"Thyroid Diseases - Explaining Your Symptoms (Part 2)" ;
"Thyroid cancer" ;
"[Video] Do you have Hashimoto's thyroiditis? - Anthony William talks" ;
"Anthony William on Life Without a Thyroid Gland" ;
"Anthony William reveals the truth about iodine" ;
"Anthony William reveals the truth about zinc" ;

"Powerful healing foods for the thyroid gland" ;
"Medicinal herbs and nutritional supplements for the thyroid gland" ;
"How celery stem juice helps with thyroid diseases" ;
"Tea for the treatment of the thyroid gland" ;
"Medicinal broth for the thyroid gland" ;
"Medicinal juice for the thyroid gland" ;
"Medicinal Thyroid Smoothie" .

Material from Anthony William - Medical Medium® was used to create this article

Anthony William, Creator of the Worldwide Celery Juice Movement and #1 New York Times Bestselling Author - "Healer Medium: Cleanse for Health", "Healing Medium: Liver Help" , "The Healing Medium: The Most Helpful Foods" , "Healerth Medium", < em>“The Healing Medium: Thyroid Healing gland”, “Celery Juice” and “Brain Saver” (not yet translated into Bulgarian), was born with the unique ability to converse with the Spirit of Compassion, which provides him with extremely accurate health information ahead of its time.

This blog, its content and all related materials are presented for informational purposes only and are not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, treatment or prescription. Nothing contained in or accessible from this blog should be considered medical advice, diagnosis, treatment or prescription, nor a promise of benefits, claim of cure, legal guarantee or guarantee of results to be achieved . Never disregard medical advice or delay seeking it because of something you read on this blog or any of the related materials. Prirodnik EOOD and its team are not medical persons and do not claim to provide health services. Consult a licensed healthcare professional before changing or discontinuing any current medication, treatment or care, or starting any diet, exercise or supplement program, or if you have or suspect you may have a medical condition , which requires medical attention. The Food and Drug Agency of R. Bulgaria has not evaluated any statement, claim or representation made on or accessible from this blog or any related material. The content of this blog and any related material does not necessarily reflect the opinion of Prirodnik EOOD or the primary author and is not guaranteed to be correct, complete or up-to-date. This article may contain links to other resources on the Internet. These links are provided as citations and aids to help you identify and find other Internet resources that may be of interest and are not intended to state or imply that Prirodnik EOOD or the lead author recommends, endorses, supports, sponsor or are in any way related or associated with any person or organization related to the referenced material or are legally authorized to use a trade name, registered trade trademark, logo, legal or official seal, or copyrighted symbol that may appear in the referenced material.

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